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Old 2016.05.07, 04:54 PM   #164
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Neither of them Ian Martin articles say anything particularly negative about Oomori... hell, he says what I've been saying for years, particularly in the first one.

And he's not the best person to quote from to make a defense for the standard jpop scene either man... He is quite negative to anything. Infact, he only seems to like western music nowadays. And perhaps Tofubeats, which is 50/50 for him.

And if you knew me any better, you'd know I'm almost as blah towards the alt idol scene as I am toward the normal idol scene. I do have to ask, "what money?" though. (Sure Oomori's on Avex now, but she worked her ass of to get there. I'm not going to go into that again though.) A lot of these groups that are so manufactured as you say, are putting out CD-Rs, using their time, their cash, hell, a lot of them are producing their own stuff. I doubt it makes much of a return. If not that, they're releasing things digitally or on tiny labels. There's more love and soul in that than the big budget stuff for sure (granted there are exceptions on both sides, which I'm not denying either)

I just think I'd rather hear someone's actual voice and emotion. I also prefer to hear people who also are writing their own material, rather than some dude. I do show respect to decent singers too- but it's like techy guitar players- you can be as amazing as you want on a technical level- but it doesn't mean shit if your listeners can't feel it.

Anyway. I wasn't picking on any particular act when I said it, but you did get defensive. Who are you thinking of when you write this that you want to defend? Don't say Ringo... Your first article voids that argument. Isn't the best article for all those "DONT SAY Oomori is similar to Ringo!" arguments too it seems...

I dunno. I don't wanna start anything. or maybe I do. I couldn't really say. However, I really just want to use Arama to promote new faces/introduce the other side of the spectrum of J-music while I have that platform. Is there anything inherently wrong with that? Regarding the comments, I kinda expect it from Arama readers, who, in general, are coming from an entirely different view on music. And that's fine. But it's not gonna stop me. There are other people out there who DO like to read about new faces and less traditional pop music you know. A lot of them are right here on EMF.

Good enough answer for you?


@K__ Oh and I like Cicada. I have their first album and their vinyl. Not really into the new single as much for whatever reason.

In other news, the new Bokutachi no iru tokoro. album will be the best Japanese rock album this year. I have no doubts about it. It's nearly perfect.

Also, I'm checking EMF solely to read reactions to the new Radiohead. Hope some of the older members decide to post too...
Disco! Life is dead

Last edited by deadgrandma : 2016.05.07 at 06:01 PM.
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