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Old 2015.10.06, 05:20 PM   #10
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I absolutely agree on osca and souretsu (ETA that you're right about how souretsu is as powerful as it is because of how it serves as a culmination of the entire album, so play it is your call)!

Also let me say that I'm all about start with tadashii machi, end on ariamaru tomi because I'm a loser who listens to her discog in order every so often and thought it would be cool to start with her first and end on her most recent full album tracks.

For covers, Tokyo no onna, jazz a gogo, and shiroi kobato are some of my faves. A full ringo special would be cool. I can guarantee there are probably people who will tune out as soon as they hear her voice--maybe throw in one of the puffy songs, utada cover, amagasa (the tokio song) etc. to keep things more familiar to an average jpop listener?

For reference, I did radio DJing once and played stuff like:
Senkou shoujo
Handsome sugite
Koufukuron (etsuraku-hen)
Jiyuu e michidure
Mayonaka wa junketsu

Idk who was listening or how they felt though :p
ETA 2: I want to say throw on doppelgänger, but it likely won't have the same impact if you don't know where the samples are coming from.

Last edited by tsukigimehime : 2015.10.06 at 05:29 PM.
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