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Old 2014.11.15, 02:03 PM   #4
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I don't know if writing was ever her strength. My favorite songs of hers from KSK are Kuki and Ishiki. Both songs have awesome basslines and excellent instrumentation. Neither of the songs are strong melodically and I think would fall apart if they were performed on acoustic guitar.

You bring up Ikiru (which is one of my favorite songs) that isn't particularly strong instrumentation wise. Also if you isolated any of the instruments the individual parts wouldn't be particularly impressive. What is impressive is the melody and chord progression. I don't think Shiina writes awesome chord progressions or even melodies.

Shiina's songs that I like have weird elements in them like flutes or harpsichords. This new album for me is exciting that some of the new songs have elements I haven't heard from her before. I like that fuzz guitar solo on that one track for example.

Now the songs on the album that are like Nippon and Carnation are a bore for me because their emphasis is on the melody and chord progression.
Sorry for the long post.
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