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Tokyo Jihad 2008.09.17 06:57 PM

Josh Howard don't celebrate no anthem cu' he black

(thats how he said i, don't get mad at me!)

cjhobbies00 2008.09.27 10:44 AM

Ahhh, NBA2k9 is so close, hope my Xbox comes back in time.

I'm very excited for the Nets this year. Playoffs might be a stretch, but how much fun will it be to watch these kids.

You have Bobby Simmons trying to earn his 10 mil paycheck.

Yi Jian Lian is gonna get yanked from the starting lineup after a month for Josh Boone (does anyone remember when Nellie employed Hack a Boone cause he was fucking tearing up GS?)

2 exciting rookies in Douglas-Roberts, Lopez. 1 BWR (Big white rookie) in Ryan Anderson.

1 headcase jaw dropper in Sean Williams.

And I think we're finally gonna see the Lakers implode this season. I can feel it.

Tokyo Jihad 2008.09.27 02:48 PM

I wish they made 2k9 for the Wii (or Xbox 1) =(

Poll: who will Kobe throw under the bus first: Bynum or Gasol?
You know its gonna be one of em...

cjhobbies00 2008.09.27 02:58 PM

We all know it's gonna be Gasol, cause Bynum don't take shit from no one.
Bynum Attack

Lamar isn't gonna be the one taking the friendly fire, god knows he's useless even as fodder.

What I want to know is if Jackson will go back to criticizing Kobe, he didn't say one bad thing about him all of last year. We all know Kobe is the reason why they lost game 4 to the Celtics.

cjhobbies00 2008.10.07 07:08 PM

Watching the Kings V. Blazer exhibition.

Oden really is a beast, the man is quicker than I thought and he's just abusing the Kings by fighting down low for position. His post game, what I've seen of it, is unpolished. Once he got position though, it didn't really matter.

And Fernandez...Kyptonite. I hope I'm the first guy to tag him with that, though I doubt it.

Tokyo Jihad 2008.10.07 07:18 PM

I hope Oden does really well. I'm no Blazer fan, but a dominant post-man will end whats left of this "7-seconds or less" offense.
Yao apparently couldn't man up to the task, so hopefully Oden can.

cjhobbies00 2008.10.09 05:55 AM

There's absolutely nothing wrong with Run and Gun teams. They're exciting to watch and offer the false hope of actually being able to challenge teams with a dominant big man and/or strong defense.

Hell, what I wouldn't give to see the Knicks employ the 7 sec or less offense this season. But chances are they'll end up scoring 30 points a night cause none of those bastards can shoot worth a damn.

Tokyo Jihad 2008.10.09 06:36 AM

I'm just saying slowing the game back down for big men would be better for my team ;)

cjhobbies00 2008.10.09 07:27 AM

Ha! I knew what you were getting at. I have nothing against them, but they easily win the most boring team in history award.

cjhobbies00 2008.10.14 06:28 AM


Kobe Haters unite!

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