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Old 2014.05.16, 08:35 PM   #154
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kuro_neko puts considerable thought into their posts

Coming out of lurker status to say that this is probably the first thing Ringo has done at all that has been somewhat stimulating - and for that I want to support it. I think it's important to understand the concept is billed on the guest arrangements - yes it has Ringo in a fancy cover (total marketing ploy, they are aware that Ringo is billed as east meets west. They are smart enough to know what is imported and exported and she makes profits from both inside and outside japan with this strategy). Anyways, back to my point, this is a covers album of *music she wrote for other people* that has subsequently been *arranged by guest artists* It's like judging a still life against Picasso.

I'll give her points for how out there it is - there is a level of feeling inspired that hasn't come from any of her other works - it feels fresh - most likely due to the life these guests are bringing to it. The variety of styles and the tone not meshing with Ringo's core fan base could be a larger risk, but I applaud an artist for making something new and not pandering to what their fans want to hear album in and album out.

Now that nippon single....that is another matter....
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