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badtzmaru 2007.04.03 09:17 PM

Are you going to tell us what kind of creatures Ukigumos and HZMs are, TJ? >_<;;


Originally Posted by Silverrime (Post 280)
I'm considering buying a second set of her albums just so I can keep them unopened. :p

:blink: Wow, that's really hardcore. I bet Glathannus wouldn't even do that. :P

By the way, I think getting into Ringo through video games is cooler than TJ's story! XD

dawnie 2007.04.03 09:19 PM

i first encountered jihen through my friend coz he recommended sounan, but i didn't research instantly. but after a year, i came across shuraba (and i can't really remember where) and i enjoyed it. researched the band, the history etc. got more songs, watched concerts, collected little furry Ukigumos XD, and now i am here.

Glathannus 2007.04.03 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Silverrime (Post 280)
I'm considering buying a second set of her albums just so I can keep them unopened. :p


Originally Posted by badtzmaru (Post 303)
O_O Wow, that's really hardcore. I bet Glathannus wouldn't even do that. :p

For the past few months that's pretty much what I've been doing with out-of-print releases. If I took a picture of the extras I've collected, you'd want to believe the picture was doctored, because it would break your mind to accept that anyone could be so crazy.

golem09 2007.04.03 11:29 PM

So what's next? Shiina Junpei and the Temple of Doom?

My story is not that spectacular:
A friend of mine told me about JPop as a specific genre and since I already liked much anime theme song and stuff I began searching for some random songs.
99% turned out to be shit.
(Sorry I really didn't like anything I heard^^)
Then I found a song called "Tsumi to batsu". That made my day. Such a beautiful song...
I gathered more.
Dadamm, now I'm here, total fanboy for all times to come.

milk 2007.04.04 12:04 AM

Third time's the charm!
1. Heard "Gips" on the radio, which left an impression.
2. Years later, while randomly switching channels, saw "Meisai" PV on MTV. "Meisai" PV captured my attention...
3. Frantically copied down song title/artiste name and inserted into Google.
4. Got excited and bought KSK from CD store.
5. Listened to KSK CD. Enough said.

justriiingo 2007.04.04 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by milk (Post 311)
1. Heard "Gips" on the radio, which left an impression. 2. Years later, while randomly switching channels, saw "Meisai" PV on MTV. "Meisai" PV captured my attention...

You got a cool radio station there milk! I never heard any SR songs on radio before! But I did catch Meisai on MTV, but that was after I became a fan. :)

How I got into SR because LUNA SEA disbanded and I was looking for new stuff to listen to. I randomly downloaded tracks from Kazaa (is it even still working now?) and I thought, hmm this girl is not too bad, but her voice needs some work.

Then I saw the Honnou PV.

I was sold. Honnou is an amazing song and till today it's still top on my list of best SR songs.

I'm not a crazy collector of SR stuff like Glath is but I do own SS, KSK, EM, Kyouiku, Adult, JCHI. (nope I don't have MM.) That's it, just the bare minimum. Don't intend to get the rest of of her back catalogue either because I have space issues where I live :)

Great to see you all share your stories!

Tokyo Jihad 2007.04.04 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by golem09 (Post 310)
So what's next? Shiina Junpei and the Temple of Doom?

THANK you. I was beginning to think I was too old for everyone (yet I think I'm younger than plenty here.) :P

zarya 2007.04.04 08:46 AM

I stumbled upon ProjectJ.net one day and downloaded every sample song they had, and so I heard Yami ni furu ame first. I thought it was good, but didn't pursue my search. Then, after KSK came out, the sample was changed to Shuukyou and that one left a bigger impression on me, and I remember dling KSK later in the year. But my real trigger was the Ringo no Uta pv. It gave me a glimpse into her universe and made me want to listen to everything. I started to collect her stuff on Ebay, and eventually on online cd stores.

On ebay: I got pretty lucky and found Electric Mole SE twice! I had to buy it a second time because my apartment got robbed in the meantime and they left with my first copy >_<

Suzuki 2007.04.04 10:26 AM

In a topic of Pingbook...
And a friend, when she was a Ringo Fan.

ssasami 2007.04.04 01:54 PM

I used to watch Hey Hey Hey Music Champ on The International Channel with a friend of mine who was into J-pop. I wasn't much into it at the time, but I enjoyed all the crazy quirky japanese songs that were on there. Plus all the girls were so cute.:D He was mostly into j-pop and j-urban music. I enjoyed some of that stuff, and eventually started downloading from bunko.theppn.org. One episode had GO!GO!7188 on it. They played there song C7 and I thought it was the greatest thing I've ever seen, so I started dling their music. I started poking around the J-Rock forums at jpopmusic for more info on them and to look for anything else interesting. After I had bought everything GO!GO! had to offer, I needed more j-girl rock.

In looking at the jpopmusic forums I noticed that there were a fair amount of posts on the Shiina Ringo thread, so I decided to check her out. Like Migoto, I quickly compared her to Alanis and gave up on her. It wasn't until Tokyo Jihen started that I gave her another chance.

I dled the PV for Gunjou Biyori. I thought it seemed decent. Then Sounan came out. I got that and thought it was awesome, but the B-side, Kokoro, is what really hooked me. I love that song. After that I got the album.

After I listened to Kyouiku a million times, I needed more, so I started giving solo SR a chance again. I wish I knew what songs I had originally dismissed as Alanis wannabe crap, because I can't even imagine thinking that after giving Ringo a fair chance.

So now I am still Die-hard GO!GO!7188, but Tokyo Jihen and Ringo are right there with them.:D

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