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Old 2016.04.18, 10:28 AM   #1092
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A quick review.

9/10. On first listen I liked it but wasn't in love, but with more listens I've picked up on some of the stylistic flourishes she's inserted. I love how soft and delicate her voice sounds at some points contrasted with her more unrestrained screeching. It's catchy without being too hyper. Would love more songs with this feel.

02. Magic Mirror
9/10. I love how parts of it are almost symphonic/disney and other parts rely mostly on her guitar. The melody is killer as is her voice. Have loved it since it's release. It is kind of strange hearing it in the context of this album after listening to it as a single for months though.

03. Nama Kill The Time 4 You
6/10. It's catchy enough and parts of it really hook me (the beginning especially, when she says "baby blue"), but it's too cutesy for me, and not enough edge. The squeaky screaming seems more like... little sister anime character than crazy idol. I find myself getting annoyed with it pretty quickly.

04. Chou Shin Sedai Castellammare MAGIC Maji KISS
7/10. Hasn't stuck with me as much as some of the other songs but I love the effects used on her voice and when she leans more towards talking than singing. The song's progression isn't that exciting though.

05. Ai
9/10. The acoustic version is still my preferred version because it harkens back to her earlier sound, but I think this version was extremely well done. Again, lots of little unique flourishes with her voice and the melody. Never boring to me.

3/10. Probably my least favorite song. It sounds repetitive and annoying. I can't find anything in it to get excited about. Would love to hear someone give me reasons to give it another try lol.

07. Sacchan no Sexy Curry
6/10. Worked okay as a single and as an anime song but I don't really like it in the context of the album. Doesn't have the same feel as the other songs do to me.

08. Gekiteki JOY! Before After
8/10. I really do not like male voices in Seiko's songs lol. Love it besides that though. A lot of different elements to the song that all work well together but also sound great on their own. It's exciting to listen to.

09. ■Kkumii, ■Kkumii
8/10. I think about her saying "nyanya" at least once a day. More of that great spoken singing. Not too excited about the guitar part but everything else is perfect to me.

10. Dramatic Shisei Katsu
7/10. Kind of forgettable to me, not as noticably Seiko as some of the other songs.

11. Mu Shuusei Romantic ~Enchou-Sen~
8/10 I love this...would love to hear more music with this sound! But the guy's voice is so boring to me, especially compared to her voice. (I'm pretty picky about male voices though.) Would also like it to be a little less restrained.

12. Kyuushoku Toubansei Hantai
6/10. Another forgettable song for me. Not bad, but I don't really think about it very much. Might need to listen to it more. I also hate the intro. Fits into the flow of the album well though.

13. Shoujo Manga Shounen Manga
9/10. Joining in on the consensus that this is a great song. More of that pre-major label Seiko's feel!

Overall, the album has some great songs and some exciting new possible directions, but there some definite weaker points. I think with some editing TBH and Sennou could be combined into one killer album.
I was floating on a breeze
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