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Jonny 2007.06.08 04:42 PM

A note on the title:

At one point, I don't remember why or what lead me to say it, but I mentioned this album title to a Japanese friend while in Tokyo. Her face went all blushed with a big smile and said something (in Japanese cause she couldn't speak English), "omg whaaat are you saying! don't say such words" and gave me a soft but distinct push on my shoulder which had the same meaning of what she just said. (she hooked up on the ザーメン, zaamen)

I can't tell if this means that the words in this title thus are quite touchy when it comes to Japanese people (or young Japanese women), or if that was just her. I lean to the former however. Maybe that can add something... :-S

badtzmaru 2007.06.13 03:14 PM

I wonder, too. o_o Has EmilScherbe already talked about this yet? I can't remember. >_<


Originally Posted by zach (Post 7845)
I showed this album to several music professors, studio engineers and producers (out of duty if not fandom) and they are always in awe and try to spread the word as well. My jazz workshop instructor in college was basically choking on himself for the whole album.

ps - as an artist, I completely understand SR's decision to form TJ after releasing KSK. The act of creation is joyous but demanding, as any pro musician or producer will tell you. And an album of KSK's magnitude would be exhausting. Believe me, that album was NOT easy to make. What are you going to do when you feel like you've just finished building the Eiffel Tower and you still have to pay the bills? Go build Eiffel Tower 2? No; not only do you lack the energy, but the Eiffel Tower deserves to be unique. She's a smart cookie, that Shiina Ringo, and she made the only choice that makes sense, aside from pursuing a different career for a while. Yes, there was relative safety in joining TJ and the songs on their albums are produced like band songs, not like solo studio projects. I hope anyone that ribs her about starting TJ being a cop-out move has to wash dishes, mow the lawn, do their taxes, shovel snow, and stay up all night with a crying baby the day after they finish a huge project.

Wow, that's so cool to hear that even music professors and producers think it's a masterpiece!! *_* Coool!! >_<

And, thanks for explaining her decision to start TJ! Your post helped me to realize how much more genius Ringo really is. :wub: (Dunno if that sentence makes sense, but oh well. o_o)

Tokyo Jihad 2007.06.13 03:55 PM

...and then she released HF solo. d'oh!

(or does that whole album 'not count' again? |=p )

bebio 2007.06.14 05:28 AM

haha ^^ solo, or with some weird dude whose name reads like "cat"?

as for the singles: solo, or with some crazy pimps that play manic jazz? And someone who seems to be her brother...

I guess Shiina must like that Beatles song "With a little help from my friends" hihi :D

I think she sees this as "Utaite Myouri part 2" (shiina covering herself)... I don't remember her saying that this was her "comeback" or anything....

I totally agree on zach's post. That has also been my opinion for a long time as well.

zach 2007.06.14 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by bebio (Post 9213)
I think she sees this as "Utaite Myouri part 2" (shiina covering herself)... I don't remember her saying that this was her "comeback" or anything....

Yeah... I don't think of HF as a solo album per se. First, it's a collabo; second, a fair amount of it is "remix"; third, she didn't write all the songs. HF is more of a special project album. Which I think is awesome. Artists should release this type of album more often. (I'm thinking of Herbie Hancock's recent "mega-collabo" album, where he thought of a bunch of people he'd like to work with, called them up, and cut an album with them. It's a great album btw.)

Tokyo Jihad 2007.06.14 07:09 AM

So what you're saying is we're back to not counting it. |=p

zach 2007.06.14 07:31 AM

Strange... I distinctly remember writing "per se" after "solo album." But I reread and it wasn't there... maybe I mistyped a tag. Anyway, fixed now.

T. Jihad, I never said anything about counting or not counting it. My comment addressed the issue of classification, not validity. HF is not a cover album, it's not a solo album, it's not a remix album -- it's a little of all three schemes and therefore becomes a "project album" or "concept album." It's in its own category, and in that category, it strongly, unequivocally counts.

justriiingo 2007.06.14 07:55 AM

HF is a soundtrack which happens to be made by some gal called SR.
I don't quite understand her decision to make HF. I'd expect her to write new songs for that movie and not use her old material. I mean, even if SR did cover her own songs before the songs have usually undergone "plastic surgery" - they're usually arranged in a completely different genre. But on HF they're not that much different, just thicker textures and lush soundscapes. What kind of concept is she trying to convey? I certainly don't get it. And also, all those high end audio formats that HF is released in, makes me wonder if this is all an experiment with/in recording equipment/techniques.

ophy 2007.06.17 06:23 PM

Why does Ringo always have to convey a concept? Can't she just be redoing things because she wants to?

I take HF more as a soundtrack, not some second coming of Ringo Christ, as some people expected it to be. Great songs, some don't deviate much from other versions, but have you noticed the quality of her voice? Amazing.

Blast that shit, and listen up good

Now, to talk of KSK:

The incredible amount of instruments used within KSK blows my mind. Has anyone been able to list them all?

Tokyo Jihad 2007.06.17 06:25 PM

after JCHI, few of us expected anything close to Ringo Christ. We just expected it to not be BX pt. 2

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