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Tokyo Jihad 2007.08.18 08:13 AM

The greatest and toughest movie poll evar
It's a simple question, Norm!
Everyone knows the latter two movies don't count ^_^

EDIT: this isn't a "greatest movie evar" poll. just which of he two is the better

justriiingo 2007.08.18 08:15 AM

Titanic. :P
(no I don't actually like that movie...)

fluffiethesock 2007.08.18 08:34 AM

You're right, this is a tough poll. I actually have no idea which one should be considered better, but Aliens happens to be my favorite science fiction movie following Star Wars 5.

Inaudible-Whisper 2007.08.18 08:43 AM

Wasn't tough for me. As much as I love Alien, I simply have more fun watching Aliens.

Nimh 2007.08.18 08:44 AM

This is a rigged poll. These movies are in two totally separate worlds. I picked Alien because it's a great horror movie, where Aliens is just a a very above average action/sci-fi flick.

Tokyo Jihad 2007.08.18 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by NIMH Rat (Post 14713)
These movies are in two totally separate worlds..

Which is exactly the beauty of it all. Same franchise, two different genres essentially and they remain true to the other.

golem09 2007.08.18 09:37 AM

I had to look that movies up. In Germany they are called "Alien: The creepy creature from another world" and "Alien: The Return" or just Alien and Alien 2 (The subtitles are in german so I translated them for you)

But I like Alien a lot more than Aliens.

Glathannus 2007.08.18 09:45 AM

I own the Alien Quadrilogy set. (and not AVP - because it was a total disgrace)

I'm gonna have to agree with NIMH Rat that Aliens is an above average sci-fi action film, while Alien comes at you from left field because nothing like it had been done before. Aliens III is good, but it's been broadcast to death. Alien Resurrection was a bit uncalled for, but nowhere near as poorly implemented as AVP.

golem09 2007.08.18 11:48 AM

I liked Aliens III even more than Aliens. One alien alone is much cooler than an army. And the atmosphere in Alien is just brilliant, so this is my clear winner.

fluffiethesock 2007.08.18 02:27 PM

I thought Alien was great, Aliens was amazing, Alien 3 was bearable, and Alien Resurrection was a complete disgrace. The opening scene of that one pretty much sums it up.

Inaudible-Whisper 2007.08.18 03:40 PM

I think Alien is a better movie, but I enjoyed Aliens more, if that makes sense. I think there is a difference...

Tokyo Jihad 2007.08.18 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Inaudible-Whisper (Post 14729)
I think Alien is a better movie, but I enjoyed Aliens more, if that makes sense. I think there is a difference...

Civil War, I'm with Whisper.

Alien is a fantastic movie, that's why it's in the poll. But yeah, I enjoyed Aliens (cue non-intellectual bashing.) The Ripley-Newt plotline was fantastic. I loved it.

And that is why Alien 3 is 4ail |(

fluffiethesock 2007.08.18 05:48 PM

I agree that Alien is essentially a better movie, but it's just nowhere near as awesome as Aliens. That scene with the alien queen.. beautiful.

Glathannus 2007.08.19 12:39 AM

Okay, so I just went back and watched Aliens again, but for my first time with high-definition upscaling and a better set of speakers than before.

I forgot how intense that movie was.

Yeah, there's a certain intensity to just having one alien, because it could be approaching from anywhere and at anytime (it's more likely to wait until you think you're the most safe - instead be part of some relentless onslaught), while your attention could be focused in so many times and directions where there actually aren't any aliens.

With the second movie, it's naturally expected that aliens are everywhere, and that if you're ready to shoot in every damn direction, you're gonna hit some of the enemies no matter what, even if not all the enemies. Kind of how I get a better kill count in Counterstrike if I'm solo against two people instead of one.

Ripley fucked everything up by attacking the eggs infront of the queen.
If she had just left all that alone, the queen wouldn't have had any early reason to detach from the egg sack, and she and all her eggs (laid and queued) would've eventually been blown up along with everything else.

But of course, James Cameron and Colonel Hicks love to pair up for franchises that introduce huge logic holes in the sequels.

Nimh 2007.08.19 09:45 PM

For me, what drags Aliens down into "above average" territory (from the heights of Alien) is the little girl. Soon as she shows up, I tune out. Hate hate hate little girls in peril, especially when they are badly written and can't act.

fluffiethesock 2007.08.20 12:34 AM

This was one of the very few films where a kid character hasn't bugged me. In fact, I actually enjoyed her being in the movie. Now Jurassic Park 3, there's a movie where a kid will make you want to kill yourself.

Jurassic Park - cool kids for the most part
Jurassic Park 2 - annoying girl
Jurassic Park 3 - very annoying boy
Little Miss Sunshine - good thing the girl wasn't annoying
24 - Kim Bauer must die

Kids/teenagers are really annoying in most movies.

Tokyo Jihad 2007.08.20 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by NIMH Rat (Post 14804)
For me, what drags Aliens down into "above average" territory (from the heights of Alien) is the little girl. Soon as she shows up, I tune out. Hate hate hate little girls in peril, especially when they are badly written and can't act.

Were you the one that was also hatin' on Ophelia in Pan's Labyrinth?

(and wryy are Jurassic Park and Little Miss Sunshine in yer list at all Fuffie?)

fluffiethesock 2007.08.20 09:17 AM

I was tired and couldn't think of any other movies with kids. :-|

golem09 2007.08.20 02:53 PM

Ok, how about a new battle?

Home Alone
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

(This time, I like the german titles much more:
Kevin alone at home
Kevin alone in New Yowk)

EDIT: Wow, I wrote New Yowk. That sounds cool

fluffiethesock 2007.08.20 05:45 PM

I saw Home Alone and Home Alone 3, but I don't remember how I felt about the first movie. Surprisingly, I do remember that I liked the 3rd one. I imagine it was probably really bad though.

Tokyo Jihad 2007.08.20 05:54 PM

Despite not having the neat genre gap as Alien/s, Home Alone 1/2 is a surprisingly hard choice too. I'd give 1 the nod tho, cuz the less is the moar, and the moral is a little less than in 2. But yeah, 2 was pretty good too now that I think of it.

Nimh 2007.08.20 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Tokyo Jihad (Post 14840)
Were you the one that was also hatin' on Ophelia in Pan's Labyrinth?

That's me. Didn't hate Ophelia, though. Just didn't care about her. Too much of a blank slate.

These are kid movies that really nailed it, as far as kid characters (12 and under) go:

--Fly Away Home
--Shoot the Moon
--Return to Oz
--Nobody Knows

freshevryday 2007.08.20 07:23 PM

Alien was cool but i don't know about recent stuff. I don't even know what Aliens is.

fluffiethesock 2007.08.20 10:36 PM

Oh my gosh, Return to Oz! That movie was amazing. The original Oz movie is dirt compared to it. I've heard "Return" follows the original story much more closely.

golem09 2007.08.29 02:56 AM

New round!

Terminator 1 vs Terminator 2

I hope you don't have other weird titles for this :XD

Inaudible-Whisper 2007.08.29 03:57 AM

I prefer Home Alone to Home Alone 2, Terminator 2 to Terminator and Jurassic Park to Jurassic Park 2. The 3rd part of all franchises I won't even mention.

The Godfather Vs The Godfather Part II? Part II wins.

And despite the fact that it's technically not a sequal, part of a 'trilogy' or a set of movies, Hook is my favourite movie that takes place in the Peter Pan universe, and it's my favourite children's movie of time (Probably due to nostalgia more than anything). The score and cast is fantastic too!

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