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zach 2007.06.25 07:24 AM

You have a good point. My analogy was admittedly too strong. But I think you've gone a bit too far the opposite direction. No two teammates (humans) could ever hope to be so perfectly, symmetrically complementary as are the mirrored tracks of KSK. And although each song can stand on its own, their meaning decreases significantly out of the _carefully designed context_ in which they were deliberately created. Somewhere between our analogies lies the truth.

And if I'm hearing it right, the second chord (Db7) in the progression does contain a Cb, and you're right, it's awesome. I'd probably choose that one or the Fb that happens repeatedly in the melody. *realizes he's revealing his huge music nerdism and shuts up*

waxringo 2007.06.27 08:08 PM

I love love love love love souretsu.
in second place, shuukyou

i love the arrangements and the layering...

NCORE 2007.10.16 07:33 AM

Yattsuke Shigoto gets my vote.. :O
followed by Souretsu and Ishiki

RollOverHobo 2007.10.16 05:38 PM

Okonomi de....it would have otherwise gone to Odaiji ni if I had been more annoyed by the "Yokohama" train annoncement....at first it was cute but the more I listen it the more annoying it gets......
honorable mentions to yattsuke shiigoto (i never think of the song but when it comes on I can't not listen to it) and torikoshi kuro

kagura 2007.10.17 06:03 AM

Ara? Could it possibly be that I'm the one who voted for Poltergeist?
Meisai and Torikoshi Kurou - next

Canto 2007.10.17 09:20 AM

I think the "yokohama" thing in Okonomide is intented to be annoying. It reveals that our life (even sexual intercourses) was wrapped by countless symbols of 'backgrounds'.

matan-san 2012.04.09 08:04 AM

I accidently voted for Kuki but my no.1 is Shuukyou (Kuki is close 2nd).
I must admit that I never really liked the KSK ver. of Souretsu, I feel the mix is too cluttered. I much prefer the more stripped down (compared to the original) arrangement of Domestic Virgin Line.

manwonman 2012.07.22 01:36 AM

Difficult, but I had to go with Yattsuke Shigoto. The instrumental reminds me of Tom and Jerry, and I love that the song falls in between Odaiji ni and Kuki. Kind of a light moment on KSK.

kalmia 2014.05.05 11:28 PM

I can easily say Shuukyou is my favorite. My play count on that track is ridiculously high.

Nimh 2014.05.06 07:42 PM

Why have I never responded to this?

Anyway, Okonomide for me, although Souretsu is certainly the greatest track on there (just not my favorite). Although Meisai is a damn close second.

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