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FadedSun 2015.02.28 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by zeroryouko (Post 93740)
Music Station video:


Shiina Ringo's performance of "Shijou no Jinsei" is at ~18:55.

Oh, she almost had it perfect! Her voice started to give a bit at the end.

gekokujyo 2015.02.28 04:36 AM

I thought she sounded pretty rough. was on edge of seat the whole time haha

zeroryouko 2015.02.28 10:32 AM

What *is* going on with her voice lately, anyway? In the past few months she's had a number of sub-par live performances - but also some that were really good. This one wasn't awful, but she can do so much better.

The clips I've seen from Ringo Expo '14 seemed to be up to her usual standard, and last fall's performances on CDTV and Live Monster were good to great. It seemed like a lot of the less-good ones were on Music Station - the infamous Super Live incident (although I think she was pretty clearly sick in that case), Arikitari na Onna, and this one for example.

Maybe she has trouble without the live band, or maybe they process the vocals more on some of the other shows? Although to me it doesn't really sound like her live performances ever undergo much alteration.

FadedSun 2015.02.28 10:37 AM

Aside from the end I didn't think her vocals were that bad, honestly. :huh: She seems to be using a bit of a different style for this song than usual. Maybe it's difficult to sing? Who knows. We're not the ones up there singing, so it's hard to tell what she's experiencing as she's singing.

zeroryouko 2015.02.28 10:58 AM

I think her performance was good up through the first chorus, but after that she seemed to struggle a bit.

It's really hard to tell with her sometimes, though. She walks a pretty fine line vocally most of the time - that's just her style - and most of the time she does it very well. Intentionally over-stressing her voice is also IMHO a crucial part of her technique and she frequently uses it as part of the "big finish" (Tsugou no Ii Karada being IMHO a prime example).

I think that's where she was going with Shijou no Jinsei, but for whatever reason it just didn't quite click.

deadgrandma 2015.02.28 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by zeroryouko (Post 93746)
The clips I've seen from Ringo Expo '14 seemed to be up to her usual standard

Probably studio tweaked

zeroryouko 2015.02.28 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by deadgrandma (Post 93749)
Probably studio tweaked

Maybe, but if it is tweaked, they could have done a better job of it...

Generally she doesn't sound to me like she gets any "outside help" most of the time. Even the studio albums for the most part seem a bit raw to me, if I really concentrate on only her voice and not the instruments or other effects. I sometimes will isolate individual phrases or even notes and play them on a loop to try to discern what she is really doing, and except in cases where she is doing some processing for artistic effect I have never really been able to find an occurrence of something that doesn't just sound like a "good take".

zeroryouko 2015.02.28 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by mrnarse (Post 93733)

As the tweet where this came from says, it's the true "Koko de KISS Shite".

Thinking a bit more about this, I guess what's really bugging me about this photo is that I've always thought of Shiina Ringo as strong and independent and unbelievably talented, and worthy of the utmost respect. That respect seems to be missing here...

Inseu 2015.02.28 08:59 PM

I dunno, KISS look incredibly sissy with their painted lips and high heels.

FadedSun 2015.02.28 09:29 PM

Why does she all the sudden lose her independence, strength and talent because she took a picture with KISS?

deadgrandma 2015.02.28 10:01 PM

More importantly: why are KISS still around?

zeroryouko 2015.02.28 10:02 PM

She hasn't lost anything. But it's disrespectful of them to make her so uncomfortable.

deadgrandma 2015.02.28 10:47 PM

It's Grandpas in makeup.

Anyone would feel uncomfortable.

ShadyNook 2015.03.01 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by zeroryouko (Post 93752)
Thinking a bit more about this, I guess what's really bugging me about this photo is that I've always thought of Shiina Ringo as strong and independent and unbelievably talented, and worthy of the utmost respect. That respect seems to be missing here...

Where in the photo do you see that happening? Please point at the area using this Ken doll.:unsure:

kalmia 2015.03.01 11:13 AM

It's just that it appears that Ringo is taking a commemorative photograph with KISS. Not the other way around. But hey, most non-Japanese don't pay attention to the Japanese music scene. And Japan does tend to love Western music. Even if Ringo > KISS, it's probably cool for her to meet a band that was famous when she was young. She's the shizz now. Well, maybe thirteen or so years ago.

zeroryouko 2015.03.01 11:48 AM

OK, maybe I'm overreacting, but being felt up by KISS just seems *so* creepy...

zeroryouko 2015.03.01 12:08 PM

Here is the CDTV performance (from 39:15):


deadgrandma 2015.03.01 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by kalmia (Post 93761)
It's just that it appears that Ringo is taking a commemorative photograph with KISS. Not the other way around. Bit hey, most non-Japanese don't pay attention to to the Japanese music scene. And Japan does tend to love Western music. Even if Ringo > KISS, it's probably cool for her to meet a band that was famous when she was young. She's the shizz now. Well, maybe thirteen or so years ago.

Don't you think it's blindingly naive to think Ringo was, or ever will be as iconic as KISS were? EVERYONE is aware of them, not so much Ringo. Even in Japan.

But anyway, its just a photo in the end.

kalmia 2015.03.01 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by deadgrandma (Post 93766)
Don't you think it's blindingly naive to think Ringo was, or ever will be as iconic as KISS were? EVERYONE is aware of them, not so much Ringo. Even in Japan.

If we're talking iconic on a popular culture level, there's no contest. But a lot of Eastern artists should get more international attention than they do. Not just Ringo.

It's really pointless to be saying who should be honored to meet the other. That's what I was trying to say.

deadgrandma 2015.03.01 08:21 PM

I wanna hear a showtune cover of Love Gun. Hear me Ringo? You owe us one!

gekokujyo 2015.03.02 12:57 AM

Sounding much better on the CDTV performance. Glad that the vocal performance of her MS shows are not definitively what the state of her voice is like these days.

deadgrandma 2015.03.02 04:54 PM

So. I've been sitting under a rock and just noticed that Aya and Bambi were recently backup dancers for Madonna on the Brit Awards. They probably also rigged her fall haha.

Theyre gonna be more famous than Ringo herself in no time.

Edit: also, I just heard the new SMAP single that Ringo wrote (and every Shiina Ringo fan hasn't mentioned whatsoever elsewhere) in full.

Would like to hear Ringo sing it, maybe then I will be able to determine what Ringo's contribution actually was (maybe telling Saito Neko to orchestrate it?), sounds so damn generic that anyone coulda churned it out.

Still, in the favour of Ringo's bank account, it's sold better than Shijou no Jinsei. Easy money.

For those that haven't heard it, here's a dodgy youtube video:
Shitty SMAP song

And to think that the other SMAP song she wrote kinda sorta at least sounded like it came from her...

Pretsy 2015.03.02 11:57 PM

^I thought the new SMAP song was as Ringo-y as Manatsu no Datsugokusha (previous SMAP effort)? At least those instrumental breaks + ending ooze some serious SOIL&PIMP-y vibes (I can already see her and the band rearranging this in the near future...)

Inseu 2015.03.03 03:06 PM

I never thought Japanese male idols so gross until I looked at that SMAP video and see the same sex making those hand gestures and dance like a bunch of happy buddies and acting cute. Granted I was disgusted by Arashi's music videos before, but this is seriously some sissy shit.

deadgrandma 2015.03.03 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Inseu (Post 93786)
I never thought Japanese male idols so gross until I looked at that SMAP video and see the same sex making those hand gestures and dance like a bunch of happy buddies and acting cute. Granted I was disgusted by Arashi's music videos before, but this is seriously some sissy shit.

As much as I find SMAP gross too (fake tan is always gross), I'd probably be more selective with your choice of words, this is verging on homophobic.

I'm personally not offended but I'm sure there will be people on here and outsiders who read it that are :(

Anyway, I really hate being a moral policeman, so I'll leave it at that.

Inseu 2015.03.03 05:08 PM

I don't think it's homophobic, just saying male idol music targeting teenage girls is very repulsive to an average male music fan like me. Similarly, the loud male cricket might attract more female crickets, but at the same time draws other male crickets to fight him.

TeslaGuy 2015.03.03 05:51 PM

So you probably aren't a big Piss Kids fan either...


Inseu 2015.03.03 05:59 PM

I like it when the music is good and they don't overdo it, like the Little Tigers (yeah I know they copied Shonentai)

小虎隊 - 星星的約會

gekokujyo 2015.03.04 12:21 AM

Omg I LOVED the little tigers as a kid. Esp that Red Dragonfly song. #justsaying

deadgrandma 2015.03.04 05:47 AM

Nothing terribly interesting, but:
Ringo singles

So now they've made a version with both PVs together.

Sigh, such indifference I feel towards this release. I can't say I hate either song, but yeah, they are what they are. The ending of the second song just sounds like Jihen are still around with its doo wops.

If I were to give the single an overall score... hmm, maybe a 6/10? Mild brief joy from the Aside only to get bored by it before the physical release came out and a bside that didn't make me blink twice. A 6 sounds about right.

Inseu 2015.03.04 01:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I give it 5/10, bland and tasteless.

FadedSun 2015.03.04 02:27 PM

You guys love numbers.

Entry№1 2015.03.04 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by deadgrandma (Post 93789)
As much as I find SMAP gross too (fake tan is always gross), I'd probably be more selective with your choice of words, this is verging on homophobic.

Yep, that was definitely gross hetero/cis-normative. Saying "I don't think it was homophobic" doesn't make it so...

This single is very underwhelming. Still upbeat though about SR's recent creative decisions though. I also appreciate the updates on Aya & Bambi (thanks, DG) - they're great vogue/waacking dancers and deserve all the opportunities they've been getting. :wub:

Inseu 2015.03.05 07:56 PM

Believing you're the opposite sex doesn't make it so either.

As for Aya and Bambi

deadgrandma 2015.03.05 08:09 PM

Every time I see the picture of the upcoming blu ray I always surprise myself remembering that it's something that's coming out so soon. Noone talks about it, there's no hype, no nothing. It's like "Oh yeah, that's coming out..." every-time.

Maybe its for the best, no expectations, less disappointment.

gekokujyo 2015.03.05 09:43 PM

what's there to talk about when hardly anyone has seen the show? I'm stoked to see the concert on dvd but what's the point of repeating that ad nauseam? and for that matter what's the point of repeatedly expressing disappointment in the Sunny era?

deadgrandma 2015.03.06 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by gekokujyo (Post 93822)
what's to talk about when hardly anyone has seen the show? I'm stoked to see the concert on dvd but what's the point of repeating that ad nauseam? and for that matter what's the point of repeatedly expressing disappointment in the Sunny era?

You know, I was gonna give a joke answer.

But no.
I'll go a bit deeper.

I often asked the same question when it came to Variety and the non stop bashing it received for years. I could never get why people who disliked or perhaps even hated it kept going on and on about it. My disdain with Sunny really opened my eyes and answered this question for me. When you like, no, LOVE something so much as people love Ringo, it's hard not to feel personally affected when they release something average. For people before, it was Variety. For me it's Sunny. The only value I get from it IS talking about it, be negatively or not. Sure, I admit I know it's not really THAT bad in the scheme of things, but I'm not gonna sit idly by when SHIINA RINGO delivers chum bucket after chum bucket, when we all know she's perfectly capable of making Krabby Pattys.

Re: repeating ad nauseum... You may not agree, but to me, hype IS important, and when theres none, it feels like the artist is dying.

FadedSun 2015.03.06 04:59 AM

Where do you go to talk about Ringo besides here? How do you know there's no hype? Do you frequent Japanese discussion boards? It's hard for me to take what you're saying as concrete because you can't keep track of ALL of the discussion about Ringo. Not to mention there are plenty of people that don't even use online discussion boards to talk about music. What is "hype" to you? A few posts on jpop suki, here and Last FM?

Just looking at the first video of the single it has 30K views and around 400 likes and 4 dislikes. People seem to be enjoying, unlike the 5 people here that discuss it.

I'm with gekokujyo, what is there to talk about? It's a DVD. They released the track list. It looks solid. That's all I personally I have to say about it. I would buy it if I could afford it. Otherwise, I'll wait.

deadgrandma 2015.03.06 05:07 AM

I just feel that there is a hell of a lot less talk about Ringo anywhere. This used to be THE place to go for English speaking people. Now all the old regulars are slowly disappearing and I think its mainly due to having nothing to get excited about anymore. It's sad to see that the most talked about thing related to Ringo right now is fucking Aya and Bambi. I'm trying hard to find anything to clamp onto but it's just not there right now. I'm not saying she can't get it back, but Ringo certainly isn't doing any favors for herself right now. Maybe that is her plan- to reel in a lot of easy going casuals and dump the hardcore in a state of confusion and perpetual disappointment. Or maybe she just doesnt give a fuck and we shouldn't either.

I remember when a new concert DVD used to get people pumped up, and there was an sense of real excitement in the air on here (this is a board dedicated to Shiina Ringo after-all); this release just seems to be causing exhaustion and sighs of 'eh' (maybe it's cause everyone's broke/needs a break after the Jihen breakup releases, 15th anniversary stuff and Sunny?). I'm not fully judging it till I get it- but it's just an observation I've made. It's quite disheartening to me. Is it a crime to be honest with myself and make these observations? Sigh.

zeroryouko 2015.03.06 09:56 AM

Actually I feel quite the opposite. Starting with Variety her work with Tokyo Jihen seemed to slump, I think mainly because she was not composing nearly as much of the music anymore (or any of it, in Variety's specific case). This is not to say they didn't put out a few good tracks from Variety onward, or that she didn't have some great performances even of material she didn't write. But something seemed like it was just missing and I think what was missing was simply her undiluted influence. Sanmon Gossip proved she still had it.

But her solo work remained strong, and all of a sudden in 2013, with TJ disbanded, she was *back*, and all the interest I had lost suddenly returned. No, she hasn't produced another KSK, but Sanmon Gossip, Reimport, Sunny, and Toutaikai were all good releases IMHO. Maybe there is a bit of fatigue, just because she has released so many things in the past couple of years.

I would fault Sunny for being a collection, rather than a cohesive album, and I would fault it for containing too many previously released singles - but the songs themselves were good to great.

I've had my copy of Ringo Expo '14 on pre-order since it became available and I'm really excited about it. Live performances of the new songs from Sunny? Can't wait! New performances of the classics? Love it. Souretsu? Check and double-check.

Inseu 2015.03.06 11:04 AM

Any obsession with a singer that lasts more than one year becomes routine. I either take a break or move on forever. Sometimes the singer does fans a favour and go on hiatus, which gives the same joy of getting out of a long-term relationship. Regulars in the forum probably just moved on to other music, rather than because Ringo's music had a huge quality slide in the recent years.

Maou 2015.03.06 11:58 AM

^ And that post reminds me that Tokyo Jihad and I had our Tin Anniversary last month. Oh my. I've really been here for ten years.

"And the love we hold, and the love we spurn
Will never grow cold, only taciturn"

And Ringo's been on decline starting with Adult. She still comes up with some gems, but they aren't as common these days.

gekokujyo 2015.03.07 12:00 AM

I'd like to think sometimes that the biggest fans of various artists generally just appreciate the artists, and it really takes a very specific genre of fan to be on a FORUM in 2015 talking about it, as if their opinion mattered at all (i.e. myself, and everybody here).

The point I'm trying to make is, the music scene and the way people access music is fundamentally changing, I'm not sure if an English speaking forum here is a definitive indicator of SR's hype/relevance/quality of work.

WRT decline - I respectfully disagree. I think she's remained completely consistent since TJ started. Some releases are more/less exciting than others, but I always enjoy her work when I listen to it, and every single album so far from MM way up to Hiizurutokoro - I get the same fucking RUSH the first time I press play on each record. That to me is a clear as day indicator that she's still got it after all this time. We all have our opinions of what we'd rather see her do as an artist, but I don't think that should preclude our ability to see value in the stuff that she has chosen to do, even if it's "safe" or whatever you wanna call it.

Nimh 2015.03.07 08:59 AM

I can't imagine anyone not being in "decline" after producing something like KZK.

It's true, though, I miss the days of Adult. Even something like Just Can't Help It, so derided at the time, holds up beautifully.

Inseu 2015.03.07 05:27 PM

KZK is her commercial decline.

deadgrandma 2015.03.07 08:57 PM

Theres a difference to being 'in decline' after an impossible to achieve again high, but Ringo isn't even matching her Jihen work right now, and has begun noticeably repeating herself.. that's the main concern I have. It feels like when Tori Amos dropped The Beekeeper, everyone knows what happened after that...

Maou 2015.03.08 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by Nimh (Post 93838)
I can't imagine anyone not being in "decline" after producing something like KZK.

I disagree mainly because I'm not one to put KZK on a pedestal. I wouldn't call Ringo no Uta (single ver), Jusui Negai, Sounan, Omatsuri Sawagi, Ekimae, Yume no Ato, Genjitsu wo Warau, Shuraba, Rakujitsu or even Tasogare Naki a step down from KZK. Maybe they have less ambition, but the songwriting and execution were still up to par.

deadgrandma 2015.03.08 03:40 PM


Song in full. It's definitely edited to seem like the the Aya and Bambi show (70% them, 20% Ringo, 10% stage shots)

Not sure what to think of this.

They certainly didn't put this much focus on Idevian Crew on previous releases- who are just as "quirky". Aya and Bambi look like they're taking a dump half the time too. I'm still not seeing the appeal, but oh well, at least Ringos voice is decent here, albeit I can't pick out much of the English again.

gekokujyo 2015.03.08 06:03 PM

Could certainly do without Aya/Bambi, but the lights, however, are GORGEOUS!

Scribble R 2015.03.09 07:15 AM

Full Ryuukou is also available on that same channel. Man, it would have been such an awesome rendition if it weren't for the 'grandaddy rapping' half of it. Soooo close!

FadedSun 2015.03.09 04:05 PM

Didn't really focus on Aya/Bambi as much as you said it did. Most of the time the camera is zoomed out anyway.

Inseu 2015.03.09 05:07 PM

^You don't have to stare at the sun to know it's shining. If a rat stepped on my dish, I dump the whole thing rather than figuring out which part of the dish it didn't step on. :wakka:

deadgrandma 2015.03.09 05:14 PM

Yeah fuck that Uki grandpa rapping so much. It's fine on the album when Mummy-D is at the helm, but Uki doing it is (and always will be) just embarrassing.

Still not liking the amount of treble present in these songs/film production but that's nitpicking.

gekokujyo 2015.03.09 05:40 PM

Her voice is phenomenal on Hayari! I'm so happy we have a better rendition of this song compared to that bleh TV live some time back.

deadgrandma 2015.03.10 04:30 AM

The cases at least are looking pretty damn nice, same format as the last few releases it seems.

D.K.Liu 2015.03.10 06:06 AM

Following from discussions of Aya/Bambi, here are more dances set to SR's music


a_grumble_cake 2015.03.10 06:17 AM

Who the fuck are bambi and aya get adult names

FadedSun 2015.03.10 07:50 AM

Apparently they're very huge right now. They're also engaged to be married, which is a huge deal in Japanese society.


Also, Aya is a typical Japanese name, so I don't know what you're going on about with "adult names. Bambi I can understand. Aya might be her stage name, though.

Entry№1 2015.03.10 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by a_grumble_cake (Post 93864)
Who the fuck are bambi and aya get adult names

It's actually very common for street performers the world over to use stage names. Major players in the Vogue and Waacking world now include Leiomy, Inxi, etc. - likely owing to Vogue's origins in the queer community houses which bestowed surnames on the often-homeless youth they took in (names including Ninja and Xtravaganza). Many of them had no families (or were disowned), and belonging to a house gave them a sense of family and community.

Maybe the silliest stage name is apple.


Originally Posted by FadedSun (Post 93865)
Apparently they're very huge right now. They're also engaged to be married, which is a huge deal in Japanese society.


Also, Aya is a typical Japanese name, so I don't know what you're going on about with "adult names. Bambi I can understand. Aya might be her stage name, though.

This also made my day.

deadgrandma 2015.03.10 03:56 PM

Hence why Madonna jumped on them, to try take back the LGBT portion of her sales that Gaga stole from her :-p

Still, Idevian Crew seemed more special/less viral and have become a part of Ringo, has she dumped them completely or is it for this one thing?

Also, just got linked this:


There's a new vinyl featuring Ringo for Record Store Day.

Don't get too excited though, it's just a 7" of APPLE (The Towa Tei track). It does feature an instrumental of the track on the bside, but for someone who already owns the full album on vinyl- it seems a bit 'eh'. I'll grab it if I can get it for base price (BAHAHAHAHA).

Some more info on http://diskunion.net/clubt/ct/news/article/1/50256

Now waiting to see what else they have up their sleeves for this years RSD Japan (I've already seen the US releases and they're underwhelming to me)... hopefully an LP pressing of Sennou :-p

Inseu 2015.03.11 03:51 PM

Don't care much for the blu-ray cover because:

1. Couple
2. Bon Voyage, why is this phrase still used? French isn't cool. That's like Uki performcing with slogan "Sha Bi" behind his back.

deadgrandma 2015.03.16 02:45 PM

Blu Ray shipped.

Another 2 hours of underwhelming material incoming!

FadedSun 2015.03.16 02:56 PM

The Youtube videos of a few of the songs were promising.

fluffiethesock 2015.03.16 04:36 PM

I'm so much more interested in this than the past two lives. I had trouble finding anything redeeming about the accordion concert.

TeslaGuy 2015.03.16 04:43 PM

I agree. The accordion concert blew. This will at least be a visual feast.

deadgrandma 2015.03.16 05:40 PM

Visual feast does not necessarily translate into good show once converted into audio though. For example, Bon Voyage.

Accordian show has some really great musical performances and Midorin is tight AF. The only version of IMA I can listen to too.

IMO, a good example of 'less is more'. But each to their own.

Now thinking of what I reckon the worst recent Ringo live *that is available publicly* was (I'm not counting that NIPPON cause it wasn't really her fault) was that festival event where she basically let Sayuri do half the show for her...

anonlurker 2015.03.16 07:13 PM

People on a Ringo forum getting more pumped over the light show than the music these days while dismissing her best live in years.


deadgrandma 2015.03.16 08:17 PM

Definitely time for her to change her name/stage persona permanently to Deyonna

gekokujyo 2015.03.16 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by anonlurker (Post 93925)
People on a Ringo forum getting more pumped over the light show than the music these days while dismissing her best live in years.


I don't know why you're suggesting that the visual presentation of her music has to be inherently inferior to an 'accordian' concert. I think both are equally great. That is, of course, in a context where she's been putting out consistently great music to perform, and putting new arrangements on older classics as well.

I loved Toutaikai and that Re:Import live that she did, as much as I enjoyed the first Ringo Expo. This one looks like it's gonna be great as well.

Worst Ringo live for me that is available on DVD is, for me, Spa and Treatment by default, only because Variety is my least favourite album she's put out so far. And even in that I could find a lot to like.

anonlurker 2015.03.16 11:30 PM

It is inferior though. There's nothing wrong with a bit of a show when you're a pop/rock star and you have the tunes to back it up. The problem arises when you still put these shows on but completely neglect the music in the process.

Her current fanbase (whoever they are) don't seem to care one little bit as long as Ringo herself is FABULOUS!<_<

That's why I like the accordion show. It's focus is the music which is how it should be. Why Ringo felt the need to become a dime store Lady GaGa I'll never know. A bit early for the mid-life crisis I'd have thought.

deadgrandma 2015.03.17 03:12 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Well the packaging is certainly something.

At least the blu ray has that going for it.

Pic taken from a link I was sent on last.fm

TeslaGuy 2015.03.17 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by anonlurker (Post 93929)
It is inferior though. There's nothing wrong with a bit of a show when you're a pop/rock star and you have the tunes to back it up. The problem arises when you still put these shows on but completely neglect the music in the process.

It's my belief that her recent songs were written and recorded long before this concert was conceived.

Scribble R 2015.03.17 07:25 AM

the new concert has a good set list. At least half of the Toutoukai songs were great. I actually wish there was a bit of Ringo stanning and less toxicity (between all the Ringo boards) because damn.

Maou 2015.03.17 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by deadgrandma (Post 93930)
Pic taken from a link I was sent on last.fm

And this is a woman who's allegedly embarrassed by her early days/Honnou?


Originally Posted by TeslaGuy (Post 93931)
It's my belief that her recent songs were written and recorded long before this concert was conceived.

True, but I'm in a agreement both you and anonlurker. The accordion concert was a bore, but her pop-rock concerts have gone into disappointing territory. Even back in the dying days of Tokyo Jihen, the theatrics started to pick up. I feel like this concert places precedence of theatrics over musical performance. Truly aiming at being a show rather than a concert. Souretsu was a letdown, Sounan is straight accordion concert garbage, the guitar work Arikitari na Onna was butchered, the guitar solo in JL005 was butchered and HZM was such a non-factor. The first Ringo Expo was so much better musically.

gekokujyo 2015.03.17 08:37 AM

I will need to watch the DVD in full when it gets here, but I can't really see why theatrics means the songs mysteriously become weaker. It's not like she literally gives a directive to "play like shit" when she decides to have bells and whistles.

Her performance from the clips at least sound great (and definitely looked great) so. Oh well.

FadedSun 2015.03.17 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Maou (Post 93936)
And this is a woman who's allegedly embarrassed by her early days/Honnou?

Are you saying she should feel embarrassed by that photo? Don't see why.

Anyway - seems like we're all pretty divided on Ringo these days. I thought the accordion concert was fantastic from a musical perspective and really enjoyed watching/listening to it. The clips I watched from Youtube from Expo '14 were all enjoyable too - so I can't really complain.

Scribble R 2015.03.17 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by gekokujyo (Post 93937)
I will need to watch the DVD in full when it gets here, but I can't really see why theatrics means the songs mysteriously become weaker. It's not like she literally gives a directive to "play like shit" when she decides to have bells and whistles.

Her performance from the clips at least sound great (and definitely looked great) so. Oh well.

In Bon Voyage, which songs actually suffered from having bells and whistles? Ikiru? Nope. New Civilization? Nope. Tengoku e Youkoso? Nope. Omatsuri Sawagi? Nope. Was OSCA/FOUL any worse for having dancers? Nope.

You may hate the songs themselves, fair enough. But I wonder if people are just upset because the particular aesthetic she goes for just doesn't appeal to them. If you like SR's music, I don't see how Ringo Expo '08's vegasness could be distracting. The only show that arguably suffered from being over the top with bells and whistles was Just Can't Help It, and that was mostly an editing thing.

Maou 2015.03.17 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by gekokujyo (Post 93937)
I will need to watch the DVD in full when it gets here, but I can't really see why theatrics means the songs mysteriously become weaker.

I didn't necessarily say that (nor did anonlurker), buuuut... It sure feels like she spent more time planning and rehearsing the theatrics than writing/arranging/rehearsing the soundtrack. The musical aspect is more than likely weaker because the band itself is weaker than others she's performed with. Her singing sounds fine, but everything else leaves something to be desired. The Sunny songs are generally worse than the studio recordings and there's completely uninspired arrangements. You know what song she hasn't performed in a long time? Phase 1 Sounan. This show has the guy who supposedly gave Ringo the idea for the guitar intro and the guy she recorded the song with. Better play the same crummy accordion version she just did rather than spend time relearning a different arrangement. It's better that Uki and HZM take the time to learn how to fire confetti blasters rather than how to perform a better song.

None of the stage theatrics really matter to me. I'll watch a concert once and then just listen to the audio. Generally, she delivers live performances that surpass the original studio recordings. She simply doesn't here.


Originally Posted by FadedSun (Post 93938)
Are you saying she should feel embarrassed by that photo? Don't see why.

I'm saying portraying a bisexual nurse or a bride pointing a gun at her head is no more embarrassing than cosplaying as Marilyn Monroe while lifting your skirt or portraying a pink haired burlesque girl.


Originally Posted by Scribble R (Post 93940)
In Bon Voyage, which songs actually suffered from having bells and whistles?.

Season Sayonara. Depending on how far you want to go with "bells and whistles".

mrnarse 2015.03.17 12:14 PM


They're releasing an "Academic" version of the concert on DVD that has a single fixed camera view of the entire stage.

The concert filmed for this DVD is the final 12/21 performance in Fukuoka, not the 11/12 Osaka concert on the main release. Listed as 113 minutes.

Preorders start on the 25th, and it might only be sold on Ringo's site.

They mention that it was filmed using a consumer grade camera, so expect varying degrees of audio and video quality throughout the performance.

1,000円 for the general public, and 900円 for Ringohan members with a limited sticker included.

『RINGO EXPO Professional Academic 2014』

900円(税抜) 特製ステッカー付き ※林檎班会員限定

/私の愛するひと/禁じられた遊び/暗夜の心中立て/BETWEEN TODAY AND TOMORROW/決定的三分間


deadgrandma 2015.03.17 01:40 PM

What a crock

Entry№1 2015.03.17 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by mrnarse (Post 93943)
They're releasing an "Academic" version of the concert on DVD that has a single fixed camera view of the entire stage.

The concert filmed for this DVD is the final 12/21 performance in Fukuoka, not the 11/12 Osaka concert on the main release. Listed as 113 minutes.

Preorders start on the 25th, and it might only be sold on Ringo's site.

They mention that it was filmed using a consumer grade camera, so expect varying degrees of audio and video quality throughout the performance.

This is SO weird. I feel like they were anticipating the kind of complaints JCHI got for all its cinematic interludes... or maybe it's Ringo trying to regain some lo-fi cred? A weird move for what looks like the most Ayu-looking concert spectacle of her career thus far. :hmph:

deadgrandma 2015.03.17 02:14 PM

She's really laughing at us now.

Ringo. Does. Not. Give. A. Fuck. Anymore

mrnarse 2015.03.17 02:39 PM

This is something being sold only on her site for less than $10 USD. Seems like more of a small extra than anything else. It's in no way a major release, as the price and availability of it reflect.


Originally Posted by Scribble R (Post 93935)
the new concert has a good set list. At least half of the Toutoukai songs were great. I actually wish there was a bit of Ringo stanning and less toxicity (between all the Ringo boards) because damn.

Haha, yeah. The English-speaking fan community seems to have a lot of negativity lately. I haven't been to the last.fm page in forever because the comments there seem even more negative. I usually only post here nowadays when there's some news that hasn't been posted in English yet. The Japanese fan community is a lot more positive and accepting, and I spend most of my time interacting with them. I do hope that the English-speaking fan community will grow and bring some new and diverse voices to the discussions here.

deadgrandma 2015.03.17 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by mrnarse (Post 93947)
Haha, yeah. The English-speaking fan community seems to have a lot of negativity lately. I haven't been to the last.fm page in forever because the comments there seem even more negative. I usually only post here nowadays when there's some news that hasn't been posted in English yet. The Japanese fan community is a lot more positive and accepting, and I spend most of my time interacting with them. I do hope that the English-speaking fan community will grow and bring some new and diverse voices to the discussions here.

I wouldn't be so certain. I know Japanese people tear Ringo apart on 2ch for example. The most positive I see about her is probably from the Brazilian/Portugese/South American community, where like anonlurker says, care more about how fabulous she looks/how Gaga her shows are (and goddamnfuckingviralbullshitAyaBambi) than anything else. Just an observation. Not intending to stereotype.

And the 'negativity' is not really lately- look through every release thread on EMF since Adult...

gekokujyo 2015.03.17 05:34 PM

I might be just speaking for myself but I -don't- just care about how 'fabulous' she looks. If she puts out music I dislike I'll call it out too. I just don't understand why a particular aesthetic is being vilified and the music along with it when it seems to be more of a matter of taste than it seems to be about inherently bad artistic choices.

I mean, yknow, far be it for me to police people's opinions...

deadgrandma 2015.03.17 05:45 PM

It's not that I mind her look and image right now either (if you look back, I used to defend her whole broadway obsession- even supported Onna no ka wa Daredemo amidst the backlash)... but her music (on her main album) is just... repeating herself. That, personally is ultimately the major problem/most disappointing factor for me.

I also think that this broadway show stuff has played itself out by now, I'm waiting for her to do something I haven't seen already, but it seems that more people bitch when she goes smaller scale than when she goes big scale.

Guess she's gotta go where the cash is.

harry4567 2015.03.17 06:40 PM

My copy has arrived. The packaging looks fancy :P click and here

deadgrandma 2015.03.17 06:43 PM

SO Lenticular! Is it as 3D!!!!!!! as the press release promised? I just am seeing GHOST RINGO here lol

Hope you enjoy it more than us grumpy English speaking fans :-p

harry4567 2015.03.17 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by deadgrandma (Post 93955)
SO Lenticular! Is it as 3D!!!!!!! as the press release promised? I just am seeing GHOST RINGO here lol

Hope you enjoy it more than us grumpy English speaking fans :-p

Huh? I think complaining is a good way to vent feelings and opinions. And I also agree that Ringo is losing her soul (or she didn't have it at the beginning) in her music since Sanmon Gossip. But it's still way too superior than shitty Chinese Music nowadays.

edit: wait, you edited the comment! It is 3D (cheapy and cheesy technique that I used to feel magical in my childhood), as promised in the press. But I was expecting it should be on the sleeve, not on the inside cover.

mrnarse 2015.03.17 08:08 PM

Here's a Vine of the lenticular:


Just saw that the Academic DVD version of the tour is a region free disc, for anyone interested.

Ringohan accepted payment from my foreign credit card when I joined. I hope their online store will too.

deadgrandma 2015.03.17 08:16 PM

Hmm fair enough.

deadgrandma 2015.03.17 08:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
If you guys wanted any of the tour goods from Expo 14, HMV has a bundle available to order and it ships worldwide. Costs 5000 yen but you get all this junk:

EDIT: I also notice they have the tshirts and stuff too (ALL shirts are 3500 yen)

gekokujyo 2015.03.17 11:07 PM

^omg yes!!

(I really really love clothes. Like for real.)

hedgehog 2015.03.17 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by deadgrandma (Post 93952)
but her music (on her main album) is just... repeating herself. That, personally is ultimately the major problem/most disappointing factor for me.

Yeah, I agree that she has been repeating herself. But... I do think her quality has been pretty good considering how much material she's written overall.

A type of music she hasn't done yet that I'd love to hear her take on would be 80's electronic. Something like Depeche Mode or Eurythmics "Here Comes the Rain Again" type stuff.

gekokujyo 2015.03.17 11:57 PM

^ Yes, like a concept album of sorts. The synth or electronic equivalent of Heisei fuuzoku (maybe sans rehashed old songs -- though I certainly wouldn't mind them rearranged and self-covered).

mrnarse 2015.03.18 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by deadgrandma (Post 93960)
If you guys wanted any of the tour goods from Expo 14, HMV has a bundle available to order and it ships worldwide. Costs 5000 yen but you get all this junk:

EDIT: I also notice they have the tshirts and stuff too (ALL shirts are 3500 yen)

That is the Ariamaru Tomi Box. I think it's actually pretty small, so everything inside it is postcard sized or smaller. Here it is next to some other goods:


And with the contents:

deadgrandma 2015.03.18 01:18 AM

Ordered 3 tshirts for friends. Can't beat being able to get official goods from overseas this easy. They already shipped em too...

deadgrandma 2015.03.18 05:01 PM

So, it's arrived. It is what it is. People who liked the previews are gonna eat it up. People with concerns over the previews, are gonna carry those same concerns through the entire show. The Blu Ray audio is pretty clean but has nothing on other releases, even EXPO 08 or Bon Voyage. Hope you like Aya and Bambi, cause they're spotlight stealers. Can't say much more than this right now. I will watch it a couple times before I decide with 100% certainty if this was worth the cash.

More than anything. I hope that this is the end of the Sunny era of with the release of EXPO 14.

Anything else next Ringo, just rip off Goldfrapp or something. Hell, just fucking release Reimport part 2. Get Otomo Yoshihide to partner up with you again, that was amazing :-p

Inseu 2015.03.19 03:33 AM

Another getting the academic version other than Turtlefu?

deadgrandma 2015.03.19 03:59 AM

Probably not, cause by time I go through all the deputy shit (I don't think it's shipping international), it will cost almost as much as the real DVD.

Though that damn collector demon keeps whispering in my ear...

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