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ShinjiPG 2009.04.30 02:01 AM

What, another full album leaked?
Thanks for the hint Jesse!

CLT - Final Fantasy IX Soundtrack
Paraphrasing BoA: So yum, yum.

mizer_unmei 2009.04.30 02:37 PM

Joy Division - She's Lost Control

ShinjiPG 2009.04.30 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Jesse (Post 51781)
Patrick Wolf - Hard Times

Easily my favourite on The Bachelor at the moment.

My feelings too. It's such a great way to open the album.
Other favourites are "Battle" and "Vulture", but damn, the whole album sounds perfect. Only listened to it twice so far, tho. Oh, and I still think he should have called it Battle because it's a title that suits much better the power of this album.

Ringo~Bingo 2009.04.30 03:54 PM

Muse - Cave

Love this album so much! a big longtime favorite of mine. :o :)

Osiris12345 2009.04.30 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by bromithia (Post 51767)
Lauryn Hill - To Zion

Miseducation of Lauryn Hill is an awesome album. That also happens to be one of my favorite tracks off it.

bromithia 2009.04.30 04:26 PM

Have you listened to her Unplugged album? It's freaking awesome.

ravex - V.I.I.P.

Osiris12345 2009.04.30 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by bromithia (Post 51877)
Have you listened to her Unplugged album? It's freaking awesome.

ravex - V.I.I.P.

I haven't yet actually. I definitely want to check it out but reviews of it seem pretty mixed, unlike Miseducation. How does it stack up in your opinion?

Frank Zappa - Son of Mr. Green Genes

cjhobbies00 2009.04.30 04:59 PM

Bat for Lashes - Sarah

One of the best songs she played at the concert last week. Think this ver. but with more guitar, more attitude and energy from Natasha.

bromithia 2009.04.30 05:19 PM

Osiris - The mixed reviews are probably due to the fact that there is a lot of talking (like 8 tracks of her just speaking her mind,) as well a poor editing job to the album as a whole. However, it's a different side of her that The Miseducation doesn't really display all that well. The reason why I started listening to her in the first place is because of the video below of her performing "I've Got to Find Peace of Mind," actually.

And this next video is my favorite Lauryn song ever. I have nearly 100 plays of it on my old last.fm account, and I still haven't become tired of it. :D

I love when she says "fantasy is what people want, but reality is what they need, and I've just retired from the fantasy part" :wub: haha last summer I developed a crush with this woman that I'm just rediscovering now, by the way.

Osiris12345 2009.04.30 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by bromithia (Post 51880)
Osiris - The mixed reviews are probably due to the fact that there is a lot of talking (like 8 tracks of her just speaking her mind,) as well a poor editing job to the album as a whole. However, it's a different side of her that The Miseducation doesn't really display all that well. The reason why I started listening to her in the first place is because of the video below of her performing "I've Got to Find Peace of Mind," actually.

And this next video is my favorite Lauryn song ever. I have nearly 100 plays of it on my old last.fm account, and I still haven't become tired of it. :D

I love when she says "fantasy is what people want, but reality is what they need, and I've just retired from the fantasy part" :wub: haha last summer I developed a crush with this woman that I'm just rediscovering now, by the way.

Wow. Just WOW. Both of those were great performances. Full of passion, honesty, and just great music. It's just her and the guitar completely exposed. I could especially feel her emotion when she was crying in the first vid. I think you may have just sold me on this album, bromithia! :wub:

Thanks a bunch for sharing those!

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