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JonnoJ 2007.12.22 11:41 AM

Ah forgot to do this. Been a fan of Shiina for about 2~3 years now, first heard KZHK and loved it.

HEDOfloe 2007.12.23 05:37 PM

KZHK??? @_@

Anyway, Welcome to the forum! Nice avatar :D

Inaudible-Whisper 2007.12.23 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Hedofloe (Post 22412)
KZHK??? @_@

Anyway, Welcome to the forum! Nice avatar :D

When I introduced myself on the old forums, I think I called it KFK :D

F999 2007.12.26 09:24 PM


Nothing much to say. I got hooked after watching Dynamite Out sometime mid-2006. Generally that's the way I got to know new bands, watching lives; rarely through only listening albums, singles or whatever.

fluffiethesock 2007.12.27 12:03 AM

Welcome, F999! Nice Dynamite Out pictures ya got there!

Yahiko 2007.12.27 06:10 AM

What place exactly inside Brazil are you from? :O

F999 2007.12.27 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by fluffiethesock (Post 22545)
Welcome, F999! Nice Dynamite Out pictures ya got there!

Thanks. Man, I extracted dozens of DO's stills. The filming, editing and finalizing in this DVD is superb. Everything that had to be captured, the video staff captured. It's raw and moving, full of expression. And it's simple, with no exaggeration in the postproduction. I love this kind of filming/editing in concert DVDs.


Originally Posted by Yahiko (Post 22553)
What place exactly inside Brazil are you from? :O

Opa! I'm from RS.

Lena-chan 2007.12.27 09:23 AM

so you're near to me than Yahiko or Migoto

I'm from SC

if my memory doesn't fails we had another brazilian from RS, her nick is Lucile, I guess

Joe-Chan 2007.12.29 09:38 PM

Ello ello~ I'm Joe xD I've been a fan of Shiina for a little while, but now, I love her <3 Um, right, s'posed to tell little about myself. I've been lurking here for quite a while, but I've only managed to convince myself to join just now. So, yeah. Oh, and I'm on Guam, too, and that's this island in the Pacific to the east of the Philippines, south of Japan, and north of Australia.

HEDOfloe 2007.12.29 10:08 PM

Thanks for the geography lesson ^_^. Welcome to the forum :D

Joe-Chan 2007.12.29 10:17 PM

Thank you~ xD It's just that I've gotten quite a few questions about it, so may as well explain in the beginning. Oh well.

justriiingo 2007.12.31 02:44 PM

SR would be pleased to know she has fans from all over the world. Welcome Joe-Chan.

Yahiko 2008.01.08 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Lena-chan (Post 22561)
so you're near to me than Yahiko or Migoto

I'm from SC

if my memory doesn't fails we had another brazilian from RS, her nick is Lucile, I guess

Do you mean Luciene? if so, her orkut says Taubaté - SP :huh: and whos migoto? :o

Lena-chan 2008.01.08 02:50 PM

here it is /o/ the migoto :

Originally Posted by Migoto (Post 235)
Hi everyone.
Brazilian, male, 23 years old, not available. :cool:
I hope we can have some real FRIENDSHIPISM here!

Migoto 2008.01.09 10:23 AM

You don't know me!!! <o>
I'm Migoto. Hello there. lol
I've been away from this forum last year because of work and stuff. (I really hate seeing my post counter so low... It was much higher in the Ringo Jihen-era... lol)
I hope I can make it up this year. ;)

E nossa, perdi a conta dos falantes de português... Vejamos... Eu, Lena, Yahiko, ShinjiPG, F999...?

Yahiko 2008.01.12 05:04 PM

aahm there are the inactive users also.. i know them from órkut lol and.. justriiiiingo :DDD ahah lol

HEDOfloe 2008.01.19 03:22 PM

Isn't Yahiko also Migoto sometimes??

Migoto 2008.01.20 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by Hedofloe (Post 23867)
Isn't Yahiko also Migoto sometimes??

What? :huh:
Sorry, didn't understand what you meant.

HEDOfloe 2008.01.20 07:15 AM

I must have been really tired when I wrote that. I remember that somewhere else Yahiko used the nickname Migoto. Is this your blog: http://migoto.blogspot.com/ ?

I remember talking to Yahiko about it as if it was his @_@

Migoto 2008.01.20 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by HEDOfloe (Post 23887)
I must have been really tired when I wrote that. I remember that somewhere else Yahiko used the nickname Migoto. Is this your blog: http://migoto.blogspot.com/ ?
I remember talking to Yahiko about it as if it was his @_@

That's my blog! lol
I think you talked to the wrong person then! XDDD

Yahiko 2008.01.20 04:47 PM

I used nickname Migoto? I've never seen that blog before... @_@ are you on drugs, hedo?

HEDOfloe 2008.01.20 07:32 PM

No. I swear I don't know where I got that idea. But, for some reason I thought I remembered seeing you use the name before. So I commented on Migoto's blog and he commented on mine and I thought it was you all along ^_^

old.boy 2008.03.06 08:59 PM

New old member here, haha.

I had an account before this, but only made two posts on it. (The name was Mr. krull) Wasn't terribly interest in getting used to a new forum with such a focused topic, but now I'm kind of sick of the other forum I was on and am ready for some GOOD discussion once in a while. :D

So how are you guys doing?

My name's Kai, I play guitar, I live in NYC and I loooove Hirama (who doesn't).

Looking forward to talking to you guys. :]

Maou 2008.03.07 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by old.boy (Post 25958)
My name's Kai, I play guitar, I live in NYC and I loooove Hirama (who doesn't).

Tsuchiya. He is our enemy and yet our friend. We love him is a little brother kind of way.

Welcome back!

old.boy 2008.03.07 09:03 AM

Rofl. I'll keep that in mind.

And thank you. :D

kamikaze 2008.03.18 08:19 AM

Sup everyone, I'm a Korean/Japanese American, currently living in Korea, just showing some love for Miss Shiina Ringo.

and Inaudible-Whisper thanks for redirecting me here

Yahiko 2008.03.18 08:29 AM

welcome :D

old.boy 2008.03.18 12:19 PM

Welcome! I'm pretty new too, so we're basically in the same boat.

Maou 2008.03.18 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by kamikaze (Post 26353)
Sup everyone, I'm a Korean/Japanese American, currently living in Korea, just showing some love for Miss Shiina Ringo.

Welcome! You can be my helper in my conquest of an Ewha University student. :lol:

Tokyo Jihad 2008.03.18 04:27 PM

No fuck you Maou, hes helping me! =p

Glathannus 2008.03.18 04:46 PM

Do we need an Off-Topic subforum dedicated to yellow fever?

Maou 2008.03.18 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Tokyo Jihad (Post 26375)
No fuck you Maou, hes helping me! =p

:lol: K. I'm sure you need the help more since I have a flawless* plan anyway. I just wish I was able to make my move later in the day since I'm not quite myself in the morning. Nonetheless, I shall prevail. I must earn those smiles forever more.

* There is one small flaw in that she might be going back to Ewha next year. If that's the case, a small adjustment will be made in which I study abroad again while posing as a female.

Tokyo Jihad 2008.03.18 04:55 PM

Damn right I need more help :hmph:


Glathannus 2008.03.18 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Maou (Post 26377)
a small adjustment will be made in which I study abroad a broad again while posing as a female again.


Maou 2008.03.18 05:22 PM

Oh you guys. Do you remember every little detail about everything I tell you (or don't tell you)? :P

Glathannus 2008.03.18 05:32 PM

Sure I remember all the details you don't tell me! That's what psychic powers are for. But you have to say it as "Sayii-kick Pow-uz" like the DARPA chief in Metal Gear Solid, otherwise you're understating what I can do.

kamikaze 2008.03.18 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Maou (Post 26370)
Welcome! You can be my helper in my conquest of an Ewha University student. :lol:

haha, how do you know about Ewha? Personally, I'd say you're wasting your time, and you'd be better off in Japan. Korean chicks are extremely full of themselves and racist (hope you look Korean). Of course, I'm making a generalization, so there is always exceptions. But their counterparts in Japan are always so chill and fun.

Maou 2008.03.18 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Glathannus (Post 26381)
Sure I remember all the details you don't tell me! That's what psychic powers are for. But you have to say it as "Sayii-kick Pow-uz" like the DARPA chief in Metal Gear Solid, otherwise you're understating what I can do.

I never played MGS, but I understand your great power, Boss! Just as a test, who is my favorite American wrestler and my favorite Japanese fed wrestler? The Japanese fed guy is also American, but wrestled in Japan most of his career.


Originally Posted by kamikaze (Post 26383)
haha, how do you know about Ewha? Personally, I'd say you're wasting your time, and you'd be better off in Japan. Korean chicks are extremely full of themselves and racist (hope you look Korean). Of course, I'm making a generalization, so there is always exceptions. But their counterparts in Japan are always so chill and fun.

Wha...!? But she's the sweetest and cutest thing I've ever seen! I know you mean well (like Jihad), but I'm the kind of person who needs to make mistakes to learn. If I get burned, so be it. :) Anyway, Ewha is a partner school of my school in the U.S.

kamikaze 2008.03.18 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Maou (Post 26388)
Wha...!? But she's the sweetest and cutest thing I've ever seen! I know you mean well (like Jihad), but I'm the kind of person who needs to make mistakes to learn. If I get burned, so be it. :) Anyway, Ewha is a partner school of my school in the U.S.

if she's nice to you, it doesn't mean she's into you, and by racist, i mean basically she would only date within her race, which is why I never tell Koreans, I'm also Japanese (since my name is Korean anyway). But yeah go for it if she's interested, but take into account that most Koreans are EXTREMELY conservative. And her going to Ewha actually tells me alot, well, tells me alot about her parents and what they expect of her. I'm sure you know that Ewha is an all-girl school.

Maou 2008.03.18 06:30 PM

^ Haha, that's why part of my backup plan includes masquerading as a girl. :P I have it all figured out already. I just need to execute.

kamikaze 2008.03.18 06:37 PM

haha, it would be like the old 1980's TV show with Tom Hanks and Peter Scolari "Bosom Buddies"

old.boy 2008.03.18 06:45 PM

You guys love MGS too? I think this forum was made for me. ._.

Tokyo Jihad 2008.03.18 07:04 PM

I like MSG....

fluffiethesock 2008.03.18 08:15 PM

Which do you guys think was the best of the 3 MGS's? I remember enjoying Snake Eater a lot and thinking it was the best (mostly because I understood what was going on), but now that I look back on it I can't imagine liking it the most. I did love the atmosphere though.

Cosmo! 2008.03.18 08:52 PM

Snake Eater had a pretty awful script, but it was good overall. But man, haha...That script was terrible. The voice-acting was Shitsville, too.


Originally Posted by Tokyo Jihad (Post 26404)
I like MSG....

On the subject of MSG and Koreans, I'm fairly certain I've made an enemy of the old Korean woman who works at the Rice King around the corner. I tend to over-exaggerate things, but I don't think I'm doing it this time. My meal was like $7.54 or something, and so I got back a couple of dollars and some change. Anyway, I tried to make sure she would see me put a dollar and the five or six silver coins in the tip cup by dropping my plasticware (because, you know, we all like to be noticed for our good deeds, otherwise they don't mean much), which she DIDN'T, and I inadvertently dropped the pennies she had given me. SHE SAW ME STRUGGLE TO PICK UP A PENNY (because I chew my fingernails and have little gnomish nubs for fingers) AND PUT IT IN THE TIP CUP. SHE THINKS I TIPPED HER A PENNY!

No more Rice King for me! It gives me horrible gas anyway. I'm usually so good with Asians. I've yet to have an Asian mortal enemy, and I think Old Korean Lady from the Rice King Around the Corner is my first.

Maou 2008.03.19 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by ShinjiPG (Post 26409)
What? Snake Eater is awesome and I don't remember any Shitsville dialogue :x

Anything ever muttered by David Hayter qualifies as he tries waaaay too hard to sound badass.

Cosmo! 2008.03.19 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Maou (Post 26449)
Anything ever muttered by David Hayter qualifies as he tries waaaay too hard to sound badass.

He's the biggest offender, but I thought the writing was just bad in general. It was better in Japanese, but neither version can compare to Metal Gear Solid on the PlayStation.

old.boy 2008.03.19 07:20 PM

Why I oughta...

Inaudible-Whisper 2008.03.19 07:28 PM

Libertines :wub:

old.boy 2008.03.19 10:50 PM

D: Yes.

I love Pete. I wish I were half as good.

oki-ringo 2008.04.15 03:01 PM

Hi! I'm Sean. I live in Okinawa. Im in the US Air Force...hrrmm..not much to say. Me in two artists / directors:

1. White Stripes
2. Tokyo Jihen

1. Wes Anderson
2. Stanley Kubrick

aaaaaand that's about all there is to know :blink::D

justriiingo 2008.04.15 06:52 PM

Oh. A Tokyo Jihen fan instead of a Shiina Ringo fan.
Welcome on board!

oki-ringo 2008.04.15 08:42 PM

Im equal opportunity when it comes to Jihen/Ringo! :)
It really depends on what mood I'm in.

Canto 2008.04.17 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by kamikaze (Post 26353)
Sup everyone, I'm a Korean/Japanese American, currently living in Korea, just showing some love for Miss Shiina Ringo.

and Inaudible-Whisper thanks for redirecting me here

Hi Kamikaze,

I'm always curious about why you pick up such a "powerful" name and signature (It is in ancient Chinese -- "Men should be crushed like a piece of jade, and not be safe like piece of tile." -- in case non-Chinese apeakers here dont get the meaning). Feel free to reveal it?

Wish you have a nice stay in EMF!

TeslaGuy 2008.05.03 08:04 AM

Hi, I'm Jamie. I already posted on another thread how I got into the music, so I won't repeat that here, but I will blather on a bit about myself. I live and work in downtown NYC, getting paid to operate and maintain stuff in recording studios, museums, theaters, and for artists and composers. I helped found and was technical director of a downtown performance space, where I did assorted arty things.
The only relevant thing I did was sound design for an in-house production where I blew up planes, won some awards, and ended up being paid to spend a month in Shimokitazawa Tokyo working with an underground theater group. The curious can find more info here http://www.charlievictorromeo.com/.
Japanese music-wise, I like Cocco, Cornelius, YMO and members solo works, Sketch Show/Human Audio Sponge, Puffy, Pizzicato Five, Halcali, Ringo and other artists I won't bother mentioning as I only own a small percentage of their output.
I love the films of Stanley Kubrick and David Lynch.
My screen name is one I lazily reused from a downtown misfit artists board, because Amifan and the corresponding Ami Onuki avatar seemed inappropriate here. That thing is my Tesla coil, which shoots out million volt sparks. Its completely useless and very dangerous, which seems an ideal combination. Pictures here http://www.weird.org/Physics/action.htm.
Oh, and my current sig is from the 5th Annual Fourth of July Monster Parade.

oki-ringo 2008.05.03 11:18 AM

Nice :) you sound cool as hell

jigenbakuda 2008.05.03 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by oki-ringo (Post 28614)
Nice :) you sound cool as hell

I second that. Welcome aboard.

justriiingo 2008.05.04 08:00 AM

Welcome on board TeslaGuy.
We're in dire need of new blood in this forum so please do stick around and post more! (especially music from those bands you claim no one has ever heard before. ;) )

Tokyo Jihad 2008.05.04 08:04 AM

what hapened to old.boy? i liked him in the "newb" wave of feb/march whenever it was.

justriiingo 2008.05.04 08:14 AM

Probably sitting in some hotel room being fed and watching TV and being accused of murder.
Expect to see him hanging out here about 10 years later. ;)

kamikaze 2008.05.07 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by Canto (Post 28037)
Hi Kamikaze,

I'm always curious about why you pick up such a "powerful" name and signature (It is in ancient Chinese -- "Men should be crushed like a piece of jade, and not be safe like piece of tile." -- in case non-Chinese apeakers here dont get the meaning). Feel free to reveal it?

Wish you have a nice stay in EMF!

Sorry for the late reply, I didn't see the post until now.

That quote from the ancient Chinese book of "Northern Qi," basically represents me. I guess it can be a very "powerful" way of trying to describe oneself. But I would rather be a shattered jewel than a still, plain, piece of tile. Not that I think I'm special or anything, but it's how I live my life. If I'm "crushed" in the process, oh well, I have no regrets.

And actually "Kamikaze" is a nickname that some of my friends call me. I guess the main reason that this name stuck around me was the fact that I try to live like that quote.

I guess some might think that I am trying to glorify Japanese militarism as both terms were used by Japan during WWII. Which is not really the case, but I guess to some degree my thinking might be similiar with Japanese soldiers of that era. And while some Americans and Koreans will feel some animosity for me to feel that way, I don't really care what they think. I have a lot of respect for those soldiers, they were willing to die for their cause and didn't even blink while doing it.

The chicken in my avatar is Captain Cabaret and really has nothing to do with the term "kamikaze"

TeslaGuy 2008.05.07 11:56 AM

A few historical trivia notes on kamakaze. In Japanese it doesn't mean suicide pilot, but translates as divine wind, and refers to a typhoon that saved the country from a Mongol invasion fleet in 1281. And a lot of kamakaze pilots reported engine trouble and returned without engaging US forces. History is complicated.
30 year old Japanese folks that I worked with in Tokyo had never heard of kamakaze pilots, and didn't believe me when I told them about the missions. History apparently sometimes just evaporates.

frecklegirl 2008.05.07 09:23 PM

It's spelled kamikaze. (just kinda makes you lose some credibility if you're going to go off on a lecture and are spelling it like Americans pronounce it XD)

TeslaGuy 2008.05.07 09:53 PM

Oof. My spelling sucks. At least in English some little voice says "something's wrong" and I lift up the dictionary. In foreign languages I'm lost. Until friends correct me. Thanks!

kamikaze 2008.05.09 01:48 AM

and even though "divine wind" is probably the most common translation, I think "Wind of God" is more accurate.

also to clearify, the characters in my avatar does in fact stand for "Kamikaze" (for those that can't read it) but the chicken has nothing to do with it.

jigenbakuda 2008.05.09 02:37 AM

My what interesting discussion... It amazes me how little some people know of their own history. I think most people interested in another culture know more about the history of that country than a lot of people from that culture. Unless you are from okinawa, hiroshima, or nagasaki... do you really think of the war that much? I'm talking about people my age, 24. I know don't know much about WW2, except that the japanese started it with us (america), and the american government produced slanderous campaigns against the japanese (which I believe were to make the public more receptive to whatever they wanted to do to the japanese), oh also that americans dropped the bombs on japan when they knew japan was in negotiations to surrender... meanie poo american government. Oh and I also know about the rape of nanking (however its spelled), those guys did things almost as bad as slavery times in america, and that's pretty bad.

But I know very little of WW2 and really never think of it, I most definitely do not remember any names of the plane groups from america. So I am just as guilty as the 30yr japanese people.

EmilScherbe 2008.05.09 03:10 AM

In 559, Emperor Wenxuan of Northern Qi who usurpered from
Northern Wei imperial Yuan clan slaughterd them.

One of Yuan clan man in Wenxuan regime consulted with his cousin
to change his surname to Northern Qi imperial Gao,
but his cousin answered that his idea is grotesque flattary,
<kamikaze's signature>.

Then his cousin was executed.

The word 玉砕(gyokusai, jade crash) was used in WW2 to indicate
the case that Japanese oversea garrison was annihilated.
Because they were not to surrender even hopeless situation.

And that was cases how abnormal the period was.

frecklegirl 2008.05.09 10:24 AM

eerrrrr we've studied WWII INTENSIVELY throughout middle and high school. After all that, I felt like I knew it extremely well. So please don't anyone get the idea that Americans don't study WWII. We do. A LOT.

cjhobbies00 2008.05.09 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by frecklegirl (Post 28917)
eerrrrr we've studied WWII INTENSIVELY throughout middle and high school. After all that, I felt like I knew it extremely well. So please don't anyone get the idea that Americans don't study WWII. We do. A LOT.

We DID study WWII throughout middle school and high school, and we DID spend alot of time on WWII, but the depth of the material was shallow at best.

We didn't get into alot of the details, alot of the conflicts, and alot of the European aspects of the war was left off the table. Watered down American version would be the best description.

Edit - Oh, I am speaking from experience, spent elementary - high school in New York.

Tokyo Jihad 2008.05.09 10:40 AM

Little known fact to many of us americans, but there was a prequel to WWII. ;)

(Like the Alien movie series tho,the second was more exciting ;) )

Cosmo! 2008.05.09 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Tokyo Jihad (Post 28922)
Little known fact to many of us americans, but there was a prequel to WWII. ;)

(Like the Alien movie series tho,the second was more exciting ;) )

The sequel really sucks.

jigenbakuda 2008.05.09 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Tokyo Jihad (Post 28922)
Little known fact to many of us americans, but there was a prequel to WWII. ;)

(Like the Alien movie series tho,the second was more exciting ;) )

Lmfao, yea that thing where the generals decided "whose ever meat grinder breaks first from inserting our own men is the loser... GO!!". Man, that war was too gruesome.

But please do not assume just because jigenbakuda did not pay attention in school, that americans are dumb or were never taught... I have no idea how intensively it was done in the florida school systems, but I don't feel I missed that much... To be honest I don't think it was covered that much... maybe in ap history or something.

How educational! 乙GJ!!! But that time period was pretty serious. Is the current japanese military mindset the same?

Tokyo Jihad 2008.05.09 12:21 PM

I'm not assuming anything about you jigen, if yer refferring to me. I just enjoy a good ol' American bashing ;)

And the thing about WWII, is that in HS its always at THE END of the semester so the teachers tend to rush through it

cjhobbies00 2008.05.09 06:25 PM

Americans are not dumb, the school system is just broken. There are so many teachers that are just simply disinterested and it's not entirely their fault.

Kids coming out of school in Europe are much more knowlegeable about the world around them, you can have conversations with them on anything, but high school students from the U.S...god, all my friends are examples of this, they know nothing beyond their own neighborhood.

kamikaze 2008.05.09 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by jigenbakuda (Post 28887)
Oh and I also know about the rape of nanking (however its spelled), those guys did things almost as bad as slavery times in america, and that's pretty bad.

with all due respect man, "almost as bad" hahaha. compared to what the Japanese did to Koreans and Chinese during that era, makes American Slavery seem like a a day at a country club.

I think Koreans and Chinese alike shoudn't hold grudges, but you can kinda understand the ones that do, especially since people who lived under a colonized Japan are still alive.

kamikaze 2008.05.09 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Cosmo! (Post 28924)
The sequel really sucks.

Are you talking about the sequel to Alien or WWII? Because both really suck...

frecklegirl 2008.05.10 12:51 AM

also, jigenbakuda, lets not forget that Japan did just as many shitty things during WWII as the Americans did. Bomb hot air balloons? Anyone remember that? They're right there in the Tokyo-Edo Museum in Tokyo. They were sent over by Japan to North America. Largely ineffective, sure, but with malicious intent? Yes. And many other things too. It's not like the U.S. randomly attacked poor victim helpless Japan who didn't do ANYTHING to provoke the conflict. As much as places like the Hiroshima Peace Museum (*cough*) want to make you think is what happened. 9_9

cjhobbies00 2008.05.10 05:00 AM

Doesn't it feel weird comparing atrocities? Slavery vs. Japanese war crimes?
Most of the countries we know have done something in the past 100 years that they can truly be ashamed of. U.S. has led more than its fair share of inhumane wars, much of its territory was gained through conquest.
Is it disgusting how the Japanese try to cover up their crimes? Hell yeah, but Americans do it too. U.S. textbooks rarely expose the heinous aspects of conflicts like the Mexican war, or how about the fact that the Japanese was forced to take up a stance of imperialism after the U.S. appeared on the shores of japan with a navy and forced the government to sign an unjust treaty. If you connect the dots, Japan's policy of colonization during WWII can be directly attributed to American policy.

EmilScherbe 2008.05.10 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by jigenbakuda (Post 28925)
Is the current japanese military mindset the same?

Refusal to be prisoner was resulted to suicide or suicidal attack in hopeless situation.
The mindset neglecting human life in that period have been criticized after WW2.

Tokyo Jihad 2008.05.10 07:13 AM

America colonized pacific islands tho cuz the americans were either too fat and lazy to go back home, or their high school teachers never taught them where America was on a map so they just figured they were in Rhode Island or somesuch.

Japan, however, took over most of east Asia to better spread things like Hello Kitty and Robotech. In fact one could argue china and korea welcomed them. Compare this to the resistance of Guam to America.

America sux guyz is what im sayin
I am going to punch anyone that doesn't know this is a joke...cuz americans only know things like corporal punsihment -- amirite guyz?? =D

Inaudible-Whisper 2008.05.10 07:24 AM

It was cool in Britain. We went to Narnia.

TeslaGuy 2008.05.11 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by cjhobbies00 (Post 28961)
Is it disgusting how the Japanese try to cover up their crimes? Hell yeah, but Americans do it too. U.S. textbooks rarely expose the heinous aspects of conflicts like the Mexican war, or how about the fact that the Japanese was forced to take up a stance of imperialism after the U.S. appeared on the shores of japan with a navy and forced the government to sign an unjust treaty. If you connect the dots, Japan's policy of colonization during WWII can be directly attributed to American policy.

Perry's black ships did awaken isolationist Japan to the truth that steam-powered and coal-hungry navies were making the outside world inevitably intimate, and it was an unfriendly act. But to say that it was directly responsible for inherently arrogant, imperialist Japan's sadistic Pacific misadventures is perhaps a bit ridiculous. That dismisses a good thousand or so years of Eastern history.

What fascinates me it that the Japanese are so friendly to Americans. We killed 100,000 of them during one night's firebombing of Tokyo. Ouch.

HIVERS 2008.05.19 09:50 AM

Hi! Im Florence,from montreal-quebec (canada). It's nice to meet you all!
I sing,compose and draw.

I've liked Shiina Ringo ever since i got into japanese music,even though i only knew her STEM video. Since i didn't knew anything about her i randomly downloaded a part of Seitsuki Heeling DVD.
The most i discovered about her,the more i liked her. I heard so much now,and i love so much now!

Im really difficult on music, Shiina Ringo makes 98% of my great music moments .. So, if you have any suggestions to me that reminds you of Ringo and that you think i'd might like,please feel free to propose me music! ;__;

My current favorite song is Shuukyou,and my very favorite song is Electric Mole's STEM *shivers*

cjhobbies00 2008.05.19 09:58 AM

welcome, and we make recommendations all the time in the "Currently Listening To" thread. We have diverse tastes, but I'm sure you'll find something to like

cjhobbies00 2008.05.19 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by TeslaGuy (Post 28989)
Perry's black ships did awaken isolationist Japan to the truth that steam-powered and coal-hungry navies were making the outside world inevitably intimate, and it was an unfriendly act. But to say that it was directly responsible for inherently arrogant, imperialist Japan's sadistic Pacific misadventures is perhaps a bit ridiculous. That dismisses a good thousand or so years of Eastern history.

What fascinates me it that the Japanese are so friendly to Americans. We killed 100,000 of them during one night's firebombing of Tokyo. Ouch.

To say that it led to the inherently arrogant imperialistic Japanese policies is not really a stretch, since they were imitating the Inherently arrongant imperialistic policies of Britain, U.S, etc...the same policies that gave Europeans the military might to bend the will of the Japanese government.

Japan embarked on a decades long mission to send men overseas to learn about European technology and purchase weapons, it is hard for me to imagine that the Japanese people would've believed that Europeans would have anything to offer them if it had not been for the American "invasion" of the Japanese ports.

Does not absolve the Japanese from their responsibility in the war crimes, just a reminder that America's crimes, and Britain's crimes for the matter, are no less heinous.

justriiingo 2008.05.19 10:08 AM

First of all, welcome to EMF!


Originally Posted by HIVERS (Post 29331)
Im really difficult on music, Shiina Ringo makes 98% of my great music moments .. So, if you have any suggestions to me that reminds you of Ringo and that you think i'd might like,please feel free to propose me music! ;__;

You could head over to the Music forum... plenty of recommendations over there. I'm sure you'll find something you'd like.

Maou 2008.05.19 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by HIVERS (Post 29331)
Im really difficult on music, Shiina Ringo makes 98% of my great music moments .. So, if you have any suggestions to me that reminds you of Ringo and that you think i'd might like,please feel free to propose me music! ;__;

Cocco. Her original set of albums (Bougainvillea, Rapunzel, Sangurozu) are extremely similar to pre-Jihen Ringo, but a little more extreme on song feeling. I even like them better depending on my mood.

Lena-chan 2008.05.20 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by HIVERS (Post 29331)
Hi! Im Florence,from montreal-quebec (canada). It's nice to meet you all!

welcome /o/


Originally Posted by HIVERS (Post 29331)
Im really difficult on music, Shiina Ringo makes 98% of my great music moments .. So, if you have any suggestions to me that reminds you of Ringo and that you think i'd might like,please feel free to propose me music! ;__;

Bonnie pink, Tsukiko Amano and Kojima Mayumi
doesn't sound alike Ringo, but make great music moments to me... and I think we are very alike because:


Originally Posted by HIVERS (Post 29331)
My current favorite song is Shuukyou,and my very favorite song is Electric Mole's STEM *shivers*

I like you XD

rkkenusr 2008.05.30 11:50 PM

Hello fellow Shiina Ringo fans!
Its my first time posting here at e-mole.net, so Im not really sure were to put this.
I really love her music.:wub: Right now Im listening to Variety and watching their 2007 Spa and Treatment live concert.

I hope to make friends among you guys!:D

gekokujyo 2008.05.31 10:29 AM

I thought I ought to comment here after lurking forever.

I am 20, male, and from Singapore. I've been a Ringo fan forever (wayyy back in 1999, Muzai Moratorium was my first album, and I will never forget the incredible rush I got from the opening strains of "Tadashii machi"), and seeing her live is one of my 'things to do before I die". Hopefully that will eventually materialise this August; my flight's all set, and now I'm hoping my friend can help get me ticks for the RSRF gig.

My favourite Ringo album is Muzai Moratorium, and favourite song of hers is Maru no uchi SADISTIC - cliche, I know, but I also know that nothing would give me quite the same high than to hear the opening beats and wailing pianica in the intro live.

Jihen-wise, I really liked all 3 albums equally, I think. Though, Sounan is undisputably my favourite of the singles.

I love about 3 million other bands and artists, though no one comes near my insane obsession for Ringo. Just to be properly representative of my tastes, some of the other acts I like - the brilliant green, Broken Social Scene (who were AWESOME live), Feist, The Flaming Lips, Phoenix, Rachael Yamgata, Faye Wong, Cheer Chen, Mew. Especially Mew and Cheer Chen - I need them to put out new records, like NOW.

jigenbakuda 2008.06.01 08:09 AM

Welcome welcome, your love for ringo-hime will be appreciated, I hope you can give to the community... I haven't, be a better member than me, lol.

Well my favorite jihen single is killer tune, because of that extra smooth, extra sexy, "I just imagine shiina is talking to me" karada track.

justriiingo 2008.06.01 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by gekokujyo (Post 29787)
I am 20, male, and from Singapore.

Hey Singaporean, let's go karaoke sometime.

gekokujyo 2008.06.02 05:12 AM

Awesomeness! Do you go to those japanese karaoke joints?

justriiingo 2008.06.02 08:09 AM

I only went to Cash Studio in Chinatown once... pretty good selection of songs I'd say. You know of any other places?

wilson 2008.06.02 09:50 AM

hi! i am wilson so im not really a newbie cause i was on the old forum[i dont remember the name]. i am french so forgive me for my english its very poor :unsure: i discovered shiina`s world with Tokyo jihen fisrt album especially with Sounan video[so great ^^]. exept shiina i like others japanese singers like larcenciel, utada, bonnie pink,janne darc,luna sea ect....but also so many different style like Rap, african music, carribean music, a lil`classic but not so much i suck in this kind of music lol, RNB, nu-soul[my favourite style], some french singers of the new vibe ect....

At present I am on holidays at HongKong at a friend`s house for 2 weeks. so if there are somebody who wants to meet me here no problem, its the second time i come in HK but we can walk and discover the city together but dont worry its not a request lol :D

ok babay and if u have another question dont hesitate. sorry for my LONG post and i hope it was understandable


cjhobbies00 2008.06.02 09:55 AM

^ Perfect English with a hint of French flavor, I wouldn't change a damn thing.

Oh, and Welcome back.

wilson 2008.06.02 10:16 AM

lol thank you. i forgot i am 28 :P

gekokujyo 2008.06.02 12:03 PM

^jr: diamond dust at cuppage! though, none of their videos are original, but it seems like a lot of japanese people patronise that place. they have EVERY japanese song imaginable, tho u can tell the backing tracks arent very 'legit' (some are almost midi-esque haha).

Febed 2008.06.02 02:38 PM

Knock knock, hello ?
Hello everyone, I'll be 36, living close to Paris, and I'm a Shiina Ringo fan since 2001, when I bought randomly (on a Japan related gathering in Paris) a DVD named "Shéna Ringö - Gekokujiyo Xstacy live tour"... Got instantly addict :D (the DVD is almost worn out now).

Miss Ringo is one of my favorite singers. I didn't take the time to go deep in the lyrics yet, but I'm beginning... Until now I've been focusing on the music and voice.

See you around, and sorry for my approximate english.

Jonny 2008.06.02 08:45 PM

Welcome, welcome.

You got probably the best DVD... IMO it ranks among the best CD albums. Good way to start off a Ringo-hood.

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