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merman 2009.06.09 01:55 AM

Yes, it's like that. Didn't you say you have 3 copies? :D (you should have that cutoff on each of them)
If you pump up the volume some more, you'll notice abrupt cutoffs on Honnou and Izonshou as well, as in the fade-out at the end is not completely smooth.

kuro_neko 2009.06.09 04:00 AM

I do...I have a legit first press that I bought used from Book Off, a sealed sample first press that I got on auction (meaning it was never sold but sent out as a sample), and then I have the second press I bought way back when. unfortunately all 3, including everything pre WtH, is in Boston at my parent's house, where I keep most of my music. my apartment in hawai'i is rather apt to collect sand and easily cluttered, so I prefer to not have them with me here.

random, I read somewhere that Izonshou uncensored was included on first pressings of SS but taken off for later versions. I own first pressings but I never thought to check. the copy floating around is rather iffy quality, so I am thinking this is false, otherwise we would have drastically higher quality rips. does anyone know the source for the uncensored rip? I am thinking it was taken off a studio pre-mastered demo or even mastered demo that was sent out to execs to get the final thumbs up to send to print.

merman 2009.06.09 06:33 AM

The only have SS first press and Izonshou is censored on there, so it's probably as you say.

ShinjiPG 2009.06.24 07:58 AM

Interesting bit of information that papi found on "Tsumi to Batsu"'s japanese wikipedia article:

(after Senkou Xtasy) she said if her fans want Tsumi to Batsu and Gibs to be releasd, WRITE LETTERS to EMI.

I wonder if the international fans could request EMI for another Utaite Miyori...

BanFan 2009.07.28 09:35 PM

I don't know why I'm posting so much tonight, but anyway ...

Does anyone else here love listening to backing tracks? I just do it the lazy way where you halfway unplug your headphones (as opposed to using audio editing software). I do this all the time with KSK, but only recently tried it with this album.

My favorite backing track ended up being "Benkai Debussy", and I don't even like the regular song.

justriiingo 2009.07.29 12:37 AM

Post more! I love it when new people post! Everyone else is tired of hearing the same shit from me :D

I regularly add backing vocals to songs that I listen to... In SS I think I do that most often to Gibs, but only for the verse! I add a 3rd to the melody line... it's more fun to sing that the melody itself.

chii 2009.12.17 12:59 PM

I love this album, mostly because I find it very...sexy?
I think that it is only way I can put it. I mean, if you think about it, the vocals to most of the songs have such a great vibe to them! Sakana, Honnou, Tsumi to Batsu, Benkai Debussy, Identity, as well as the others, all have this vibe that I can't even describe. It isn't even sexy in a traditional sense, it's almost angry. I dunno, I'm just rambling now.

Does anyone else know what I mean?

justriiingo 2009.12.17 09:39 PM

Sexy is a good word to describe SS.
A tune like Tsumi to Batsu is just, really, sex.

Entry№1 2010.03.30 09:49 PM

I don't think it's quite there yet in Tokyo time, but happy 10th Anniversary, SS!

hoopra 2010.03.31 09:53 AM

SS = God Body,
i stopped listening to anything else for a long while when i discovered this album, once she unleashed tsumi no batsu, the world stopped to repent from musical sins the pop world had committe

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