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Old 2009.06.10, 08:08 PM   #471
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Ringo~Bingo knows what you did last summerRingo~Bingo knows what you did last summer

Watched Blood Brothers last night then watched Bullet in the Head earlier this evening. I thought while watching Bullet in the Head that it was really similar to Blood Brothers from the night before. I then find out that Blood Brothers is a loosely veiled remake of the aforementioned movie! I've never watched a movie and it's remake back to back before without knowing it.

That said, Bullet utterly beats Brothers any day of the week.

(Daniel Wu's lips are too distracting.)
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Old 2009.06.14, 03:13 PM   #472
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After recently seeing Blindness and also The Prestige tonight, there's only one thing for me to learn from both movies: I can't possibly have another relationship in my life I can't bear the smell of betrayal that is always lingering around.
I guess this is random enough, because those movies are clearly not meant to be focused on that kind of subject. Ehneewey, I guess each of us pays attention to whatever we want and not what the movies wants.

Btw, The Prestige was good, but I didn't like that they chose to explain everything (again) in the end, as if it wasn't explicit enough. Insult inteligence much?
I didn't particulary like Jackman's or Bale's acting, even tho the latter was clearly the better one. All in all, my favourite actor was definitely David Bowie, ahah. It was so nice to see him there, I was completely unaware that he was in the movie. Also no clue about Thom Yorke's song in the end.
The overall steampunk feel to the movie also helped me enjoy it.
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Old 2009.06.23, 03:54 PM   #473
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Just watched The International. Damn good movie. I didn't even know it was directed by Tom Tykwer (Run Lola Run, Perfume) before watching, because if I knew I would have watched sooner

About the actors, I have to say that Naomi Watts never fails to deliver. Ever. And Armin Mueller-Stahl is starting to become my typecast of choice for thriller/scandal movies. As for Clive Owen, even tho he is the second or third yummiest actor in Hollywood, I can never reach an agreement about his acting skills. Clearly better than most, but some of the time it seems he doesn't care about credibility too much. He did work well with the character, but that's not surprising because it was supposed to be a bit empty (altough Naomi's was even more...). I would like to have seen him expressing more inner struggle sometimes, but maybe that was not the director's intentions.

Anyway, the movie itself is very very interesting. I love the pace of Tom Tykwer's films because there's no clear focusing on cuts, but on the overall editing. Everything starts very slow and before you know it, bam, there it is in your face. That's a very inteligent choice of progression, imo, especially when you're portraying a very important message. It makes you feel comfortable with what you're expecting/predicting, which makes you want to go along the ride and eventually reach a conclusion that wouldn't work by itself. In this case, the message is: it doesn't matter how deep you understand the system, you'll never bring it down by working along the rules of the system.

I have no idea how mainstream the movie is, nor if it did well at the box office, but I do hope many people have seen it because it portrays the most important basis of The Venus Project. That probably helped me enjoy it more, as well
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Old 2009.06.23, 04:27 PM   #474
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Glathannus knows what you did last summerGlathannus knows what you did last summerGlathannus knows what you did last summer

I saw The International while it was still in theaters over here in the United States. Is it out on DVD already, or is it just now reaching theaters in Portugal? There were maybe only one or two other people in the theater when I went to see it, but out where I live, that's not very unusual for whichever movies aren't topping the box office earnings at the time.

Anyway, I agree with your review completely.

I have another tidbit though.
It was a little eyebrow-raising for me that the CEO of the bank in The International had the same actor as a character trying to do a multi-million dollar deal with Clive Owen's character in Duplicity. No, I didn't look that up on the intarwebs - I'm just pointing out that Clive Owen wasn't the only mutual typecast between those two recent movies.
You know Tokyo Jihen is a supergroup, when you can't blame most of the members for wanting to pursue other projects.
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Old 2009.06.23, 04:30 PM   #475
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Originally Posted by ShinjiPG View Post
Just watched The International. Damn good movie. I didn't even know it was directed by Tom Tykwer (Run Lola Run, Perfume) before watching, because if I knew I would have watched sooner
I found out he did that film when coming out of another move and there was this huuuuuge poster for it hanging from the celling right above my head. I pointed it out to my friends and was like "This looks sill.... omgtomtykwer!"

But I don't know if I can get excited for his stuff anymore. I was so hyped for "The Princess and the Warrior" after "Run Lola Run", but I was even more disappointed. AND I watched "Perfume" with my sister and a friend and it often comes up in conversation about how I was the only one to actually stay awake for the whole thing. And how I resent them for it. That orgy/getting ripped apart ending is just... no. x.x;

Ooh, but I do like Clive Owen! I recently watched Godford Park over again! I saw it in theaters but I 1. didn't understand it and 2. only knew Diane from Trainspotting and Maggie Smith to get excited about. This time around I looooved it and was surprised that Robert Altman could get soooo many awesome people, including Derek Jacobi to just be a servant who had few lines and cried a lot. I'm sad he actually didn't get more lines.


Last edited by mizer_unmei : 2009.06.23 at 04:34 PM.
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Old 2009.06.23, 04:34 PM   #476
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Just watched "Interview" with Steve Buscemi. Great movie. But the last 10 minutes make it suck.
I wished they would have left that final twist completely out, the movie would have been so much better.

Oh, and the best clive movie is still Shoot Em Up

So much for wearing your seatbelt
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Last edited by golem09 : 2009.06.23 at 04:46 PM.
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Old 2009.06.23, 05:02 PM   #477
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Originally Posted by Glathannus View Post
Is it out on DVD already, or is it just now reaching theaters in Portugal?
It only premiered here in April 23, which is disappointing because that means it's not mainstream/widespread enough = definitely few people watched it (first week was #5). Altough there's probably a billion legal/paperwork business I'm not aware of, that delay the releasings. But usually the only movies that get great box office performance here are the ones that are released next to/on the original date, so... Theatres in Portugal never take risks (which is sad).
Anyway, I downloaded it xD But I'll end up buying because I collect Naomi Watts.

Originally Posted by mizer_unmei View Post
AND I watched "Perfume" with my sister and a friend and it often comes up in conversation about how I was the only one to actually stay awake for the whole thing. And how I resent them for it. That orgy/getting ripped apart ending is just... no. x.x;
I watched that movie in the theatre and it was completely packed. There was a lot of buzz surrounding the books, like The Da Vinci Code. Reviews were very mixed, but there was an interesting (and predictable) pattern: fans of the book were disappointed, while the rest was generaly happy with the movie.

To be honest, my problem with the movie is the story itself, even tho I'm not questioning the book's quality, as I have not read it. I think that, what is present in the movie, revolves too much around an irrelevant situation and explores it to death, until finally reaching the higher grounds. I have no doubt that the producers were particulary responsible for this. But still, the familiar formula is there: you have the bam in the end and you were most definitely not expecting it. Not in the "What a twist!" way but a way that makes you think "How the hell was I lead to this?" and that's what's brilliant, in my opinion.
I only watched it once tho, and at it's release date, so I'm not that certain of the plot or other elements.
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Old 2009.06.23, 05:14 PM   #478
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Originally Posted by golem09 View Post
Oh, and the best clive movie is still Shoot Em Up

So much for wearing your seatbelt
That movie was so over the top. I couldn't stop laughing at just how ridiculous it got! Especially the sky-diving part!

It probably has the best sex scene in cinema history too. That was beyond awesome.
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Old 2009.06.23, 05:47 PM   #479
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I just watched The International the other day (we netflixed it). I have to say that Naomi Watts is pretty much the same character in every movie she is in. She can portray the proper intensity and emotions and is a brilliant actress (with the sound off), but its her voice that is her weak spot. She sounds the exact same in every movie she is in, she doesn't utilize changes in her voice for her characters. So no matter what role I see her in, she is stuck in that limbo. Plus she has had the same hair style in pretty much every movie she has ever been in...

as for the movie? I liked how it just sucked you right in immediately, although at times I was battling with why should I care? Other than the corporation being inherently evil, where is the emotional tether to the plot? There was no character buildup or any sort of sympathetic storyline to immediately buy viewer's attention to the plot, so while all this really dramatic dialogue was going on in the back of my mind I'm just like, why do we care this much?

the action was pretty good. the ending was just....failure. The movie ended much like it began, it just...stops. I don't think we need a happy ending or a sad ending or any type of ending really, it just....the movie felt like it started and ending and we weren't seeing the full thiing.
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Old 2009.06.23, 05:56 PM   #480
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Originally Posted by golem09 View Post
Oh, and the best clive movie is still Shoot Em Up

So much for wearing your seatbelt
That is filled with impossibilities. Why is there a baby? How does the baby survive? Where does he get that carrot!? I need to see this movie now. It looks awesome. (Oop, I'm watching it again! Hahahaha.)

But I still like Children of Men best. Go go go Michael Caine!

Originally Posted by ShinjiPG View Post
I watched that movie in the theatre and it was completely packed. There was a lot of buzz surrounding the books, like The Da Vinci Code. Reviews were very mixed, but there was an interesting (and predictable) pattern: fans of the book were disappointed, while the rest was generaly happy with the movie.
That's strange because I hadn't even heard about the movie before. My sister just rented it on a whim one day because our friend likes Tom Tykwer and my sister was excited about Alan Rickman. But that was almost a year after its release date, and we'd heard nothing of it before we rented it.

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