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Ringo~Bingo 2008.08.20 05:25 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Yay!! I'm back to the Bronze medal position!!! :lol:

TeslaGuy 2008.08.22 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Ringo~Bingo (Post 35358)
I noticed that my rep went down from "Medal Worthy" to "Asset" was I penalised for something (double posts ect) or was it a case of too many people approaching the current highest limits, and a resizing of the grades were needed ? :)

(I personally think I should be ranked as 'Forum Commander') :lol:

I got downgraded as well. I was so proud to be labeled an asset. I actually cared. It's so lame that these things affect me emotionally. My girlfriend will give me a sweet kiss but just not care. (Memo to self: never feel at TJF...Answer - I'll try, but I would never wish to never feel)

Maou 2008.08.22 04:53 PM

I didn't even notice this stuff until you guys started talking about it.

Lena-chan 2008.08.23 07:50 AM

says the guy with teh big seven XD

Maou 2008.08.25 03:51 PM

lol How'd that happen? Nobody ever reps me other than you know who) unless I supply them with something. I want to stop that though since I feel dirty buying my love.

Ringo~Bingo 2008.08.26 08:47 AM

I always wondered about the rep system in this way..
if Maou was to rep me would I get 7 points cause that's his rep or 5 points if Lena repped me cause that's her's or is it just the same regardless ? I ask this because if it is the case then do the higher ups in the rep scale have to be more wary of repping in case they gave a new guy like 14 rep points if only 2 repped the guy ?

Inaudible-Whisper 2008.08.26 08:56 AM

I don't know exactly how the numbers and the titles are given. It must be a mixture of positive and negative rep and spreading rep? If you click on the decending reputation list, it does not give an accurate representation of "who has the most", as far as I can tell. It fluctuates too much aside from the top 3. As far as I can work it out, and I'm sure Glath can explain perfectly, it may be based on reputation consistency or a recent influx of rep and how much you have gave in return recently.

For example, Bongo is a prominent new member who has garnered a lot of posts in a short amount of time allowing him to quickly open himself to getting a lot of rep because everybody can give him it once without any "Spread your rep" message. This does not mean Bongo has all of a sudden got more rep than everybody below his name in total which would be an insane feat, merely that as of recent he has got a lot more than everybody but the 3 above him. Glath, paris and Emil I'd imagine get rep constantly off everybody for the sheer amount of universal help they provide and they tend to -- and deservedly so -- stay at the top; whereas people like Bongo, Jihad and myself likely hit rep drought's every so often when fellow members can no longer rep due to having to spread it and the names yo-yo up and down.

But that is irrelevant; don't look at it like a league table, because you don't know exactly what you're looking at. It isn't a popularity contest. I'm just trying to understand what the numbers and titles mean in terms of how they are attributed. How can somebody have a 7 and be an "asset to the community" and somebody else be a 4 and "deserve a fucking medal". Does the "asset" lag behind in title because s/he has negative but the number is high because of the amount of positive? Or have they simply not been rep'ing enough themselves lately so they've been demoted? I'm sure Glath can clear it up. Unless he wants to keep the inner workings of the system a secret :p

Ringo~Bingo 2008.08.26 09:01 AM

I'm not bothered about where I am in the league! just how higher numbers have less rating and how it all worked! as I initially said I was curious about the big rep members being wary with their love!

your right about the big three! I just repped Paris!!

Glathannus 2008.08.26 02:07 PM

"Reputation" and "Rep Power" are two different things. Your Reputation is supposed to be a reflection of the respect or appreciation that people have toward your specific post(s). Your Rep Power is the amount of influence you can have on other peoples' Reputation. Rep Power is based on various factors like how long you've been a member, how active you've been, and how well-respected you are.

It's quite possible to have the most Rep Power without necessarily having the most Reputation, as Maou has proven by being a combination of one of the oldest and one of the most active members, in addition to fairly well-respected. Some people may edge Maou out on one factor or another, but currently no single person beats him on all three factors combined. That's how he can be a "Rep Power: 7" user ranked underneath another user such as Ringo~Bingo with "Rep Power: 4".

For quite awhile I was tied with pariscombo on second-highest Reputation, and EmilScherbe was slightly ahead of us. But recently several people with a lot of Rep Power approved a couple of my latest posts. Some non-native English speakers might take comfort in speculating that my Reputation is the highest because "this community is biassed toward native English speakers", but the fact is I've been more active lately than both of those other "Top Three" folks combined. If there were enough new posts coming from each of us "Top Three", we'd probably all be gaining Reputation at around the same rate (observers would find something new they like from each of us), and EmilScherbe would have stayed ahead of me. I didn't ever expect to pass him.

If Ringo~Bingo keeps up his current behavior of being extremely active, and trying to please everyone to the degree that he's practically begging for Reputation, it's possible that he could eventually overtake me on Reputation, and Maou on Rep Power. So far Ringo~Bingo really has gained a lot of Reputation in a very short amount of time, and I'm not one to dispute whether or not he deserves to be ranked where he is, because I believe in the self-policing and dynamic nature of the system, even if there is a lot more Reputation I could be gaining if people didn't have to "spread it around". Once again this community is not intended to be The Official Glathannus Fanclub. Show everyone else the respect they earned too. I'm not saying everyone deserves respect - I'm just saying a lot more people have it due, than the amount who are actually acknowledged.

Ringo~Bingo 2008.08.26 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Glathannus (Post 36298)
If Ringo~Bingo keeps up his current behavior of being extremely active, and trying to please everyone to the degree that he's practically begging

:o ugh! what a cheap shot!! I admit wanting to help everyone but wether or not I'm repped is not the driving factor!! I'm quick to help everyone out when I'm able to!! so that should I need something in the future, I'm not feeling like I'm taking without validity!! like if I asked a person for music or a file and I'd did nothing for that user in the past I'd feel like a disgusting leech!! I already feel that way towards yourself!! all the tech help! yet I've near nothing to compensate (which annoys me)
so rather than "begging for rep" I'm just.. and this may shock you!! a nice guy!!!! :)

(this post should be repped.. don't make me beg Glath)

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