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Old 2014.11.30, 05:08 PM   #1
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Default THE BEST OF 2014


It's that time again!

The time for us to get self indulgent and list our top albums of the year. While my list isn't 100% locked in, I am going to do my top 20 and I'm 100% sure about 20-15ish, so I'll release them over this week.

Of course, there's that one album this week that I know will have to end up somewhere on there (though I've already heard it in full and have a good idea of where it goes) so the top 15 will start from next week on when I'm 100% sure of it's placement.

I apologize for this years list being even more Japanese orientated than usual, its just that I mainly listened to Japanese music- though there are a some albums from outside that region too.

Which brings me to number 20, let's get started!

20. Sunn O))) and Ulver- Terrestrials
2014's list starts on a sombre note, with the meshing of drone gods Sunn O))) and experimental unit Ulver. What comes of this union? A really interesting listen, but unfortunately nothing that really shows off
the potential of either band.

For a release of this kind, a noble amount of restraint is shown. There are no massive "bwoooooms" to be heard here. It's actually quite a quiet affair and requires the listener to actually listen- the first three minutes of the opening track- which morphs into a slow building overture- are barely audible.

The album's last track, 14 minute "Eternal Return" is surprisingly the most melodic anything by Sunn O))) has sounded- infact, they are barely noticeable in what sounds like a trademark Ulver track. That's not to say it's bad- but it's certainly a bit of a let down for the fans going in for the Sunn O))) experience.

An album that had great potential that merely turned out to be a good listen- still one of the most notable releases I personally listened to all year and just makes it on to the top 20- it's just a pity I can't rate it any higher.


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Old 2014.12.01, 11:26 AM   #2
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Thanks for taking the time to do this DG! Unfortunately I haven't heard your #20 pick Terrestials or any Sunn O))) or Ulver for that matter.

I'd also say I'm not planning on posting an extensive list myself, due to the fact that I've honestly not listened to much new albums at all. But who knows...
Looking forward to reading any of whoever's best/worst 2014 lists get posted!
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Old 2014.12.01, 01:27 PM   #3
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Is Sunny ranked high than this?
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Old 2014.12.01, 03:48 PM   #4
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@NCORE: That's ok, I don't assume everyone has heard everything that I will be listing, and Sunn O)))/Ulver certainly aren't groups everyone will be able to enjoy anyway.

@Inseu: I'm not giving anything away :-p


I'm sure most people who have any interest in Japanese pop music at all by now will be aware of BiS and their whole anti-idol group gimmick, so I won't go into a lengthy introduction of the band. For those that don't know- just think of them as an idol group that go out of their way to destroy the idol image- both in sound and image. Unlike say, Seiko Oomori who do it with a bit more subtlety, this group rub it right in your face and have claimed their-selves the 'anti-idol' group from the get-go.

Their third album (second major) represents them at their best- which is unfortunate because it's also their official final album. Maybe this is for the best- to leave on such a high peak (well, for this genre anyway). As for the album's sound- you're gonna get quite a mix of different genre's- but it's mainly pop rock. The vocals for the most part are a bit more on the 'attack your eardrums' side of things- often there is screaming or wailing throughout seemingly chipper tracks. That's not to say there's more traditional 'idol' sounding tracks either to calm things down for a brief couple of minutes before chucking you back in the onslaught.

There's also a great sense of sleaze throughout this album, but that is no doubt the intent- BiS often showed a great disdain for the clean image that idols are forced to maintain, so they often chuck in some sleaze in the mix, both musically or visually.

As far as production goes, it's pretty good. It's nothing amazing but everything sounds as bright and clear as it needs to be, or agressive and murky depending on which track you are listening to. There are elements of trance, ska, punk, jazz and club killers throughout this album and all of it sounds good for the most part.

It is a little on the long side, but mainly it's still a tight listen.
Overall a good description for it is that it's the 'extramarital affair album of 2014'.

There's so many PVs from this album so I'll just post the most crazy one:

Edit: Pro-tip (I almost forgot to mention):
If you find this album a little too jpop, try going for the 2nd BisKaidan album- a collab between BiS and noise gods Hijokaidan. It's basically the noise version of this album- and unlike the first BisKaidan album, it plays a little more like it was properly arranged, rather than just the two groups playing at the same time.

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Last edited by deadgrandma : 2014.12.01 at 04:20 PM.
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Old 2014.12.01, 05:16 PM   #5
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Posting up an extra today because I don't think I'm going to have time tomorrow:

18. Weezer- Everything Will Be Alright In the End

Definitely one of the 'big' releases this year, the new Weezer represents 2 main things- their return to form and also some of the most literal (and somewhat cheesy) lyrics of Rivers Cuomo's entire catalog. But more on that later.

First let's talk about the music itself. THIS IS MORE LIKE IT WEEZER. Everything is punchy, catchy and sticks. There's no limp wristing to be found (at least in my opinion) and it's a great, rewarding listen from start to finish. There's nothing overly-complicated or any unnecessary experiments with other genres like Weezer have been doing for quite a while now. And damn, does going back to the basics work for this group.

But... do your lyrics HAVE TO BE ABOUT GOING BACK TO BASICS? Well, it certainly seems like it on this album. There are some moments of brutal honesty but unfortunately, these come hand in hand with some real cringeworthy moments. I am not a person who really listens to lyrics but there are some exceptions where you can't ignore them. However, they're not all that bad- "Foolish Father" is beautiful, and really packs an emotional punch, the title track is the same. Lucky then, that these great moments outweigh the bad ones and overall make the album so worthwhile.

And let's not forget the last 3 tracks (The Futurescope Trilogy), which serve as a trilogy of sorts (don't worry- you're not getting Weezer does Dream Theater or anything)- these three tracks I assume will go down in history as having some of the all time best Weezer melodies, and that isn't just me being hyperbolic.

If you can get past the unfortunate self loathing lyrics -which admittedly seems to be a hard thing to do for some people- (and it's only in the first few songs really) on some of the tracks, and can appreciate the fine music on here, I can promise you're in for one of the best rock albums you can get your hands on in 2014.

Everything Will Be Alright In The End
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Old 2014.12.02, 07:42 AM   #6
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@Inseu: Pretty sure Sunny will pop up further on in the list ^^;
Enter Cheat: Ariamaru Tomi.

Awesome! Was hoping to read some Weezer reviews but not having heard it myself I wasn't sure if it would make the cut. This is basically why I said "worst/best of" in my previous post... Worst hinting at disappointment
Glad it actually is worth listening then; Rivers' existence makes me smile.

Originally Posted by deadgrandma View Post
...If you can get past the unfortunate self loathing lyrics...
ala Pinkerton? That's my favorite album by them followed by the Blue album

I'm a weird weezer fan I suppose in the sense that I like most of their stuff; I like Maladroit, even Green and Make Believe... I lost it at Hurley(?) (can't remember what that sounded like; but it was my breaking point and it had me going "ok ok, the dream is over..."
But I've been hearing good things about this new album; though admittedly they always seem to get praise and hyper hype just for being weezer. I'm guilty of this myself too and it's always a must listen either way.

edit: I post so slow I have to relog on... derp
...and another edit: Listening to the album right now and absolutely loving it!
Mayhem, King Show, At The Gates, Opeth, Katatonia, Weezer... all that's missing for me seems to be a surprise album by a reformed Acid Bath and Rodan (ugh :<)
I feel like I'm 14 again in 2014.

Last edited by NCORE : 2014.12.02 at 11:12 AM. Reason: Slow typing
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Old 2014.12.03, 03:39 PM   #7
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17. Alan- Mo Lan

Sometimes I feel Alan gets a bad wrap. She's often overlooked for Japanese artists on her label, Avex- and she's also overlooked in her own country because she started a Japanese career. It's a real shame because she brings out some of the most poignant pop songs from either country every time she has a release. This album is no different, infact, this album is one of her best- if not her best yet.

Sure, being a mainstream Cpop album there are going the couple of cliched ballads, but even those are really well written. However that's not why it makes it to my top 20 list- there are moments on this that totally break the mould, hell, there are bits on this that are downright exciting to behold. Certain tracks on here will stop you in your tracks- they reach theatrical levels with their instrumentation (which is often a flawless mix between traditional Chinese and modern pop/rock) and the production is second to none.

The majority of this is in her native tongue- which is great because I always find her to sound the best when singing her own language- she always gets really passionate and emotive.

It seems Alan wasn't afraid to get a little bit experimental on this record either- I've never been so intrigued by an Alan album as much as this one- and this album managed to keep the listener totally engaged for the entire thing too- something Alan has struggled with in the past.

Definitely a worthy listen and definitely something I will no doubt return to again and again in the future. A worthy and most likely to be overlooked contender on the top 20 list this year.

Alan- Wei Ai Chen Mo
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Last edited by deadgrandma : 2014.12.03 at 03:50 PM.
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Old 2014.12.04, 03:52 PM   #8
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16. Shiina Ringo- Gyakuyunyuu ~Kouwankyoku~

WHAM! A tumbling cascade of horns and guitar distortion. THAT is how Ringo chose to open this album- with her most fully realized showtune ever. The ferocity of her delivery is unmatched. The woman is on fire. The gut wrenching production values only add to the dramatic effect. You're in Ringo heaven.

My heart was pumping the first time I heard the opening track, Shuen no Onna on Ringo's self cover album, and it still stops me in my tracks today. But it doesn't stop there. There's a whole world of unfamiliar familiarities throughout this album- and while it does trip and stumble occasionally, the tour through re-imagined past songs for the most part is quite breathtaking.

Whether it be the stabbing like electronic attack of Kachuu no Otoko, the wonderful Jpop of Private or the stripped down simplicity of Saisakizaka, there is a lot of experimentation and imagination that breathes new life into these (often forgotten) old tracks. The opening 4 track run to me, is the most successful opening to a Ringo album in years. The fact that it has an instrumental half way in (Bouenkyou no Soto no Keshiki) really sets it apart from any other release too, and I think it's a brilliant move on Ringo's part- especially seeing as the instrumental is so great.

Sure, with an album like this with so many cooks in the kitchen (every song is produced by a different producer), there's gonna be a few less than brilliant interpretations- this version of Hiyori Hime anyone???- but there is just so much to EXPERIENCE here that it's hard to really care or nitpick. The production is crass, but given the extreme circus-like nature of things, I think it's fitting. Just remember to bring some paracetamol with you.

It's certainly an album I go back to frequently, and deserves it's spot in my top 20 easily.


SPECIAL MENTION: Shiina Ringo- Hi Izuru Tokoro (SUNNY)

It's not a bad album by any means, I do like most of it to an extent. I'm not going to go into too much detail- most people already know my stance on this album- but I'll put it into once sentence why I don't think it belongs in my top 20:

"It's like Sanmon Gossip- with training wheels."
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Old 2014.12.04, 07:43 PM   #9
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One more before I head out:

15. The Nanbatatin- Girls.Reteru.Talk

Probably the cutest album that will make this list, the Nanbatatin's album is quite possibly the most infectious piece of kawaii death crush music you're going to come across all year. Spearheaded by Shiho Nanba (hence the name) and members of Tarte Tatin, the delightful combination of this albums sugary sweet vocals and cute indie pop definitely encourages return trips.

It's lead single's infectious melody gets stuck in your head long after you've finished listening to it, and Seiko Oomori's touch (she is lyricist of the single) is felt all across the board. The girls provide wonderfully sweet harmonies and a real playfulness which at first may come across as shallow to the unseasoned jpop listener- but given time the whole 'point' will reveal itself.

Musically, the entire album is tight as it gets. It really goes on traditional band (real guitars, drums, bass etc) sound than any kind of modern gimmicks- which is quite refreshing on such a release. A lot of the music reminds of bands such as Lai Lai Lai Team (who actually went on to writing a Tarte Tatin single) or even The Shins. The cute girl element of course is what stands out the most- and I'm fine with it. I actually find it adorable, and with a sweet little running time of under 30 minutes, there's no shame in indulging in this low fat treat.

(Oh by the way, did I mention the word sweet enough?)

The sweetest album of the year.

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Old 2014.12.05, 04:15 PM   #10
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14. Sa Dingding- Wonderland

When I first heard about this one, I was taken aback- ANOTHER remix album? I thought the international version of The Coming Ones was the remix album. But no, apparantly not.

Approaching with caution- I had never heard of the producer of these tracks "Conrank" before- I purchased it anyway- the album cover alone was beautiful enough to sell it to me. I did not expect it to be so damn good. It isn't really a third version of The Coming Ones- it is a collective of her entire career under the Sa Dingding moniker- and these aren't just remixes, they are true reimaginings of her material.

It isn't just a slap bang mix either- vocals have been re-recorded to match the new sound- there is almost an anger behind some of these tracks too- Dingding has never sounded this fierce. She's brung some of the most intense vocal performances I've ever heard to the table this time- not just for her, but that I've ever heard period. She also seems more content than ever- she's not afraid to lighten up throughout and it's nice and somewhat surprising to hear this from someone who's really known to take her image and work very seriously.

Conrank as a producer, is top notch. He obviously has a deep love for Dingding's work and does his best to bring a new light to her mysterious sound. Listened through headphones, he adds a lot of different subtleties, the sound stage is entirely open and there's always a rich bass throughout every song he's remixed on here. While not every remix is stunning, when they do hit the nail on the head, you feel it in your bones.

Added to that, is the bonus of getting the Sa Dingding x Goldfrapp version of "Thea" (which previously was only available on the overly expensive super-duper version of last years "Tales of Us" by Goldfrapp) and the track "Ami Walking" that previously was only available on the very limited version the international version of The Coming Ones. These songs are beautiful in their own way and really add to the mix.

Definitely a highly recommended album for any Sa Dingding fan, or anyone who is interested in the art of remixes in general. Now we just wait for LP4- which from what I last heard, Dingding is working on right now.

There's no real videos on Youtube, but this album PV really gives a sense of the ferocity displayed throughout this album:
Wonderland Promo
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