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Cosmo! 2008.03.15 09:43 AM

I like Superbad because it reminds me of high school and my never-ending quest to get drunk and laid, but I prefer Knocked Up not because it's necessarily funnier, but because I just love the characters and especially the dialogue. These people and conversations remind me of people and conversations in my own life, which puts me in a happy rainbow Teletubbies Barney place.

I can imagine my oldest sister telling my youngest sister something like "You've got the good skin and the good hair and the good boobs and I fucking hate you" or "He's got bad genes and manboobs; he's 23 and looks 33; you really made a mistake" or my boss telling someone to "Go home, write down how much you weigh, subtract 20 and then try to weigh that much, maybe by next Tuesday."

That and Leslie Mann is the fucking man.

Inaudible-Whisper 2008.03.15 10:21 AM

I preferred Knocked Up because the writing was better, the characters were better, I laughed more and it had a better cast. Though that makes it sound like I hate Superbad, I really don't. I just prefer Knocked Up. Superbad gave me a lot of chuckles but it was never laugh out loud, tears in my eyes funny whereas there were several scenes in Knocked Up that were for me. Superbad's humour and setting was a bit one dimensional, and I'm totally fine with that; I have no problem with high school comedies, I just felt that Knocked Up offered more. Especially cos I'm a fan of Apatows TV shows 'Freaks and Geeks' and 'Undeclared' (Check them out) and it's nice to see his regulars pop up.

Anyway, if you liked em both and the general Apatow/Rogen crew then check out the trailer for Pineapple Express.

HEDOfloe 2008.03.15 10:31 AM

Honestly, I don't remember much about either of the two, but those lines COSMO wrote were some of my favorite parts too. I just remember enjoying the experience of Superbad more. But, yea, really great movies both of them.

Cosmo! 2008.03.15 10:35 AM

Superbad was a great theater experience. That movie had the entire audience in either stitches or shock the whole way through. The penis segment sticks out (up?) the most to me right now.

Gotta be honest, here. Pineapple Express doesn't really appeal to me. Maybe it's a grower, not a shower? I'll probably end up seeing it.

HEDOfloe 2008.03.15 10:36 AM

The part that always sticks out for me from Superbad is when the girl says "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" and then the guy's response is just gold :D.

AnnieBerries 2011.11.11 02:37 AM

Grind house

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