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HEDOfloe 2007.04.12 03:10 PM

Any artists here?
I was just wondering if there were any other artists here, if so, post a link to any art you have online. You can check out my work here:


Tokyo Jihad 2007.04.12 03:27 PM

Agenda Setting -- Patatoa

Why Control -- Patatoa

You can question the "artistic" values all ya want. Not so much an "artist" just doing stuff I like for profession (hopefully soon.)

HEDOfloe 2007.04.12 03:36 PM

Waste of my time

Tokyo Jihad 2007.04.12 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by HEDOfloe (Post 1562)
Waste of my time

Gee, thanks for the soft words that you backed up

cjhobbies00 2007.04.12 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by HEDOfloe (Post 1562)
Waste of my time

harsh man...

Maou 2007.04.12 04:08 PM

I'm still waiting for Jihad to repay me my precious minutes he stole by making me watch that Tila Tequila video. :p

Tokyo Jihad 2007.04.12 04:15 PM

I didn't "make" you watch jack. It was just an offering in the name of "W.T.F." you consented. Officer, he consented.

HEDOfloe 2007.04.12 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Tokyo Jihad (Post 1564)
Gee, thanks for the soft words that you backed up

The vid is clearly mocking art so how would I find that funny?

Tokyo Jihad 2007.04.12 05:31 PM

Is that what you think? Thats pretty funny considering the method used, huh?
Look up the term Agenda Setting.

cjhobbies00 2007.04.12 05:39 PM

we should shut this thing down, i'm reading all these comments and nobody seems to be making any sense...proper english grammer went out the window like 2 replies in

Tokyo Jihad 2007.04.12 05:42 PM

Wheres the fun in that, hobbies?

An artist criticizing art? *gasp* that hath never happened. Even if that was my point. Even if I was undermining my self in my own work -- thats an artistic statement in and of itself.

cjhobbies00 2007.04.12 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Tokyo Jihad (Post 1602)
Wheres the fun in that, hobbies?

An artist criticizing art? *gasp* that hath never happened. Even if that was my point. Even if I was undermining my self in my own work -- thats an artistic statement in and of itself.

i'm just a little adversive to any conflict breaking out here, trauma from the last forum.

I did find his critcism a bit off putting, i found no enjoyment in your videos but i still recognized the work involved in making it. I won't consider it art, but that's just my personal feeling and doesn't pertain to anyone else

Tokyo Jihad 2007.04.12 05:58 PM

I wont ever call my shit art. But I do think its funny considering what "can be" considered art. They're just vids.

No real conflict.

HEDOfloe 2007.04.12 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Tokyo Jihad (Post 1606)
I wont ever call my shit art. But I do think its funny considering what "can be" considered art. They're just vids.

No real conflict.

I definately think that people overuse the term "art" it's annoying. But I did not know that you filmed those videos. So I'm sorry if I offended you but I just thought that you were mocking me for creating this thread.

Oh and yea, what is that about "conflict" hobbies? I think we are all adults here ^_^.

cjhobbies00 2007.04.12 06:16 PM

WOOHOOO! Peace is upon us!

orgy time!

insanitykun 2007.04.12 06:17 PM

If you can't find humor in art, you're boring! HEDOfloe, you also need to invest some serious time in drawing from living people who are in front of you. Your art will be much better for it.

I'm a photography student, and very little of my work is online in any centralized place, especially anything I've done seriously in the past two years because scanning negatives takes a lot of time, and most of prints are too large to scan on my scanner.

Tokyo Jihad 2007.04.12 06:19 PM

You asked people to post their work that they had online.
I did.

You slag me off not understanding my meaning, caught up on yer own "definitions to notice.

Maybe I am an artist after all. :rolleyes:

insanitykun 2007.04.12 06:25 PM

I only watched the first, but I liked it. But then again I understand the lingering metaphysical feelings of questioning existence and the reason for being.

Plus, people will actually ask you things like that. "Your reasoning is so shallow on so many different levels that it is deep!"

HEDOfloe 2007.04.12 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Tokyo Jihad (Post 1612)
You asked people to post their work that they had online.
I did.

You slag me off not understanding my meaning, caught up on yer own "definitions to notice.

Maybe I am an artist after all. :rolleyes:

It is not because of my "definitions" its just that I felt you were trying to mock me or something, it was pretty funny until the part where he says art which was where I felt "offended", if you will. Anyway, most directors usually refer to their work as art and I do not have a problem with that.

And Insanitykun, it is funny that you mention drawing from live because today we actually had a model in my drawing class and I was going to post those up soon on DA when I take pictures of the drawings (they are too big to scan). But I know what you mean, anatomy is the thing i've been trying to work on the most recently. It is too bad that you do not have any of your work online, I've become really interested in photography lately so I would have liked to see what you've done.

golem09 2007.04.14 12:22 AM

I found Tokyo Jihads movies more entertaining than the drawings. Guess we can't argue about taste...

(Screw China! I wouldn't waste a metaphore on them)

Inaudible-Whisper 2007.04.14 08:52 AM

I liked the first vid TokyoJihad. I half expected it to fade back at the end to find both of them hitting the wall.


frecklegirl 2007.04.15 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by HEDOfloe (Post 1562)
Waste of my time

Um, yeah, try to be a little more careful in the future. Even if you thought Tokyo Jihad was mocking you with his post, this is fairly unacceptable, to come back with such an immediately hostile remark. I mean, was there an insult to you anywhere in Tokyo Jihad's response? Or any real indication at all that he was mocking you instead of actually replying to your thread? No. So this was really uncalled for.

Admin speaking, just try to be better about this in the future.

arutea 2007.04.23 03:57 AM

I watched Agenda Setting, I quite enjoyed it actually. ^^ I particularly liked the dialogue. Did you write it? I could see this as a short performance on stage. My main nit pick would be that I would have liked it to conclude a bit differently. I guess I'm looking for more of an answer as to why he's hammering that wall instead of just noise. Although it does seem like a typical video "arty farty" piece I can see a video student doing - I guess to me, not having that definite answer equates to not being able to finish your story? I hope I'm making sense. =)

I think it has the potential to be a good piece. The main weak point of it in terms of video production is the audio for the dialogue. Voice over or separate audio recording would probably help when the camera is a bit further away. Lol but I guess you're just starting off right? I hope I haven't been to hard on you. =)

Second video - does it have audio? I'm playing it but I can't hear anything... culd be just my browser. X_x

Aurgh sorry, bad habit! I go to an art college... I study digital media so I automatically tend to critique things.

As for me - I've done a bit of freelance illustrating. I'm more main stream/commercial than I am "artist". I'm looking at heading more towards animation. My work last year is on my website. It's brainless, pointless, experimental fun that hasn't landed me an animation/related job yet. So now I'm working on a more ambitious story-based project this year for my honours degree and... I'm looking for voice actors too. ^^; To play the two children (below) and I'm writing in two new parts - a narrator and a soldier. I shall post up something within the next week about it when I fix my script.

Ok... I've blabbed enuf

CatchFiveBats 2007.04.23 05:09 AM

Those two characters look really good, arutea! Even though they're clearly anime-influenced, it doesn't feel as though you're just copying someone else's design (which, from what I've seen of anime-influenced art, is extremely difficult to avoid). Keep it up!

Tokyo Jihad 2007.04.23 12:19 PM

Arutea. I did write it, and I actually did make it "live friendly" so it was possible to be done on stage. As for the ending. That is 'the' ending. That is how I wanted to wrap it up. I'm not gonna explicate exactly why and all, cuz that takes away all the fun ;) As for audio, i think it came out well. The audio "jumps" aren't very apparent, Granted, it would just plain sound better if i had a boom and a better mic. And on left frame you can see the mic in the wideshot, so ftw. But i'll stand up for my cheap-o (relatively) mic and cam. They bring the relish when it comes to business.

And the second one does not hav sound, and thats all anyon ever says about it! =( Truth be told, it was made for a class and was required to not have sound. I should retitle it "does not have sound" so people dont have to worry about it.

Anyway, I'm studying this stuff in college, so I love valid critique! :)

justriiingo 2007.04.23 12:21 PM

Wow that's really something! I can easily see them in an anime movie...
Could you draw some Tokyo Jihen for us? :)

HEDOfloe 2007.04.23 02:10 PM

Arutea, your animation is nice, although there are some rough parts but I think you did a good job with things such as the smoke, it looks smooth. Btw, what program do you use to turn it into a video?

golem09 2007.04.23 11:01 PM

hey arutea, nice awards you got there!

arutea 2007.04.23 11:48 PM

awards...? X.x?

Thanks everyone! =D

@catchfivebats Yeah.. I started drawing because of anime. ^^; I went through that infamous phase where people see my drawings as a copy of a particular mangaka's style and for a while I tried to move away from the anime look but I realised... the God of Anime/Manga Tezuka did it himself (he copied Disney's style at first) so... I accepted my Japanese anime style influence and hope one day it'd lead to my own. ;)

I know what you mean about seeing copied styles. I can't help but look at some western manga/fan arts and think, "eh.. clamp, kenshin, full moon o sagashite..." But I guess you gotta start somewhere. ^^. I started with... Evangelion. hahaha I should post up my very first drawings some day. XD

@justringo yeah I've been meaning to attempt some ringo fan arts but.. so busy. =_=;; if I feel like procrastinating and can't think of anything else to do... I'll try. =D

@headofloe hahah yea I really wanted to do a lot of SFX and there was supposed to be heaps more in my animation but.. I ran out of time. _|-|O

But.. this year's one is going to hopefully be a lot more finished looking. I'm treating the first one as a purely experimental stage for this year's project.

I see about the non sound thing. ^^;; yeah... that's a bit of a pain not having sound cuz videos with no sound makes it hard to watch... particularly if it's longer than 20 seconds. Maybe since it's not for class anymore you can slap a song ontop of it? hehehe stick a shiina ringo song! lols.

golem09 2007.04.24 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by arutea (Post 2633)
awards...? X.x?

:whacko:Runner up in "Animania Mascot Competition" (2004):whacko:
:whacko: 1st Place in "My Life, My Art" Anglicare Art Competition (2002):whacko:


justriiingo 2007.04.24 09:18 AM

arutea: If you will draw me a picture of Hirama bashing Uki I'll make it my avatar... lol! But of course, just to make the Uki fans happy, please also draw one of Uki bashing Hirama with the Vox Phantom too. :D

Tokyo Jihad 2007.04.24 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by justriiingo (Post 2656)
But of course, just to make the Uki fans happy, please also draw one of Uki bashing Hirama with the Vox Phantom too. :D

The Hirama fans will understand and appreciate the irony ;) :lol:

arutea 2007.04.24 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by golem09 (Post 2643)
:whacko:Runner up in "Animania Mascot Competition" (2004):whacko:
:whacko: 1st Place in "My Life, My Art" Anglicare Art Competition (2002):whacko:


Ahh those. ^^;; no big deal really... and they were a long time ago. _|-|O; Especially the Animania one. Heard rumours they decided on the winner just cuz they knew the person. (˚∆˚);; I was really angry about it at the time. Not that I expected to win or anything...

But the My Life My Art was pretty great. It was the last year they gave one tho. :(


Originally Posted by justriiingo (Post 2656)
arutea: If you will draw me a picture of Hirama bashing Uki I'll make it my avatar... lol! But of course, just to make the Uki fans happy, please also draw one of Uki bashing Hirama with the Vox Phantom too. :D

Gomenesai (v.v) I think I might know who you're refering to as Harima but I'm not sure about Uki and Vox Phantom. _|-|O;; I'll sketch some things while I'm on the train though when you point me to more details.. if they turn out good I'll post them.

Tokyo Jihad 2007.04.24 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by arutea (Post 2684)
I think I might know who you're refering to as Harima but I'm not sure about Uki and Vox Phantom.

Thats a stealth pwn right there. EMs on a pwning spree right now!

(if you dont understand this post, arutea, just know its a good thing ...and pretty irrelevent of a post anyway.)

arutea 2007.04.24 02:00 PM

zen zen wakarimasen. XD

HEDOfloe 2007.04.24 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by arutea (Post 2699)
zen zen wakarimasen. XD

LOL, I still remember some japanese from my intro class :D

Lena-chan 2007.04.25 09:48 AM

I can draw Hirama bashing Ukie just for the pleasure
but it would be a fluffly-SD
I draw since I had 6 years
but when I was 10 I said "don't like to draw normal draws, just want SD /o/"
then 4 years ago I discovered that I can't draw anything but SD
if I would be a mangaka, I guess I would be like junko mizuno http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junko_Mizuno
but it's been a looooong time since the last draw I did

badtzmaru 2007.04.25 05:13 PM

Wahh, do it, Lena-chan, do it!!!! XD

And, Arutea... @_@ You're an amazing artist. I wouldn't be surprised to see your animations in the future.

arutea 2007.04.27 01:59 AM

Thank you~ that's what I'm hoping to do. XD

nothing wrong with SD. =) It'd just be restricted to comedy though but it still sells cuz it's cute. ^^ Whoooa I like Junko Mizuno's work. =D

Lena-chan 2007.04.27 02:37 PM

when I write/draw doujinshi I also can't do a serious story >_<
I guess I have a problem of excess of happiness XD

HEDOfloe 2007.04.27 04:24 PM

Hey, check out this picture I did of Ringo. I did it during one of my classes because the lecture was SOOOO BORING :whacko:. I obviously did not have any reference pictures since it was done during class so it does not look exactly like her but I think it is close enough :D. Since my scanner is messed up I had to take a picture of it with my camera which is why I had to go into photoshop and clean it up, ALOT. I did all the shading with cross hatching, and the black bg I added in at home with some charcoal.

Anyway here it is:

This is the Image I was thinking of while I was drawing, as you can see I forgot exactly what the headdress looked like, I just knew there was one there :):

badtzmaru 2007.04.27 04:47 PM

OOOOOOOMG, that is so freaking good!!!! O_O Do more please, HEDOfloe!!!! >_< Wooow!!!! *_*


Originally Posted by Lena-chan (Post 3074)
when I write/draw doujinshi I also can't do a serious story >_<
I guess I have a problem of excess of happiness XD

I'd love to read your doujinshi. XD You still have to make one with the BlAcK ShiiNA and TJ. XDD

HEDOfloe 2007.04.27 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by badtzmaru (Post 3107)
OOOOOOOMG, that is so freaking good!!!! O_O Do more please, HEDOfloe!!!! >_< Wooow!!!! *_*

Thank you, I am planning to do a bigger one (since that was in my small sketchbook) of TJ after my finals since I will spend more time on it than on this one. Any suggestions? I hear everyone wants uki getting beat up but although that would be fun to do, I wanted to do something else, like a group portrait kind of thing.

CatchFiveBats 2007.04.27 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Lena-chan (Post 3074)
when I write/draw doujinshi I also can't do a serious story >_<
I guess I have a problem of excess of happiness XD

I've got the exact same issue writing music. One of my friends was amazed the other day when he heard a song I had made that actually sounded halfway-serious.

golem09 2007.04.28 01:57 AM

Hmm, I wouldn't recognize hear on the image, but the style, the hair and the hat... woW!

arutea 2007.04.29 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Lena-chan (Post 3074)
when I write/draw doujinshi I also can't do a serious story >_<
I guess I have a problem of excess of happiness XD

lol.. I have the opposite problem. I'm too serious. <_<

That's really good headofloe! Man I couldn't draw Shiina that good from memory. ><

frecklegirl 2007.05.01 03:23 PM

Hahahaaaa, those boobs are pretty... detailed *laughing*

HEDOfloe 2007.05.01 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by frecklegirl (Post 3484)
Hahahaaaa, those boobs are pretty... detailed *laughing*

What boobs are you talking about?

frecklegirl 2007.05.02 12:43 PM

Err, Ringo's of course, in that picture!

HEDOfloe 2007.05.02 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by frecklegirl (Post 3614)
Err, Ringo's of course, in that picture!

Oh, niiice ;)

frecklegirl 2007.05.02 03:44 PM

You're the one who carefully drew every detail of them. XD I find it amusing.

Tokyo Jihad 2007.05.02 03:58 PM

I didnt notice until Fyranosaurs Rex pointed em out :lol:

badtzmaru 2007.05.02 04:33 PM

o_O I don't see more details on her boobs than in in the rest of the drawing...


Originally Posted by HEDOfloe (Post 3110)
Thank you, I am planning to do a bigger one (since that was in my small sketchbook) of TJ after my finals since I will spend more time on it than on this one. Any suggestions? I hear everyone wants uki getting beat up but although that would be fun to do, I wanted to do something else, like a group portrait kind of thing.

A group portrait would be awesome, if you have time!! :D

HEDOfloe 2007.05.02 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by badtzmaru (Post 3654)
o_O I don't see more details on her boobs than in in the rest of the drawing...

A group portrait would be awesome, if you have time!! :D

Yea, my last final is next wednesday, but it is the only one I have after the one I have tomorrow so I'll be doing pieces of it during this week. It might be a while because I also wanted to color it on the pc so it might be done, hopefully before the end of this month.

HEDOfloe 2007.05.03 03:17 PM

Sorry for double post, but I just wanted to share a new picture I did with you guys. I finished my second to last exam today and I do not have my last one until next wednesday so I decided to reward myself by drawing this :D.

I think I did a good job balancing the lines with parts that I did not use lines to define, but I think I need to make the black outline a little sharper. I drew it from the picture in the ADULT booklet. Here is a little scan of it I found online.

Tell me what you think :D

golem09 2007.05.03 07:21 PM

wow, I still love your style, but this time I can't takte my eyes from the nose...
Superb Work!

HEDOfloe 2007.05.04 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by golem09 (Post 3799)
wow, I still love your style, but this time I can't takte my eyes from the nose...
Superb Work!

I think im going to have to re-do the nose. A couple of other people have mentioned that it looks weird too. @_@

badtzmaru 2007.05.04 08:26 AM

Oh wow, I thought you drew over that picture at first because her skin looks so realistic! *_* It's so smooth, and those lips, eyebrows, and eyeballs are fantastic!! I also think the structure needs a little work, but I think it stands out more awkwardly because of the sharp black lines. But then, I like the contrast it creates; it's interesting.

Can't wait to see it redone! :D Draw more, more!!

HEDOfloe 2007.05.04 09:19 PM

I went back to work on this picture again. I sort of fixed the nose in this one, I added more makeup in her eye and changed a couple of other things. Here is the newer one:

and here is a gif image of the two images so that you can see what things I changed. (just wait a little bit for it to change)

Tell me what you guys think :)

Mr. Go-mahn 2007.05.04 09:31 PM

Nice. You've gotten the nose better this time around. Really nice job on this!

I wish I had the patience to go back rework some of my old stuff, let alone finish any new stuff. I've had the biggest artist's block lately...

HEDOfloe 2007.05.05 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Go-mahn (Post 3891)
Nice. You've gotten the nose better this time around. Really nice job on this!

I wish I had the patience to go back rework some of my old stuff, let alone finish any new stuff. I've had the biggest artist's block lately...

Yea, I was surprised that I mustered up the desire to go back into the drawing and try to fix the nose. I usually do not go back to works I have "finished"

MBF 2007.05.06 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Tokyo Jihad (Post 1559)
Agenda Setting -- Patatoa

Why Control -- Patatoa

You can question the "artistic" values all ya want. Not so much an "artist" just doing stuff I like for profession (hopefully soon.)

This may be coming a little late, but I still want to comment on your vids.

Agenda Setting:
I like the... errr... storyboard (if that's what you'd call it) and the content of the dialogue - I also like your filmographic style (sorry if that's nonsense - not sure how to translate this into English - it refers to the positioning of the camera, the cuts, etc. ).
I just couldn't stand the actors - omg, please get yourself at least slightly talented actors for your works.. they're so spoiling everything (esp. than brown-haired guy)

Why Control:
Great cuts, nice ideas. Really liked it (even if I'm not sure, if it wouldn't have been better with some kind of BGM, like plain, quiet, slow piano sounds or sth.).

Tokyo Jihad 2007.05.06 10:16 AM

Aww, the brown haired guy is my best friend evar, and ideally he wasn't there to act in either video (hes historically my camera guy.) But each time I was hung by actors so he had to pinch hit for me. However, I thought he did amazering in the wall vid, he blew me away -- but granted I'd rather him behind the camera since that's where hes more valuable to me. As for "filmographic style" i guess the word "production" works, but I get what you mean ^_^

Thanx for the feedback, three-letter man.

MBF 2007.05.06 10:26 AM

Hey, I'm just criticizing him as an actor, not as a person =P

Tokyo Jihad 2007.05.06 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by MBF (Post 4052)
Hey, I'm just criticizing him as an actor, not as a person =P

Oh no, don't get me wrong i know :P

HEDOfloe 2007.05.10 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Tokyo Jihad (Post 4050)
Thanx for the feedback, three-letter man.


bebio 2007.05.11 07:00 AM

it's been interesting to read this thread. this is my stuff, that I work on maybe 2 or 3 times each year (I rarely ever draw anything outside of my course).


HEDOfloe 2007.05.11 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by bebio (Post 4711)
it's been interesting to read this thread. this is my stuff, that I work on maybe 2 or 3 times each year (I rarely ever draw anything outside of my course).


Hey, your drawings are pretty nice. Especially the featured deviation, the shading is good and you got the proportions pretty well, I couldn't comment though since DA is in read-only mode for some reason.

bebio 2007.05.15 07:44 AM

hey thanks, that's kind of you! *humbly bows in appreciation*
Take care! I'll do another drawing... next year! lol :D

JimmyKoria 2007.05.15 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by HEDOfloe (Post 4790)
Hey, your drawings are pretty nice. Especially the featured deviation, the shading is good and you got the proportions pretty well, I couldn't comment though since DA is in read-only mode for some reason.

The same, I was really attracted to his featured deviation for the same reasons. A lot of his other works were really good as well. I just wish I knew more about drawing so I could critique and leave decent comments.

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