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Old 2015.11.08, 09:15 PM   #354
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What are people watching recently?

I randomly started a show called Code-E about a girl who like, gives off electromagnetic waves when she gets stressed? It's a good time kill and seems fairly interesting. In a similar vein, I'm also making steady progress through Dennou Coil, a better quality show imo that has to do with digital conspiracies. The cast is basically kids though so it has a kind of clubhouse adventure vibe as well that I really enjoy.

I'm also trying to start Dirty Pair, but not having subtitles drains my brain power about twice as fast. When I need something a bit easier on the brain, I turn to stuff like The Idolm@ster and Aikatsu!, both of which are enjoyable and cute with fun pop music, though I can't say if many folks here would be into the recent anime idol boom.

As for new stuff, I'm watching Osomatsu-san, and rewatching, and rewatching... It's hilarious.
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