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Fauxie 2018.11.01 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Lena-chan (Post 99230)
welcome Fauxie /o/
don't be afraid to express your opinions here, even though most people might not share the same opinions about her new stuff XD

And how is your career going turtleflu? (the last time I read one of your posts was about your career O.o)

Thanks. Having been a member of a well-known Prince fansite that's had its share of drama, among fans who frequently disagree over what's good and what's not, that shouldn't be a problem. My feelings about it are that nothing is taken away by the newer music. It all adds something, even if at times it doesn't add all that much lol. No point being precious about, say, 1998-2003's output. It's still there, as it ever was.

Ringo~Bingo (ver. 2) 2018.11.01 04:24 PM

There is no bad music from Prince tho?

I disagree about the new music not subtracting from the old. If the message is so starkly anti-everything that was stood for and transmitted previously, it leads you to question the overall authenticity of it in the first place. A legacy can be tarnished.

Fauxie 2018.11.01 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Ringo~Bingo (ver. 2) (Post 99239)
There is no bad music from Prince tho?

I disagree about the new music not subtracting from the old. If the message is so starkly anti-everything that was stood for and transmitted previously, it leads you to question the overall authenticity of it in the first place. A legacy can be tarnished.

There's some dreadful music by Prince. I think I dislike more music by Prince than I do by any other artist I listen to, but then that's because he just made so much music.

Is the message now so anti-everything? Actually proactively anti? Are we talking strictly musically or stuff outside of that? The thing I liked most about Ringo as far as what surrounds the actual music was her being hands on, being the boss, being a woman in control of her art in a man's world. As far as that's concerned, nothing's changed, has it? The music's just gone soft and the lyrics lack the fire in the belly, is all, which happens to almost every decent artist as they age. It's so common I just can't muster the energy to lament it all that much, honestly. It would've been a big surprise had Ringo not ended up where she is now.

Fauxie 2018.11.01 05:28 PM

I've only lurked here very occasionally in past years so not really seen many threads, but I can imagine you've already had such conversations a million times over on here lol

deadgrandma 2018.11.01 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Fauxie (Post 99241)

The thing I liked most about Ringo as far as what surrounds the actual music was her being hands on, being the boss, being a woman in control of her art in a man's world. As far as that's concerned, nothing's changed, has it?

She's literally selling APRONS, OVEN MITTS and FREEZER BAGS at her latest shows. She hasn't had a single track that wasn't selling a product since 2014/15. It's totally changed.

But it's all good. Jun Togawa is back in a big way and she has dropped the ball for me. Seiko Oomori is also going strong too, can't complain at all if you're into her really.

Fauxie 2018.11.01 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by deadgrandma (Post 99243)
She's literally selling APRONS, OVEN MITTS and FREEZER BAGS at her latest shows. She hasn't had a single track that wasn't selling a product since 2014/15. It's totally changed.

But it's all good. Jun Togawa is back in a big way and she has dropped the ball for me. Seiko Oomori is also going strong too, can't complain at all if you're into her really.

I don't really have a problem with the merch. In the TJ days they always sold all kinds of shit. We've all gotta eat. They're just novelty items, a bit of fun, as I see it, and not all that out of character at all. I feel a little more bothered by the music selling products, but it's not just Ringo that's changed. The whole industry has. I dunno, I can see why it really bothers people. Maybe I've gone soft and lost the fire in my belly as I approach 40, too, explaining my reaction. I just find it hard to really care that much. The early stuff still does it for me just the same, and occasionally a later track will do it for me to a degree. Nearly all of it I can listen to from time to time without skipping. I don't think I have many expectations of her. If she's doing what she wants to do, that still trumps everything in some ways for me, as far as authenticity. Ok, I know that's a stretch lol, but on some level I think it's valid. She's not making the music you wish she would. If she still were, would that be authentic? Evidently she's hell bent on going the direction she's going, for better or worse. I haven't lost any respect for her. I don't know her, after all.

deadgrandma 2018.11.01 05:57 PM

She's making the music I liked from her 10 years ago...

But hasn't changed it up much, just phones it in. It's old, worn out and pointless.

I just think she should retire rather than do what she's doing is all, it's an embarrassment. She never seems like she WANTS to do it, so why keep doing it?

The theory I'm going on inside is that she's just playing it out till the Olympics and will quit after that. It's a lot of suffering for fans though, who haven't had a meaty, memorable release for a long, long time.

As for the merch, 55,000 yen (US $550) for an umbrella isn't just some novelty item...

BTW, I'm not trying to pick a fight here, I wasn't always this negative about Shiina Ringo. I even supported Variety against all the naysayers. It's not just bad music (which can be moved on from quickly enough with another release) she's outputting anymore, it's her whole persona that stinks right now. I just can't defend her at all anymore, it's become a running joke at this point.

Also, offtopic but, uggh whats with the automatic spacing going on here? It's fucking annoying.

Fauxie 2018.11.01 06:08 PM

I feel like she should at least try going in the studio and making one more actual, new album before calling it a day. Imagine, that's a novelty at this point lol. I mean, I hear you. This was always coming though, I think. I can still put it all on shuffle, for whatever reason. I find I'm just not mad at her, like hardly at all. Nobody I know likes her anyway, not even the 'good stuff'. My fandom's been influenced by basically no one outside of myself and my own tastes and opinions. Maybe somebody should've told me she now sucks.

Fauxie 2018.11.01 06:16 PM

This forum is basically dead, isn't it.

Ringo~Bingo (ver. 2) 2018.11.01 06:28 PM

You're about a decade late... Even then I think we might have peaked! :lol:

@Glath do you have any historical site traffic info?

Imma go on a limb and say HF dropping was the busiest era? Maybe Variety? That was pretty busy being a civil war and all!

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