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Old 2008.10.19, 08:42 AM   #764
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Originally Posted by Inaudible-Whisper View Post
Death Proof is essentially Tarantino dialogue masterbation, but it never gets boring and Kurt Russel is brilliant. It's also essentially two movies in one, following one group of girls culminating in an absolutely fantastic (seriously, you have to see it to believe it) car crash and then it changes to a second group of girls which culminates with one of the best car chase sequences ever, and an absolutely fantastic ending. It is very, very different to Planet Terror.
I've actually seen Planet Terror months ago, and loved it; but from what I knew about Death Proof I thought - maybe I'm not going to like it, what if it's boring etc. because as far as I know people don't tend to like it too much.
But it's astounding that for a good 75% of the movie there's really nothing happening, it's basically chicks hanging out, and despite that, it's not boring in the least, quite contrary, I had great fun with the movie every minute. So I take my hat off to Tarantino.
Also the final car chase is totally exciting to watch and the ending just had me in tears of laughter. I do think though, that watching the movie in its entirety makes for a great build-up towards the climax... Brilliant and I recommend this to anybody who likes Tarantino in the least

Looking forward to Inglourious Basterds or however it should be spelled

Also, I re-watched Lost in Translation this weekend and it was even better this time around. That movie is just wonderful... and somehow it leaves such a good feeling when it's over, despite the sort of bittersweet ending.
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