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deadgrandma 2014.12.27 03:27 PM

The 2015 music thread
I'll start this now and add a more in depth intro later...

I hear Bo Ningen x Boris is a thing though....

FadedSun 2014.12.30 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by deadgrandma (Post 92872)
I'll start this now and add a more in depth intro later...

I hear Bo Ningen x Boris is a thing though....

Do Boris ever stop?! They're going to be 80 and still putting out incredible music.

Tokyo Jihad 2014.12.30 10:55 AM

Jenny Death When

thespidereggs 2014.12.30 03:45 PM

Really hoping for a new Tame Impala album.

deadgrandma 2014.12.30 03:50 PM

Will this FINALLY be the year of new Tool? All signs are pointing to it.

At this current point in time, the only things I know are definite:
-Belle and Sebastian
-The Oomori collab in June

And the highly likely
-Iron Maiden

And stuff that's meant to be 2015 that's already actually leaked
-Marilyn Manson

blanket 2014.12.30 04:05 PM

The new Viet Cong album (from the members of Women) was leaked and its sounding pretty good.

March of Progress is probably my favourite song off the album.

Was anyone else even aware of this band?

gekokujyo 2014.12.31 02:35 AM

New Madonna gon' be so flawless LIVING FOR FUCKING LOVE UGH!!

Necronopticous 2014.12.31 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Tokyo Jihad (Post 92927)
Jenny Death When

Yeah this is pretty much it for me, I'm anxious and excited to hear their last hurrah. There has been a bit of buzz that maybe the entire break up note was just another mind trip, which would be a very interesting development, but I'm definitely not getting my hopes up.

Funny story: A while back I got really interested in a few of Ride's cryptic tattoos. One of them is just a number: 4131295, and another is a series of very intentional looking checkered blocks/squares that look like some sort of boolean series. I'm a computer scientist by trade, so I transcribed the number and blocks into data and did a bit of poking around to see if I could find any correlation/pattern, but didn't really come up with much. Finally, I put up a little splash page on my web space referencing the tattoos:


Well, recently a bunch of Death Grips fans and ARG pursuers actually found the page and thought it was a piece of the puzzle. I got lots of emails and various messages and even a voice message on my cell phone. Never my intention, but I certainly should have seen it coming.

Outside of that, I've been eagerly anticipating a new Joanna Newsom record for some time now. 2015 seems likely.

deadgrandma 2014.12.31 09:28 PM


More of that sweet, sweet stuff coming out mid January

deadgrandma 2015.01.02 03:16 AM

Confirmed: New PJ Harvey album this year.

Those of you living in the UK can actually go and observe it's creation:

deadgrandma 2015.01.02 06:40 PM

Re: Jenny Death

Betting that Pitchfork suddenly change their tune about Niggas on the Moon when they do their end of Death Grips writeup.

Also, Inanimate Sensation is perfect. The best I've heard them.

deadgrandma 2015.01.05 02:03 AM

Jim O' Rourke x Jun Togawa album is seeming more and more likely...

Inseu 2015.01.05 09:08 PM

New Bomi album named BORN IN THE U.S.A. to be released on January 21th.

Bruce Springsteen will roll over in his grave when he dies.

deadgrandma 2015.01.07 05:33 AM

The new Belle and Sebastian album has a scale to it that has never been seen on any previous release. A certain epicness that I was not expecting. Every song seems to be a small masterpiece within a much, much larger whole. Suprised, impressed and overwhelmed, I imagine it is going to take a few spins to fully settle in just how brilliant it is.


deadgrandma 2015.01.13 06:20 PM

Well, that's admittedly sooner than I was expecting. Intriguing to say the least. And I mean, Haxan Cloak working with the big B, shit's gonna get dark.

No massive overblown Biophilia-esque concept that we've seen (yet) either... could this just be Bjork making music for the sake of making music for a change?

Hard to believe it's already almost 4 years since the last album dropped. That album still sounds new to me, and has passed the test of time for sure, regardless of initial disappointment.

Orenji 2015.01.14 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by deadgrandma (Post 93014)
Jim O' Rourke x Jun Togawa album is seeming more and more likely...

Tell me more...

deadgrandma 2015.01.14 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Orenji (Post 93137)
Tell me more...

Upcoming (or very recent) touring together, and I read O' Rourke saying 'glad to be back in the studio with Jun Togawa' or something (I searched for the exact post last night to no avail- I'm sure it's on Togawa HQ somewhere) but yeah, they've worked together before (O' Rourke backed for Yapoos multiple times, as well as wrote in depth essays about Togawa for a couple of her reissues) - not to mention that talk of an album together has been on the cards for years now- so I don't have any real doubts that it will be a thing.

At the very least, the lives may show up on a DVD.

TeslaGuy 2015.01.14 08:16 PM

Would love to read the O'Rourke essays...

Inseu 2015.01.14 08:20 PM

Can't believe Gang of Four and The Pop Group have new albums...

deadgrandma 2015.01.14 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by TeslaGuy (Post 93158)
Would love to read the O'Rourke essays...

They're in Yapoos' Dadadaism and Dial Y reissue booklets

TeslaGuy 2015.01.14 08:49 PM

^To Ineou: Would be nice if they had something intriguing to say. I always hope, but not intensely enough that my wishes become dashed dreams after the unlikely doesn't occur.

"They're in Yapoos' Dadadaism and Dial Y reissue booklets"

Good info, but might I cement my reverence a bit further without dropping bucks on stuff? These are just words...

deadgrandma 2015.01.15 03:41 AM

What's wrong with buying 2 of the best albums out there?

deadgrandma 2015.01.15 04:52 PM

Susanne Sundfor- Delirious

Will definitely be looking forward to this album when it drops.

Also, in the same vein, both new Purity Ring songs are pretty good. Begin Again is DAMN good:
Begin Again

deadgrandma 2015.01.17 04:20 PM

So, new Bjork leaked.

I'm in one way glad it's an easier listen (for Bjork standards) than Biophilia, and has some full pop moments on it.

But I'm also not glad that the extreme, alienating, fascinating experimentation is gone- or at least isn't as noticeable.

Sounds pretty close to Homogenic to me.

Like any new Bjork release, it needs a few spins to really come into focus.

Will no doubt buy it, waiting to see what kind of packages will be available.

Inseu 2015.01.17 04:23 PM

That Susanne Sundfor song reminds me of this...

Samantha Fox - Touch Me

deadgrandma 2015.01.19 05:14 AM

Maron Hamada's been posting a bunch of studio pictures/tweets talking about her being happy with 'recording'... I expect at least a maxi from her soon, but new album would be nice.

deadgrandma 2015.01.20 03:36 PM

Vulnicura's official album cover. Looks very... awkward. She looks like Marilyn Manson circa Mechanical Animals era haha

Liturgy are coming back to steal the spotlight from Deafhaven this year it seems. Bring on the Hunter Hunt Hendrix pretentious college boy douchebag shenanigans for our entertainment! The first single from it is pretty awful though :-p

deadgrandma 2015.01.21 04:01 AM

Another album that I'll be grabbing this March.

FadedSun 2015.01.21 05:03 AM

I liked Hanae's debut. Will definitely check.

deadgrandma 2015.01.21 05:53 AM

^ exact same day as Pink Tokarev album, so that works out nicely in regards to shipping etc

cowboydan 2015.01.21 09:22 PM

is that new release by Hanae a full length? if so, thats rad. has she released any singles from it already?

deadgrandma 2015.01.22 02:09 AM

Yeah, full length, and one (totally awesome) single so far.

thespidereggs 2015.01.27 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by deadgrandma (Post 93191)
So, new Bjork leaked.

I'm in one way glad it's an easier listen (for Bjork standards) than Biophilia, and has some full pop moments on it.

But I'm also not glad that the extreme, alienating, fascinating experimentation is gone- or at least isn't as noticeable.

Sounds pretty close to Homogenic to me.

Like any new Bjork release, it needs a few spins to really come into focus.

Will no doubt buy it, waiting to see what kind of packages will be available.

I'm surprised there isn't more Bjork buzz on EMF tbh. I think this is her most affecting, personal record since Vespertine. Especially considering the context of both albums, the comparison seems apt.

Vulnicura is just devastating to listen to. The strong sense of dread percolating through each track. The discord between gentle strings and abrasive electronics. Some tracks sound like she's singing on the verge of tears, if she isn't crying already. These are still sounds she's experimented with previously, but this LP is particularly fresh - for one, it's less self-indulgent than some recent releases that could border on emphasizing concept over music (i.e. Biophilia). Like you said I'll have to listen to it a few more times to really digest this record, but it's her best in years. It's refreshing to hear her get back to the basics.

As for the cover itself, I'd say it perfectly encapsulates the sound of the record, which Bjork definitely has a knack for.

Anyone else have any thoughts?

gekokujyo 2015.01.27 08:38 AM

I really loved Vulnicura. It's not an album that I get actively excited about, but so far it's been a warm, delicate, and lonely album to listen to. Listening to it makes me think of all the could have beens in my life, and makes me want to fix a stiff drink, before I sink into my bed for a second listen.

I definitely get the Vespertine/Homogenic comparisons in that the writing is a lot more accessible. And yes, it's my favourite since Vespertine (personal favourite), though I am also a big fan of Medulla and Biophilia (I will pretend Volta never existed).

deadgrandma 2015.01.27 05:33 PM

Is it just me or is the latest of Montreal just really bad?

Another band I feel I should absolutely love given my taste in music but have never been able to fully get into.

Oh well.

EmilScherbe 2015.01.28 01:31 AM

according to last.fm Oomori Seiko is my 1000th artitsts.

just bought at BookOff.

TurtleFu 2015.01.28 01:25 PM

I've never really been able to get into Of Montreal. They are just too weird for me, to the point where I think Kevin Barnes is more interested in being a pan-sexual glam rock star than in actually making good music, because most of it is pretty uninteresting and groan-worthy.

Vulnicura is amazing. I need to give it a really good listen first though. I've listened to it, but I want to focus all my attention on it again.

deadgrandma 2015.01.28 07:24 PM

Wil Butler- Anna

This album is gonna be great, I can feel it.

ANOTHER one for March!

deadgrandma 2015.01.30 03:33 PM

Out on 11th Feb. The new single is called "とんがりヤング" and is the theme song for upcoming movie "死んだ目をした少年" (The Boy Who Has Lifeless Eyes)

You can hear a bit of the new song at the end of the trailer
Boy Who Has Lifeless Eyes

Cant say the movie interests me too much, but I'll still give the track a spin regardless.

FadedSun 2015.02.04 07:50 AM

I feel like Japan loves sticking bands and artists with theme song duty more than any other country. Surprised Charisma.com is going that route already.

TurtleFu 2015.02.04 10:42 AM

The way I see it, Theme songs work two ways:
An unremarkable movie can use a theme song from a popular artist to get attention.
An unknown band can get a quick burst of popularity through association with a popular movie/show.

I don't have a problem with the occassional theme song, but some bands do pretty much nothing but make theme songs, and in the end their songs all sound same-y. I'm looking at you FLOW.

It's also kind of embarassing when a band you like is so strongly associated with a theme song that isn't even representative of the band. See: The Cranberries, Galileo Galilei

s3r3nity 2015.02.04 12:37 PM

of Montreal has been doing the same thing for so long it's gotten boring. Haven't listened to the new stuff yet because I'm afraid to. I loved Hissing Fauna, Skeletal Lamping, and False Priest, but it's all kind of sounding streamlined by now.

Tokyo Jihad 2015.02.04 02:03 PM

Paralytic Stalks

Slowdive 2015.02.04 04:00 PM

The new Purity Ring leaked, I'm really liking it.

The full Hanae video is out: http://gyao.yahoo.co.jp/player/00101...0000000539146/

deadgrandma 2015.02.04 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Slowdive (Post 93471)
The new Purity Ring leaked, I'm really liking it.

Keen to check it out, even if I find the album cover to be a little Porcupine-Tree tier cheesy :-p

The Hanae PV has been out in full for a while, I love how well made it is, though the spinning effect also makes me feel a little nauseous like when watching Irreversible :p

I also see that Rebel Heart has come out in it's final version too, will check it out but damn- 25 tracks, I imagine it will be a looooong listen.

Slowdive 2015.02.04 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by deadgrandma (Post 93473)
Keen to check it out, even if I find the album cover to be a little Porcupine-Tree tier cheesy :-p

The Hanae PV has been out in full for a while, I love how well made it is, though the spinning effect also makes me feel a little nauseous like when watching Irreversible :p

Heartsigh, Repetition and Begin Aagain are my favourites so far.

Didn't know the full Hanae PV was already out, I just saw her tweet that link and assumed it was a Yahoo exclusive like I've seen other people do.

deadgrandma 2015.02.09 07:11 PM

As if to add insult to injury, Tori Amos has announced reissues of her masterpieces Little Earthquakes and Under the Pink.... AGAIN.

No new material that makes it worth it, and the vinyl could have been good- all the bsides in LP pressing form- but nope, they're the exact same 180grm pressings from... LAST year.

Why not reissue Boys for Pele, From The Choirgirl Hotel or even press, oh Scarlet's Walk on LP for the first time instead of giving us the same recycled stuff again and again.

I already own Under the Pink 5 times now... Original CD, Original LP, 2CD Australia Tour version (which features all the songs present on the new 2CD version), the 'extended' (and horribly 'remastered') A Piano mix and LAST YEAR'S reissue of the vinyl. The only difference is that this years 180grm version is on black and not pink.

I'm really getting fucking tired of this reissue crap. Wouldn't be so bad if the reissued material featured either something new or unreleased OR wasn't just reissued the previous year.

Get your fucking act together Tori.

TurtleFu 2015.02.09 08:31 PM

Just a cash grab. Jeesh

deadgrandma 2015.02.14 07:12 PM

Hamsandwich's new album is out in April.

It's called A ONE.

Yep. A ONE.

FadedSun 2015.02.15 08:01 AM

I'm more concerned over the band being named Hamsandwich.

deadgrandma 2015.02.15 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by FadedSun (Post 93623)
I'm more concerned over the band being named Hamsandwich.

Not sure if you missed it but

Hamsandwich = (Ayumi) Hamasaki

gekokujyo 2015.02.15 08:35 PM

I love me a good hamsandwich. Always reliably hits the spot when you're in need of a snack fix.

(Translation: YAYYY NEW AYU ~_~)

Pretsy 2015.02.16 03:58 AM

Anyone excited about Daoko's upcoming major debut album?


Sometimes it's good to be quite skeptic when it's about artists releasing albums in the very short term (Ringo as a case in point), but "Dimension" was quite neato, so I am kinda looking forward... :P

FadedSun 2015.02.16 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Pretsy (Post 93632)
Anyone excited about Daoko's upcoming major debut album?


Sometimes it's good to be quite skeptic when it's about artists releasing albums in the very short term (Ringo as a case in point), but "Dimension" was quite neato, so I am kinda looking forward... :P

I must have missed "Dimension". I love the album "Gravity" and still listen to it fairly regularly.

Regarding the "hamsandwich", I had no idea that was Ayumi's nickname :P

Slowdive 2015.02.16 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Pretsy (Post 93632)
Anyone excited about Daoko's upcoming major debut album?


Sometimes it's good to be quite skeptic when it's about artists releasing albums in the very short term (Ringo as a case in point), but "Dimension" was quite neato, so I am kinda looking forward... :P

I'm really looking forward to it, I liked Dimension.


Originally Posted by deadgrandma (Post 93619)
Hamsandwich's new album is out in April.

It's called A ONE.

Yep. A ONE.

lol. When reading Natalie I just skipped over this after seeing the title thinking it was another compilation.

deadgrandma 2015.02.16 05:47 PM

New Roisin Murphy album in May. It's been too long since her last LP (8 years now?)... and I tend to forget about the slightly embarrassing 2009 Orally Fixated single (that guitar solo *shudders*). I knew something was up when her website had changed its look :-)

New song, Gone Fishing sounds good too, looks like she's dropped the disco sound for something more akin to her first album, which is all good by me!

Slowdive 2015.02.17 09:59 AM

The new Capsule album is really good, a lot better than their last album for sure, which wasn't that bad imo.

Pretsy 2015.02.18 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by Slowdive (Post 93642)
The new Capsule album is really good, a lot better than their last album for sure, which wasn't that bad imo.

Inorite - I might not agree with your stance on CL (I just don't find any replay value in it :( ), but WR has its own place in Nakata's "I am doing mostly right" (let's exclude late Perfume here, k?) area. Sure, most might find "wait for the drop" bangers here to be...well, go and read the response @last.fm, but wtf - they did this in SW/WoF too. Why are people still complaining about "americanization"? It's not like US acts are exclusively entitled to use wait-for-the-drop-beats, frills and that kind of BS...not to mention that this is not Tomomi Itano-tier or m-flo-tier EDM we are talking about, sheesh :/

deadgrandma 2015.02.18 03:08 PM

I was looking forward to listening to it, but like every other Capsule album I've attempted, found myself getting more and more bored and only listened to half at a time.

Caps Lock is a pretty hated on album by looks of it, I just think it's a dull album but no worse than PLAYER.

I think in the end, Capsule has just had it's time.

The people on Capsule/KPP/Perfume etc's last.fm pages seem very close minded to me, plus they mostly only listen to one genre of music. I find people to be so shelved to be hardly authorities on it, so Pretsy, if you like it then go for it.

Also, speaking of Nakata, he has another new whore?
Mito Natsume

Was Pika Pika Fantajin's sales REALLY that bad? I hate to say it, but this new girl actually rubs me the right way, her voice is similar to Paipaidekami and far less vocoder is used here.

EDIT: OK, I admit it, after a few spins I freakin' love it. *hides in shame*

Pretsy 2015.02.19 01:05 AM

@Deadgrandma: I apologize for me being unintentionally hyper, but yeah - you got the gist here: I just tend to be easily irritated when it comes to fans suddenly complaining about something what their favorite band has done for years

Nonetheless, I am not saying this is their best effort (e.g. "White as Snow" or "Feel Again" are totes dull, and the content in general gets a bit too linear in the near end)

This Nakata's "new bitch" ain't really half-bad, but I highly doubt that their collab will last long :/

+ back to the topic: is anyone familiar with or perhaps...a fan of Dempagumi inc.? (um, anti-idols, heh) Their latest release is not half-bad either but perhaps a bit too safe for "denpa vibes"....

TurtleFu 2015.02.21 02:54 PM

I'm so sick of Nakata. I used to believe in him, actually believe that there was an artfulness to what he does. Now EVerythING sounds exactly the same, somehow both overly busy and boring

FadedSun 2015.02.21 03:36 PM

KPP wore off hard after her first album (for me anyway). Everyone ate up the rest of her albums and I could never understand why.

Inseu 2015.02.21 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by TurtleFu (Post 88272)
I used to give a shit about playing non-English music out loud. Now I don't. If I'm biking, you can deal with Perfume playing.


Originally Posted by TurtleFu (Post 93675)
I'm so sick of Nakata. I used to believe in him, actually believe that there was an artfulness to what he does. Now EVerythING sounds exactly the same, somehow both overly busy and boring

Good to know.

Inseu 2015.02.21 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by FadedSun (Post 93676)
KPP wore off hard after her first album (for me anyway). Everyone ate up the rest of her albums and I could never understand why.

Nanda Collection is way more melodic than Pamyupamyu Revolution. Ponponpon is feel good pop but Invader Invader rocks!

Pretsy 2015.02.24 04:18 AM


...yooo it's Hanae channeling Daoko :V

deadgrandma 2015.02.24 04:33 AM

Except Daoko isn't nearly as sexy as Hanae :-p

Can't wait for the full album. Next Wed is gonna be huge with this and Tokarev!

FadedSun 2015.02.24 07:14 AM

Daoko is like...16 or 17. We shouldn't be talking about who is sexier in this case :P

TeslaGuy 2015.02.24 09:07 PM

Ringo Starr: You're 16 (You're Beautiful & you're mine)

cowboydan 2015.02.24 10:13 PM

anybody else excited for the new Ayami Muto that's coming out tomorrow/today?

deadgrandma 2015.03.02 03:51 AM

I know its only like 2 days away, but the album preview is getting me pumped up. Looks like its gonna be a massive improvement over her first work.

Hanae album 2 preview

deadgrandma 2015.03.03 06:00 PM

And as expected, Hanae's latest album is absolutely delicious.

I feel its a big improvement on her first too. Rainbow Love is absolutely gorgeous.

Irresistible stuff!

Also, Will Butlers album is fucking good too.

What a week!

ALSO: The physical cover of Vulnicura is.... atrocious. Not the image itself, the goddamn mid 90s awful CGI mess!

TurtleFu 2015.03.10 06:20 PM

It would look better if it was an actual sculpture, like what Gaga did for her album cover.

Tokyo Jihad 2015.03.11 01:20 PM

Pretentious-speak: Its not supposed to look "good." Its supposed to look all 3ds Max circa 2002. See also

FadedSun 2015.03.11 01:48 PM

I think we all get that it was intentional. It doesn't stop it from looking atrocious.

Inseu 2015.03.11 08:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Inseu 2015.03.13 10:50 AM

Tricot - AND
John Carpenter - Lost Thmes

New Sleater Kinney and Marilysn Manson if anyone still listen to them.

deadgrandma 2015.03.13 05:37 PM

Record Store Day Japan has released their list for this year.

Nothing of major interest :-(

Sigh, RSD this year is a bust.

Oh well, cheaper for me at least.

Pretsy 2015.03.14 07:23 AM

Might name a few I am looking forward to this year:

Ghost Bath - Moonlover
Clammbon – Triology
女王蜂 (Ziyoou-Vachi) - 奇麗 (might be their radio-friendliest release but...)
Death Grips - Jenny Death (*insert reddit quote here*)
Surfjan Stevens – Carrie & Lowell (idk)
THE TURTLES JAPAN – ELECTRIC HUMANITY (PV songs are...okay but I think Kameda can do it better)
Colleen - Captain of None
Sigh - Graveward (why no release date tho?)

This year gonna be good imho...

Edit: that Vulnicura cover is totes gross...

deadgrandma 2015.03.15 07:23 PM


I hadn't actually seen this video.

Does Kameda actually write much of this? Definitely the best sounding of all the post Jihen side projects I've heard. Might check out the album.

Also. Another Japanese album that renders the single absolutely useless (both tracks from the single are on the album).

Inseu 2015.03.15 08:38 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I thought that's MIA in the PV, song is ok but not outstanding.

Inseu 2015.03.15 09:10 PM

The new Maron Hamada single ゆらゆら妄想ベッド and Rei Yasuda's Koi Uta are two of my favourite songs from 2015 that I wish Ringo wrote.

deadgrandma 2015.03.16 02:55 PM

I am actually loving these new Hamasaki covers, this one is my favourite of the lot.

As for the new video clip, it's undeniably a (gloriously) cheesy trainwreck but the song itself kinda sweet, and JJ Lin's piano work is pretty great.

deadgrandma 2015.03.23 04:18 PM

Surprise, surprise.... MORE new Boris!

Theyre doing another song for an anime (it's closing music, the opening music is by Boom Boom Satellites), "Ninja Slayer" called "Killmister"

Don't give a crap about the tie in, but still wanna hear the song. I'm guessing it will be in the vein of the bonus tracks on the 2CD version of Noise.

deadgrandma 2015.03.23 07:52 PM

Ayumi Hamasaki - WARNING

What I imagine Ringo will do next if she keeps following the path she's on :-p


Also: Why is it that I love when Ayumi releases absolutely ridiculous, pompous and off kilter trash like this yet can't handle it when Ringo releases absolute trash like NIPPON?

gekokujyo 2015.03.23 10:07 PM

This Ayu album is gonna be so great. Weeps.

deadgrandma 2015.03.24 04:26 PM

Boris covering Nirvanas "Lithium" on upcoming Nevermind Cover album.


Yes, a pitchfork link but hey, that's where I heard it from.

If this is a doom/drone version I'm gonna freak out!

Inseu 2015.03.24 07:04 PM

Selina Jen (S.H.E) solo album 31415.

deadgrandma 2015.03.24 07:08 PM

No way its gonna be remotely as good as Hebe Tien's Insignificance album (which is like 1000% better than all S.H.E. albums except maybe F.M.), I already know this as a fact.

ANYWAY, out on April 15, another single from Charisma.com, こんがらガール. Has a pretty neat cover:

Fingers crossed its better than the last single, I have high hopes though seeing as its an official single and not a movie tie-in.

gekokujyo 2015.03.24 09:31 PM

Hebe is the best but her best album so far has got to be My Love by a mile and a half.

Inseu 2015.03.25 06:23 PM

The anime chick on the album cover looks like Meg from Family Guy

Pretsy 2015.03.26 10:32 AM

Shame that Charisma.com's 2015 game is becoming generally weak - and leaves too much room for "better" newcomers in the vein of Daoko (as a case in point):


Her latest major debut might be a bit too vapid for non-stans but it's all fine tho :V

TeslaGuy 2015.03.26 11:16 AM

I downloaded the AAC of DAOKO not expecting much, and was pleasantly surprised enough to get the 24/96 and listen through an excellent DAC and headphones. I was disappointed. While some of the non-single songs have intriguing arrangements and interesting structures, I thought the mix kind of sucked. Why, for example, was the high end rolled off of the background vocals in every single song? I also thought that some elements were buried too far back in the mix, etc. but I am not going to go into deep detail. Don't care enough. Suffice to say that it is not in DIStopping's league.

I don't think that one lame single makes Charisma.com's 2015 game "generally" weak. If the hairbrush superhero song sucks too, then I will reluctantly agree with you.

deadgrandma 2015.03.26 04:02 PM

Remember how much the pre DIStopping singles sucked (I speak of Chankoi and Happy Turn- both having product tie ins too) before being put in context with album though- when listening to them within that album they sound good, great even.

deadgrandma 2015.03.26 05:01 PM

New Liturgy is really something else. Totally thrilled by it!

Incoming metalhead hate.

FadedSun 2015.03.27 04:57 AM

So, is anyone else listening to the new Kendrick Lamar album? I've been on binge for the past 2 weeks.

deadgrandma 2015.03.27 05:00 AM

I'll give it a go once I've listened to the new Death Grips enough :-)

Tokyo Jihad 2015.03.30 10:06 AM

K Dot's new one is so good it made me put Death Grips on hold.

deadgrandma 2015.03.30 03:48 PM

To be honest, I can't help but get Nu-Metal/Limp Bizkit flashbacks when listening to parts of Jenny Death, makes me wonder whether Death Grips will age well or be a nostalgic band in 10 years :-p

FadedSun 2015.04.01 06:51 AM

Tried listening to Death Grips yesterday and couldn't get into it at all.

Pretsy 2015.04.04 04:44 AM

Is that new Action Bronson album worth trying tho? His earlier tracks didn't really click and I thought if I should give his latest ((over)hyped) album a chance...

Speaking of Charisma girls:


Not bad.

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