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frecklegirl 2007.03.25 08:11 AM

New Members Thread
New members, introduce yourselves! Say a few words about how long you've been a fan, what (or who) got you into the music, and just let everyone know you're here!

Tokyo Jihad 2007.04.02 03:55 PM

Did I do this write? :confused:

kourai 2007.04.02 11:34 PM

So... i'm here too, :) and i changed my avatar... now you have a picture of me drawn by Liester with Shiina's Apple on my arm as a tattoo... i'm gonna miss my old kronekodow...

Linnéa 2007.04.03 02:55 AM

I'm Linnéa (a.k.a. usaagi on the old forums). I've been a fan since sometime round 2003.
This feels very weird (introducing myself again). But oh well. Nice to meet you!

golem09 2007.04.03 03:08 AM

I've been a fan since sometime round 2003. Wait, I read that somewhere..
doesn't matter.
I'm here and happy, but my old signature feels very oversized in this new place

Jonny 2007.04.03 04:07 AM

Hello. I've been a fan for some years now. De wa...

CatchFiveBats 2007.04.03 04:16 AM

Howdy howdy, I'm Zac. This will be my fourth post in a New Members thread on an SR forum, so I'll make this brief.

Only been a fan for a couple months now, found out about TJ from a post on 4chan's /t/ (which snowballed into SR), and um...yeah, I'm here. Hooray for new forums!

clakaz 2007.04.03 05:02 AM

Hello, I'm clakaz, the lurker.

Fan since 2003, maybe.
I'm not the active member kind, but if I have something relevant to say, I will give my two cents, if my language skills permit (I know some japanese and some english in the same level, not a comfortable level, I must say).

Anyway, good luck to everyone e have fun!

justriiingo 2007.04.03 08:00 AM

hi all!
it's justriiingo. :)
I've been a fan since 2001/2002 and I got into Ringo because Luna Sea disbanded. Big cheers to all the admin here for setting this up, esp to Glath who I know has been putting in tonnes of hours into this. :)

badtzmaru 2007.04.03 09:40 AM

Hello, again!
My name is Erin, and I've been a fan since the "Shuraba" PV. :)

I don't know what else to say, but it's good to see everyone here!! <3

Migoto 2007.04.03 10:49 AM

Hi everyone.
Brazilian, male, 23 years old, not available. :cool:
I hope we can have some real FRIENDSHIPISM here!

Lena-chan 2007.04.03 11:46 AM

lol at catchfivebats finding SR/TJ on 4chan
I hope that we have real FRIENDSHIPISM too XD
since SR/TJ communities are my only social life
you know me O.o
brazilian girl, SR/TJ fan since 2003 cause my ex shows me Honnou PV (my favorite song until now)
I dislike Uki, and I think the couple SR~Hirama is perfect *¬*
well, not too perfect than Kameda~Hirai couple

CatchFiveBats 2007.04.03 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Lena-chan (Post 237)
I hope that we have real FRIENDSHIPISM too XD
since SR/TJ communities are my only social life

Yeah, pretty much the same here. I spend almost all of my time in my room by myself since most of my friends have gone to college (and I live in kind of a hick town, so going out and doing stuff isn't all that exciting of a prospect anyway).


Originally Posted by Lena-chan (Post 237)
well, not too perfect than Kameda~Hirai couple

Hahahahaha....I really want to see that video, seriously. I'm tempted to bring the thread over here so perhaps, someday, someone will find and upload it for great victory!

justriiingo 2007.04.03 12:36 PM

cheers to friendshipism on electricmole.net!
add me to your msn if you'd like some off-board friendshipism! :)

ophy 2007.04.03 04:12 PM

Though constantly a lurker, I've migrated here. Love the forum, love the Ringo. ;)

Huruhara 2007.04.03 05:49 PM

Hello, I'm Huru... been a fan of Shiina over a little over a year now... The first song of hers I heard is Shuukyou. ^^ I like both her solo works and TJ works. Glad to be here!

Ah, and I'm based in the UK. Wonder if there's anyone from UK too?

zarya 2007.04.03 06:45 PM

I'm glad to be back! I saw the ad for the new forum on LJ.
24yo female from Montreal, Canada, yoroshiku

Maou 2007.04.03 07:11 PM

Yo. I think everybody knows me.

Tokyo Jihad 2007.04.03 07:16 PM



Maou 2007.04.03 07:28 PM

XD I think I'm the only one who still doesn't have access to the Ringo Jihen forum. I think a certain somebody doesn't want me to see who he told off under my account. :P

dawnie 2007.04.03 09:09 PM

hello everyone!

im dawn, and i have been a fan since feb 2005, and the very first jihen concert i watched was Dynamite Out!

my bandmate introduced me to tokyo jihen way back 2004 but at first i didn't like sounan (yes throw your grenades at me XD) because i thought the sound was redundant, so i didn't become a fan that time. so after a year... i heard shuraba,then ta-daaa im an fan now! ;]

my favorite shiina ringo song is Akane sasu kiro terasaredo, kabukichou is second :D

my favorite incident song is shuraba (single version), although my first pick was the adult version, but now i love the single version more. omatsuwari sawagi is second.

^_^ good day to everyone! and nice new forum! yey to the producers :D

timuist 2007.04.03 11:08 PM

My name is Tim, and Shiina Ringo and Tokyo Jihen have been scoring HUGE numbers on my playlist since 2004. They are my all-time favorites.
Don't know what else to say, but its nice to be here!

This Forum is AWESOME.

milk 2007.04.04 01:18 AM

Hi all!

Am casual fan of SR/TJ. They are the only Japanese artist/band I listen to nowadays. Other past favourites include Namie Amuro & Bonnie Pink. Love female vocalists. There are exceptions, though.

Am from a sunny island. Would like to inherit Glath's SR/TJ collection when he dies. Wishes to meet SR in person and to have coffee with her.

Wants to attend SR/TJ concerts and shop in 2nd hand shops in Japan for SR/TJ goodies. Currently looking for Gunjyou Biyori vinyl. (no luck)

Favourite songs by SR/TJ: 17, Unconditional Love, Marunouchi Sadistic, Keikoku (esp. &quot;surround sound&quot; breathing part. Sexy!), Sigma, Mayonaka wa Junketsu, Aisai Ka no Choushoku, Love is Blind, everything in KSK & Kyoiku & Adult (also their great PVs), *DOMESTIC! Virgin Line rendition of Souretsu*.

Am pleased to make everyone's acquaintance.

Orenji 2007.04.04 02:05 AM


I'm Orenji, Spanish 17-year-old guy, SR-lover and crazy boy :rolleyes:.

Well, nice to meet you all. See you ^^!

kuro_neko 2007.04.04 02:42 AM

So I finally got around to making an account here. Just wanted to say to everyone. And I think the "yasumi" on the top is amazing, XDXD

Oh, um, I've been a fan since sometime between SS and KSK, so I think maybe late 2001? I stole a friend's mix cd and it had Identity on it. Then I became obsessed with the lesbian part of Honnou through some gay friends. And then it was love.

Linnéa 2007.04.04 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by kuro_neko (Post 327)
Then I became obsessed with the lesbian part of Honnou through some gay friends.

Haha I was too, for a while.

justiiringo I've added you to my MSN.
Nice to see both new and familiar faces coming here!

milk: I'm also mainly a fan of female vocalists. Not sure why, they are simply better. XD

Orenji 2007.04.04 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by kuro_neko (Post 327)
So I finally got around to making an account here. Just wanted to say to everyone. And I think the "yasumi" on the top is amazing, XDXD

Oh, um, I've been a fan since sometime between SS and KSK, so I think maybe late 2001? I stole a friend's mix cd and it had Identity on it. Then I became obsessed with the lesbian part of Honnou through some gay friends. And then it was love.

Hey kuro_neko, I love your "American Doll Posse" avatar!! :D

CatchFiveBats 2007.04.04 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by milk (Post 314)
Love female vocalists. There are exceptions, though.


Originally Posted by Linnéa (Post 336)
milk: I'm also mainly a fan of female vocalists. Not sure why, they are simply better. XD

Funny coincidence...over the last couple months, I've developed a real affinity for female vocalists. I think I'm only listening to maybe 1 or 2 bands with a male vocalist right now, and they all have female backing vocalists. XD

kuro_neko 2007.04.04 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by Orenji (Post 343)
Hey kuro_neko, I love your "American Doll Posse" avatar!! :D

thanks~~~~~I have a really kickass picture of of Pip, Clyde, and Santa as my sig, but this got posted before I added that....

Only a few more weeks, you heard Big Wheel or Bouncing Off Clouds yet?

Oh, and Catch5Bats, female vocalists are the way to go, I don't listen to too many male vocalists, if any...I think a large part of it has to do with what they chose to sing about and how they express themselves. Women happen to be a little more intuitive and explore more issues sonically and creatively, I believe....I also think women's voices are more suited to singing generally.

But I'm just biased.

Lena-chan 2007.04.04 06:23 AM

I love female vocal too
I think there are few male vocalists that I like
but when I like male vocal, is because the sexyness in the voice @¬@ (Hyde for example)

milk 2007.04.04 08:01 AM

On male vocalists:

Thom Yorke (Radiohead) is rather peculiar. Haunting vocals, almost like another instrument instead. Think Radiohead is the only band I like with a male vocalist.

There are a couple of Luna Sea tracks I like too. Echo and reverb can really make a voice sound impressive.

And then there's Jamiroquai. Hah Hah. I was completely fooled into thinking he was a she when I first heard "Virtual Insanity". I really like the "Travelling without moving" album. His recent stuff stinks though. The funkyness is all gone... :L

Oh, yes. There's also the (now defunct?) Japanese band, Rough Laugh. I have two of their albums and I love only the first one.

The rest of my music collection comprises of female vocalists. (^_^)
Mostly mainstream artists like Diana Krall, The Cardigans (GT+LGBD=ear orgasm+emotional satisfaction), Garbage (used to love them), No Doubt, Dave's True Story, Dido (whatever happened to her? she's good!)

Tokyo Jihad 2007.04.04 08:02 AM

I actually think its real cool theres so many fans that came from the kyoiku-era and on.

zarya 2007.04.04 08:56 AM

Aah! I'm another one of those who listen almost exclusively to female vocalists! Looking at my last.fm, I'd say the proportion is 80% female vocals and 20% male (probably more, because the results are not proportional to the rank of the artists, and the first male vocals come only at #15).

There's a radio show in town on which they play japanese indies/alternative, and I can't listen to it because their proportion is the opposite of mine. I can't stand it, even if they play the occasionnal SR/TJ/GoGo

justriiingo 2007.04.04 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by milk (Post 365)
On male vocalists:
There are a couple of Luna Sea tracks I like too. Echo and reverb can really make a voice sound impressive.

Hey you trying to say that Ryuichi can't sing? He's one of the best vocalists there is out there!

Ditto your thoughts about Thom Yorke, that guy really knows how to use his voice. As for female vocalists, my favourites are Nina Persson (The Cardigans) and Yukimi Nagano (singing for Koop).

Silverrime 2007.04.04 11:41 AM

Hey everybody. I've been a Ringo fan for about 4 months or so.

Like so many others it seems, Honnou was the song that innitialy hooked me. After that, I warmed up to her albums in coincidentally chronologicaly linear fashion.

I had been lurking the Ringo Jihen forums since January, but I'll try be more active here.

Tokyo Jihad 2007.04.04 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by justriiingo (Post 378)
As for female vocalists, my favourites are Nina Persson (The Cardigans)

Cardigans are so underrated.

Maou 2007.04.04 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by justriiingo (Post 378)
Hey you trying to say that Ryuichi can't sing? He's one of the best vocalists there is out there!

No, no, no. He is the best vocalist out there. Male or female. Or at least he was. His Tourbillon stuff doesn't sound so hot and neither did his early Luna Sea vocals for that matter. However, Style-Lunacy was pure, hot vocal sex.

justriiingo 2007.04.04 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Maou (Post 428)
No, no, no. He is the best vocalist out there. Male or female. Or at least he was. His Tourbillon stuff doesn't sound so hot and neither did his early Luna Sea vocals for that matter. However, Style-Lunacy was pure, hot vocal sex.

YESS! Finally someone who agrees that Style-Lunacy is Ryuichi at the height of his powers! My friends insist that his voice became worse after he went for vocal training, which is untrue, because it became smoother and more controlled, albeit a bit more nasal. I actually have seen people saying LUNACY sucks, oh what do they know!

Tourbillon stuff ain't that great you're right, they should get Sugizo back in there, and J and Shinya... Damn I really miss LS.

Maou 2007.04.04 06:52 PM

I ignore those people who prefer the original Ryuichi. I just laugh at them since it seems they're usually just VK fanboys/girls upset that Luna Sea as a whole went a little softer. I'll take the higher pitched voice with more control over the more aggressive voice any day.

I also love Lunacy, but not quite as Mother or Style. Outside of the singles, I think Shine is their worst album. It's not a bad album, but it was a step back from Style and Mother.

justriiingo 2007.04.04 09:48 PM

Yeah I don't like Shine that much either. Good thing they had I for You in there if not the album would never have sold well!

To people who think Ryuichi's original voice is better, I give them a dose of Virgin Mary @ Final Act. Nothing gets better than that.

And to people who still insist SR sounds like a chicken, I give them Kokoro :)

Jer 2007.04.05 03:45 AM

I'm Jer and I'm as fucking awesome as Tokyo Jihen. Someday you're gonna love me.

Orenji 2007.04.05 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by Jer (Post 468)
I'm Jer and I'm as fucking awesome as Tokyo Jihen. Someday you're gonna love me.

I already love you <3

justriiingo 2007.04.05 06:43 AM

I'm crazy about your signature.
Did you draw that?

Jer 2007.04.05 07:01 AM

Nah, I didn't draw my sig. Saw it on /b/ and it was fukken saved. Also, orange is my favourite colour. Let's fuck.

Suzuki 2007.04.05 07:06 AM

My name is Patricio but in the most of forums i'm nicknamed as Suzuki.
I'm not an active member of anybody forum (only in JPM because the Mr.Children Thread) and it's nice to see so many SR/TJ fans :3

Orenji 2007.04.05 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by Jer (Post 474)
Nah, I didn't draw my sig. Saw it on /b/ and it was fukken saved. Also, orange is my favourite colour. Let's fuck.





CatchFiveBats 2007.04.05 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Jer (Post 474)
Nah, I didn't draw my sig. Saw it on /b/ and it was fukken saved. Also, orange is my favourite colour. Let's fuck.

So, another /b/tard SR fan, eh? You'd damn well better not be anywhere near Gaia...:P

Also, your sig is hilarious.

toumei ningen 2007.04.05 11:32 AM

Hey, y'all, I'm Aaron. Japanese and Spanish major at Clemson Uni. I was introduced to TJ in February-ish '06, when my good friend made me listen to Adult. Then, that summer, I went to Japan and picked up pretty much the entire discography, except for Muzai Moratorium (the store was sold out :D ). And now I'm majorly addicted.

Nice to meet you all!

Orenji 2007.04.05 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by toumei ningen (Post 501)
Hey, y'all, I'm Aaron. Japanese and Spanish major at Clemson Uni. I was introduced to TJ in February-ish '06, when my good friend made me listen to Adult. Then, that summer, I went to Japan and picked up pretty much the entire discography, except for Muzai Moratorium (the store was sold out :D). And now I'm majorly addicted.

Nice to meet you all!

Hi, welcome, nice to meet you, Invisible Man ^^!

Oh, Spanish major?
Entonces, esto lo diré en español: deseo que lo pases muy bien charlando con todos los miembros del foro!!;)

Lena-chan 2007.04.05 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by CatchFiveBats (Post 488)
So, another /b/tard SR fan, eh? You'd damn well better not be anywhere near Gaia...:P

Also, your sig is hilarious.

I think there are much more SR fans that we already know that are /b/tards too
I just about time to they show the true themselves

ssasami 2007.04.05 01:40 PM

Hello everyone. I've been an actual fan since the Sounan single came out. Because of my closemindedness when I first heard some SR solo stuff, I ignored her for a couple years after my innitial exposure to her greatness.

I listen to pretty much only female vocalists when listening to japanese music. GO!GO!7188 being my favorite band. The few American bands I listen to are male vocalists, like Primus and Helmet and several others. I also listen to a lot of techno/electronic stuff. That is what I was all about before becoming a J-Pop addict in 2003, and I still listen to some once in a while. I mostly listen to a shitload of J-Pop/rock/rap these days. I am a mailman, so I walk around with the soothing sounds of Japan coming from my Ipod all day.

I used to check out the Ringojihen forums once in a while, but I don't think I ever posted anything. I don't post in forums that often. Mostly because I usually view them on my cellphone, and posting from there usually doesn't work.

justriiingo 2007.04.05 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Jer (Post 474)
Nah, I didn't draw my sig. Saw it on /b/ and it was fukken saved. Also, orange is my favourite colour. Let's fuck.

Urm, I'm sorry, /b/?

(hopes that she doesn't make a fool of herself by saying the above)

Pancio 2007.04.05 03:03 PM

I'm here! I was "Pa-Chan" in Ringo Jihen forums. I'm a lurker in Ringo's fan world since the beginning of 2003. Cheers :D

Captain_Harlock 2007.04.05 03:18 PM

Helloes! I was "Pierrot" at the other forums. I just like to change my name all the time. Yeah. I'm too lazy to write something :3. Figure it out on your own.

CatchFiveBats 2007.04.05 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by justriiingo (Post 522)
Urm, I'm sorry, /b/?

(hopes that she doesn't make a fool of herself by saying the above)

/b/ is the random board on the BBS 4chan.org. Very, very scary place...definitely not for the squeamish or easily offended. Lots of funny stuff if you can stomach it, though.

Tokyo Jihad 2007.04.05 06:50 PM

You see, the prob is, nothing at 4chans really "funny." Its just the more time you spend there, the more your brain rots thus making things like "desu" and "does it feed?" seem funny when trust me, theyre not.

That said, I spend way to much time these days at 7chan. I feel mostly dirty and ashamed ='(

/you & me CatchFiveB)

Koh 2007.04.05 07:48 PM

Yes...4chan=brain melt

I think its awesome we all get to redo our intros haha...

Anyway though Im amber aka kohaku (amber) aka koh for short...I come around every now and then because most of you guys scare me *hides*
When I am here though I enjoy myself. Im an Art (emphasis photography) major and am very busy and very poor.

Domina 2007.04.05 07:55 PM

I don't really care for /b/. Other places on 4chan can be fun though.

I can't really remember how long I've liked SR. Took a while for me to be pulled into TJ though. The first thing I heard was "Service" and I just didn't like it that well.

Anyway! I'm a lurker on most forums, and fairly shy, so. Haha. Let's see how much I can post without hiding again.

Mr. Go-mahn 2007.04.05 09:31 PM

Hey, hey. You probably don't know me. Anyway, I've been a fan of Shiina Ringo for a little over a year. Yup. I like lots of other muzaks too. And video games. And art. I'm boring.

newyorkjihen 2007.04.05 10:02 PM

Hello. I don't post much, and when I do it's usually something stupid. This reputation thing is going to kill me...


justriiingo 2007.04.05 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Koh (Post 552)
Im an Art (emphasis photography) major and am very busy and very poor.

hehe photography. we can be good friends. :)

Fukurou 2007.04.05 10:22 PM

26 years (omg old man)
Likes drawing, plays drums in a metal/rock band just started a few months ago.
Big fan of Shiina since...omg i don't remember...4 years, maybe 5 ?
She's really one of my favorite artist for everything so different she did...(oh and she's sexy on the top of that :D)

i hope we can discover more and more of her together : )

Superficial Fan 2007.04.06 07:06 AM

I've been hooked since April 2006. My conversion (under the user name "Rockist Scientist") is documented on this ILM thread:


Preliminary investigation suggests she is the major pop music figure of this decade, but I've only been listening to her for--what?--a week, and then only to online files. But I'll be buying some CDs soon enough.

Anyway, milton parker had been talking about Adult on a different thread and it seemed interesting, which led me to check youtube, and after seeing Himitsu and Kurumaya-san and then solo videos like Ringo No Uta, Honnou, and Yami ni furu ame, I was very very interested in hearing and seeing more.

bebio 2007.04.06 02:36 PM

greetings from Portugal*
hello, some people may remember me or not, I still managed to do about 50 posts before the last forum sank like Titanic.

I'm Bébio, I've been living in Lisbon for 7 years for university studies (although I originally come from a tiny Portuguese island called Madeira), and I'm doing my last internship period in order to graduate (I'm an Architecture student and my course lasts 6 years + 1 year of internship), and after that, I plan to apply for a scolarship to do a post degree on traditional Japanese architecture and Urbanism studies in Japan. I was there last year for a couple of weeks, sponsored by the Japanese ministry of Foreign Affairs, and it was a great time, so it's only natural for me to want to come back, and improve my Japanese language skills as well.

Besides that, I write and play my own music, and I also ocasionally play in friends' bands. When I have some free time outside of the course and music playing, I do some illustrations and drawings just for fun.
I discovered Shiina Ringo around late 2004, because a Japanese girl on a website called "communities" (a place where I no longer go to) had recommended her music to me. I managed to find a couple of mp3 from KZK, and needless to say I was hooked! It's still my favourite album from her.

Since then, I've been enjoying Tokyo Jihen a lot (my fave album is Otona), and the side projects like Pe'Z, Shiina's collaborations with other people, H Zett M, and so on.
My favourite Japanese music is underground music, like Boris, Envy, Toe, Lite, Garlic Boys, DJ Krush, Zazen Boys, Cornelius and stuff like that, although I certainly don't mind the ocasional listening of more accessible music like Bonnie Pink, Acidman, Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra and even Halcali and Ryp Slyme. But Morning Musume, or Kumi Koda's type of music are just not my thing :P

As for non asian music, I enjoy Radiohead, Silverchair, Mr. Bungle, Mike Patton, Refused, Shellac, Sigur Rós, Isis, Mogwai, Archer Prewitt, Godspeed You Black Emperor, Bôa, Beck, Air, among many other things.

Pleased to meet you all again, and sorry for the long introduction... It is said that Portuguese sometimes talk too much...:o

Fukurou 2007.04.06 03:06 PM

Sounds true :D
Welcome, very nice musical tastes !
Envy, Boris, Patton, wow, exactly like me ^^
D'you have some of your own music online, i'm curious ?

CatchFiveBats 2007.04.06 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by bebio (Post 654)
My favourite Japanese music is underground music, like Boris, Envy, Toe, Lite, Garlic Boys, DJ Krush, Zazen Boys, Cornelius and stuff like that, although I certainly don't mind the ocasional listening of more accessible music like Bonnie Pink, Acidman, Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra and even Halcali and Ryp Slyme. But Morning Musume, or Kumi Koda's type of music are just not my thing :p

As for non asian music, I enjoy Radiohead, Silverchair, Mr. Bungle, Mike Patton, Refused, Shellac, Sigur Rós, Isis, Mogwai, Archer Prewitt, Godspeed You Black Emperor, Bôa, Beck, Air, among many other things.

I have a collaboration CD between Boris and Merzbow that I really like (Sun Baked Snow Cave). If you haven't heard them already (and if you like noise...it's noise with a punk rock twist, really), give Melt-Banana a try.

And you're one of the few people I've met who actually likes HALCALI (everyone I've shown them to has hated them). I think the naivety of the group (two high school girls who didn't know each other, and who had never really heard of rap before they were brought together, performing a super-happy kind of J-Pop/Rap mix) is really fun and silly and entertaining. I'm also not much of a "normal" J-Pop person, although I do like Puffy and some of the Hamasaki Ayumi trance remixes.

I gave Mr. Bungle a try several months ago and didn't really like them that much (I wasn't all that fond of the vocals, really...), although they seemed really interesting. And Godspeed You! Black Emperor is excellent as well.

It's not often I find someone with such similar musical tastes to myself.:o

Mad_Mac 2007.04.06 04:58 PM


Septa, 21, Indonesia.

January, 2006 was the first time i heard her music. Her first release single. Koufukuron. My first impression. What a girl!!!! After that i discovered that she made a band, so i started downloading(no original, and money). Hooked up with Toumei, Gunjo, and Sounan like crazy. Again, downloaded Dynamite Out. All of them are amazing in my eyes. So, I start searching all of her work, from her solo. You can say i found my light. I've been desparate to find a music that could move me. I like old2 rock stuff, and music that offered by the television is killing me.

Shiina is already a GOD for my music standing beside Mr. Big at the moment, but i think she will be above Mr. Big in near time.

Do i talk to much????

Anyway, feel so good to be in this forum.

bebio 2007.04.06 05:00 PM

Ah, thank you both for your kind replies ^^
It's always a pleasure for me to discuss interesting music with people around the globe.


Well, yes I have some stuff online. But a warning: The music I have online has nothing to do with the musical tastes I've mentioned haha ^^
My solo project is basically just me and an acoustic guitar, and it's in the vein of solo artists like Nick Drake, Kings of Convenience, Jose Gonzalez, or Vashti Bunyan. But I've been recording some "lo-fi" demos in my bedroom, and some friends are going to add piano and back vocals and percussion later.

I have another project, called Shibuya-K, but so far all I've finished was a remix for a japanese band called M.O.V.E. This is a strange story: I had registered in a website called acidplanet, and they had a remix competition for M.O.V.E. I was excited for this opportunity, even though I had never heard of M.O.V.E. before. And the funny thing is that I downloaded the samples into the computer but because of an internet failure, the connection fell just right after I'd downloaded the last sample. So, I had lots of small samples, but I could not hear the original song to hear how it sounded like. Even so, I decided to go ahead and remix all those bits and pieces without listening to the original. I closed myself in my bedroom for about 3 whole days, and left with a finished remix that I uploaded to the contest. Only after I uploaded the remix I decided to hear the original. And man, I was quite disappointed. My remix is hardly the bees' knees, but with all modesty I think I actually prefer my version over the original.

Now my next plan for Shibuya-K is to do an album that mixes club beats with edgy rock, like Soulwax, LCD Soundsystem, and also other songs that mix dub with traditional Japanese instruments. I already have several ideas, but no finished songs yet. I'm kinda waiting to focus on them after I graduate this year, when I have more free time. I also want to try and contact Japanese musicians and try to convince them to collaborate with me on some of the songs, which would be really exciting for me.
But alas, all I have right now (and will have for some time) is the darn MOVE remix. you can hear it for a bit of a laugh. :D

And I play with friends, as a bass player, and I think their music is so much better than mine... Now that I've made these warnings, to succesfully lower your expectations, here goes the links:

Lavimpa (my solo acoustic stuff): http://www.myspace.com/lavimpa
Shibuya-K (only a remix): http://www.myspace.com/shibuyak

And for my friends with whom I've collaborated:


Actually, that split album with Merzbow is missing in my collection. I'd love to listen to it in mp3 eventually.

As for Melt-Banana, I've only heard 2 or 3 mp3 a long time ago. I'm definitely curious to check out more.

For me, the fascination in Halcali is that I can truly feel their "personality" in the songs they make. It's true they have been produced by a lot of people, but their songs don't sound like they came from a mass-production company. A lot of J-pop feels void and empty of feeling for me. But I feel that Halcali is not faking their music. Somehow, their songs feel sincere to me. Their naivety doesn't feel fabricated, or forced. I don't know how to explain it, but I think the girls sound naturally genuine when they sing about their wacky topics. Strawberry Chips could be a really corny song, but it really moves me emotionally. I get all nostalgic about my teenagehood years when I listen to it. And they make a reference to Figo (the portuguese soccer player) in one of the songs of Halcali Bacon. That can only be a plus in my book ^^

And Twinkle Star for me is plain genious, especially the video. That gorilla is priceless.

As for Mr. Bungle, what album did you hear? I'd recommend California as a starting point, because it is their most accessible CD. Disco Volante is just plain crazy. Because Mike Patton is always experimenting with his vocals, liking what he does can be a hit-or-miss affair, but If you listen to California and you don't like it, I'd recommend you listen to Fantômas' "The Director's Cut", or Peeping Tom's self-titled album. In each of those albums Mike sings in completely different ways, and you might like them more.

But it's ok if Mr. Bungle is not quite your cup of tea... They have some songs even I don't listen to all that much.

Sorry for the long post...

Fukurou 2007.04.06 05:01 PM

Catch >> The collab with Merzbow was pretty interesting yes...but you have to like slow structures to like it ^^
For Melt banana, it's one of my fav' japanese band too, Cell scape is my favorite CD.
About Mr Bungle it's not really easy-listening so you should give them other tries in the future (plus there's one of their album i find not that great, doesnt' remember the name, maybe that's the one you listened to)

Well guys, with tastes like this i'm looking forward to see both of your LastFM pages on the specific thread, if you have one. :)

Edit : Thanks Bebio, can't listened to it at the moment, since i'm at work, but i'll try later...and don't worry, i'm very open-minded when it comes to music (well music and everything, anyway)

badtzmaru 2007.04.06 09:13 PM

Wow, I can't believe there are 100 members already!! >_<

It's good to see the old members back, and welcome to all the new members--it's great to have you here!! :D

hypercarrots 2007.04.06 11:23 PM

i heard aozora and koufukuron first and those are my favorites. shiina ringo is a creative genius.

Op2 2007.04.07 12:34 AM

Mina-san, konbanwa.
Adrian desu.
Shéna Ringo is god, no matter which language she spews.
I sometimes visit the following Shéna Ringo translation / lyrics website, and I saw a giant promotion for these message boards. <<http://freckle.tenkeimedia.com/nl/ringo/index.html>>

It's good to meet you all.

chickshow 2007.04.07 01:56 AM

Hello and thanks for the new forums. Seems to have recaptured the old happiness already....

Loved Ringo for about 6 years now?

golem09 2007.04.07 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by badtzmaru (Post 694)
Wow, I can't believe there are 100 members already!! >_<

Yeah, especially since we got no Media Board!

Xui 2007.04.07 08:53 AM

hmhm ö__ö~
I came here because of the old board xD'
(...and my english is still... weird... xD')

Tokyo Jihad 2007.04.07 08:55 AM

I love your avatar Hypercarrots!


Originally Posted by golem09 (Post 708)
Yeah, especially since we got no Media Board!

Myth: busted!

Maou 2007.04.11 01:01 PM

Where de 'ell is Evil? Or rather, which one of you was Evil's alt account? :)

Lena-chan 2007.04.11 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Maou (Post 1415)
Where 'ell is Evil? Or rather, which one of you was Evil's alt account?

I'm asking it to myself since some days ago

Tokyo Jihad 2007.04.11 02:22 PM

For real. Someone call up Evil.

badtzmaru 2007.04.11 06:10 PM

Yeah, where is he!! And Pariscombo and Kameda'sThong?? T_T

I don't see them on the memberlist... I hope they're planning to join. :(

Lena-chan 2007.04.11 06:22 PM

I miss Pariscombo and Kameda'sThong too >_<

badtzmaru 2007.04.11 06:31 PM

Wait, do you think Adrian is KamedasThong? o_O He kind of reminds me of him... (I feel like I'm talking behind his/their back(s). o_o;;)

kourai 2007.04.11 10:10 PM

The black Shiina Ringo... :(:(:(:( i miss that cute bot!!

Lena-chan 2007.04.12 03:38 AM

I still think that The black Shiina is one of ourselves O_O'
since the begin!

badtzmaru 2007.04.12 09:57 AM

Do you think it was Op2 or Channing? XD I'm leaning towards Channing...

Lena-chan 2007.04.12 10:30 AM

he may be you,
may be me
we all are suspects

bromithia 2007.04.12 08:45 PM



badtzmaru 2007.04.12 08:53 PM

I'm surprised to see you here! So, you finally verified your e-mail address?? XD


Originally Posted by Lena-chan (Post 1523)
he may be you,
may be me
we all are suspects

:blink: ...

bromithia 2007.04.12 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by badtzmaru
I'm surprised to see you here! So, you finally verified your e-mail address?? XD

lol, I felt left out seeing as everyone who is at RC is here.

golem09 2007.04.13 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Lena-chan (Post 1523)
he may be you,
may be me
we all are suspects

We need some detective Conan or Sherlock Holmes
And a lonely estate in the middle of nowhere, were we can all meet..

badtzmaru 2007.04.14 12:59 PM

Ohh, that would be soo fun!! XD I want to be on the same team as Glathannus! XD

That reminds me of the game, Mafia. :blink:;; Do you guys think we could play it here??

golem09 2007.04.14 01:19 PM

You mean THIS ?
That would be pretty funny. But we would need a mod for this game. Not a forum mod, but a one who would moderate the game. And there should be enough participants and a lot activity involved.
And to specify the rules would be hard work. To make everyone understand the rules even harder. But it would be cool

badtzmaru 2007.04.14 01:32 PM

Yeah actually, it'd be kind of hard to play online. I've seen it played at some forums, but they weren't as successful as playing the game in real life. :( The rules are really complicated, too. >_<

frecklegirl 2007.04.15 09:52 AM

No more off-topic in this thread, please XD It's still the New Members Thread officially.

Kasanagi 2007.04.15 10:17 PM

Hi all, 23 yr old HK-born Sydeny-sider. been a Ringo addict since 2003/2004, and unlike any other drugs, admitting that you have a Ringo problem only makes you more of an addict...

Been lurking on the old forum, but maybe I'll be a little more active on this new one aye. Hajimemashite!

Note: Yes I've spell "Kusanagi" wrong.... I've made a typo on my hotmail account and it kinda stick...

justriiingo 2007.04.15 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Kasanagi (Post 1946)
Hi all, 23 yr old HK-born Sydeny-sider.
Note: Yes I've spell "Kusanagi" wrong.... I've made a typo on my hotmail account and it kinda stick...

I think you are very prone to typos. :lol: But that's what the edit function is for!
Welcome to the boards!

badtzmaru 2007.04.16 09:46 AM

Sorry, Frecklegirl!! T_T I need to stop going off-topic so much. >_<;;

Welcome, Kasanagi! :D What does 'Kusanagi' mean? :blink:

Maou 2007.04.16 05:46 PM

^ Gotta be a reference to Kyo Kusanagi.

Kasanagi 2007.04.16 10:13 PM

Typos must be the bane of my existence

And yes that is a KOF reference, as well as the name of a sword suppose to be held by Japan's royal family.

Fukurou 2007.04.17 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by bebio (Post 669)
Ah, thank you both for your kind replies ^^
Well, yes I have some stuff online.
Lavimpa (my solo acoustic stuff): http://www.myspace.com/lavimpa
Shibuya-K (only a remix): http://www.myspace.com/shibuyak

Hey, your Lavimpa stuff is pretty nice, good job !
I look forward to hear more : )
Do you have the songs to download somewhere ? (or maybe you prefer not to, it's understandable too)


Originally Posted by golem09 (Post 1756)
We need some detective Conan or Sherlock Holmes

Or L.
Or Jessica Fletcher.
Maybe even Derrick.

PS : i missed the train but i once was a /b/tard, too.
Those days i try not to approach /b/ too much, i like my brain and i don't want it to melt too much. :mrgreen:

Oh and pool's closed due to AIDS.

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