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Nimh 2010.01.21 10:19 PM

Avatar is the new Dark Knight. The movie a lot of people think is meaningful just because it takes all the humor out of material intended for children.

kuro_neko 2010.01.22 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by NIMH Rat (Post 66698)
Avatar is the new Dark Knight. The movie a lot of people think is meaningful just because it takes all the humor out of material intended for children.

I'm not going to argue that the movie isn't clearly a hollywood trope, but you seem to be implying with your statement that something intended for children can't be meaningful, which I strongly disagree with.

my whole issue with avatar is I find the arguments about why it sucks a bit pointless. the fact of the matter is that the majority of people who see it are touched and come away thinking about how great pandora is and nature and war and all of that, and I don't see HOW that could possibly be a bad thing. sure, it might be pocahontas in space, or dances with blue talking wolves, but anything that makes man feel compassion for the environment and aversion to war, IMO, is meaningful.

frecklegirl 2010.01.23 08:06 PM

Finally saw Avatar (3D, no imax). It was good, but not like OMG FROTHING AT THE MOUTH BEST MOVIE EVER like all the hype I've seen. I really liked the entire middle of the movie with the cool Na'vi hangin out in Pandora scenes. Everything else... kinda meh. Especially the end with all the action, it just got overwhelming. @_@ But all the images of the Na'vi interacting with their world are going to stick with me for a long time. That was great.

justriiingo 2010.01.23 08:56 PM

I want to see a great director make a great movie with that technology.

Osiris12345 2010.01.23 10:42 PM

I look forward to seeing other movies use it myself.

Inaudible-Whisper 2010.01.24 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by justriiingo (Post 66741)
I want to see a great director make a great movie with that technology.

You don't think Cameron is a great director? Whatever you think of the script or the story, the guy directed the shit out of that film :P (and The Abyss, T2, Aliens and True Lies).

Osiris12345 2010.01.25 08:06 PM

I was going to say that James Cameron IS a great director but I guess everyone's entitled to their own opinion. I can see why someone might not like his works - especially if sci-fi isn't their thing. And I don't like Titanic to this day. Or maybe it's just because of that damn "My Heart Will Go On" song. God, I hate that song. It rivals "Tubthumping" for most overplayed song of the nineties.

Anyway, caught some of Legion on my break at work and it looks pretty generic. We were supposed to have a midnight showing at the theater I work at but we canceled possibly due to bad weather (or because my theater realized that nobody would show up). It's pretty much exactly what you would expect from the trailers. In fact, most of the scenes that are worth seeing were already shown in the trailers. Isn't it fun when you can see the highlights of an entire movie when you're waiting for your movie to start? That's Legion for ya. Save yourself the ticket price by skipping this one.

Up In The Air seems incredibly popular at my theater. It's gotten to the point where I'm very curious to see it myself. I've been meaning to go out and watch it before it gets pulled. I will say this though - after starting to work at a theater, popcorn and movies get less and less appealing every day. I never feel like going back to the theater on my days off.

HEDOfloe 2010.01.25 10:14 PM

anyone here loved Fantastic Mr. Fox as much as i did?

kuro_neko 2010.01.28 07:59 AM

what was her skill? maybe she was an amazing blowjay-er? ROFL

avatar makeup tutorial

kuro_neko 2010.01.28 03:57 PM

double post for the win!!!

I just got back from The Lovely Bones. It was interesting, I felt amazingly depressed after it ended for some reason. I usually enjoy heavy movies but the piece at the end was just almost too much to handle, with the sinkhole...I didn't read the book, I can only imagine how much worse it was while reading, but parts of the movie literally made me want to vomit. There was a point in my life (A Midsummer Night's Dream) where I thought Stanley Tucci was hot.....;;gag;;

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