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deadgrandma 2015.02.13 05:46 PM

^ I really wish I liked that album more than I do. I love the production so much, but its a pity that's it's strongest point. Of course, obviously it doesn't help that Sea Change already exists and blows Morning Change out of the water in comparison.

But I'll stick with it a little bit longer I suppose. Unforgiven is my top track too btw. That, or Blue Moon (a more obvious pick).

Inseu 2015.02.14 06:55 AM

許冠傑 - 雙星情歌

TeslaGuy 2015.02.14 07:44 PM

Zabadak - Harvest Rain

deadgrandma 2015.02.15 03:02 AM

Everytime I listen to Zabadak it makes me laugh at bands like Kalafina trying so hard to hit this sound...

Anyway: I noticed someone finally uploaded this Jun Togawa vid (I've had a VHS with it on for years now but no means to rip it myself)

Jun Togawa-17才

Speaking of Togawa, been on a bit of a binge (meaning I've played all her albums at least 3 times each this weekend) of the other Togawa, that is Kyoko after someone brought her up the other day, always thought her albums were pretty damn decent classic Jpop, but recently they've been hitting home with me like never before:

Kyoko Togawa- 砂丘

May she forever rest in peace and let us cherish the 3 beautiful albums she left us.

Inseu 2015.02.15 11:41 AM

みずうみ 岡田有希子

TeslaGuy 2015.02.15 06:26 PM

Demi Semi Quaver - Pasta Paradise

TeslaGuy 2015.02.16 07:32 PM

Tancobuchin -『ドレミFUN LIFE』

deadgrandma 2015.02.16 07:56 PM

^ when a youtube frame 100% sums up what the music is gonna sound like :-p

I have a feeling Inseu will dig it

Capsule- Another World

Capsule's new PV is kinda cool- drone racing is a neat idea for a music video!

Not a huge fan of the track (it's ok and chilled out, though still generic, by the books Nakata), but WHO IS THE RACE-QUEEN on this video???!!! Such striking, unforgettable facial features:

Album preview (in the form of a good ol' 90s sounding MEGA-MIX :p), on the other hand, is... promising, well as promising as this kinda music can sound to a person like me...
Capsule- Wave Runner

Inseu 2015.02.16 08:32 PM

My interest in Japanese idols has waned a lot lately. Most are too young and short legged for my liking. Mostly into Hong Kong ladies recently, K-girls are great but too artificial.


Pretsy 2015.02.17 04:01 AM

@Deadgrandma: the model is called "Yura" and she's rather known in J-model circles, I think? Here's her twitter https://twitter.com/yurapk

The song itself is quite generic in Nakata's book, yes (just like umm, most of his post-Nanda Collection works except for Pikapika for the most part and a few Perfume bangers) - and I really hope there will be some tunes that make up for partial, obvious "hey I discovered Tiesto and Skrillex" influences :(

edit2: she's also apparently...one of Kyary's model friends???!!

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