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golem09 2007.04.08 01:13 PM

The Anime Thread
So, after the "Our Fav. movies" Thread I think it's time for an anime thread.

No.1 (That will never be beaten, never ever) Neon Genesis Evangelion
2. Haibane Renmei
3.School Rumble

Something like that.

I think Death Note will be No.2 very soon, but at the moment I have only seen 8 Episodes. It was too enthralling for me, so I decided to wait, until all the episodes are out.
When that happens I will watch alle episodes in 1-2 days with one of my friends. Can't imagine watching something in parts and/or without him. I watched EVERYTHING with him.
The only exception is Naruto and Monster. Naruto is still running and Monster has 76 Episodes, so we're watching it split apart.

Other anime I really like
- Kare Kano
- Serial Experiments Lain
- Boogiepop Phantom
- .hack// sign
- Love Hina
- Last Exile
- Noir
- Hellsing
- Chobits (Have to watch that again sometimes)

I'm currently planning to watch Ergo Proxy in the near future

So, what do you like?

badtzmaru 2007.04.08 01:35 PM

Gah, I haven't watched anime in so long because my computer is dying. >_<

I used to watch Naruto and Bleach, but fell so far behind that I gave up ever trying to catch up. I know everyone says the fillers suck, but I need to watch every episode or none. So, I've been sticking to the manga but I even fell behind in that. =_=;;

Other anime I've watched:
  • FullMetal Alchemist*
  • Samurai Champloo*
  • Scrapped Princess
  • Jubei-chan 1 & 2
  • Jigoku Shoujo* (What a waste of time... =_=+)
  • Black Cat* (Eh...)
  • Sailor Moon o_o;;
That's all I remember for now... (* = haven't finished series)

Anyway, I think my favorite anime is Mushi-shi. It was really beautiful in a simple and complicated way. *_*

Nimh 2007.04.08 01:36 PM

I'm with Golem.

1. Evangelion
2. All Miyazaki's stuff
3. Ghost in the Shell (movies and TV)
4. All Satoshi Kon's stuff
5. Cowbow Bebop (for the music alone)

golem09 2007.04.08 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by badtzmaru (Post 974)
I used to watch Naruto and Bleach, but fell so far behind that I gave up ever trying to catch up. I know everyone says the fillers suck, but I need to watch every episode or none. So, I've been sticking to the manga but I even fell behind in that. =_=;;

The fillers in Naruto were about 50 episodes long.
Now it's called "Naruto Shippuuden" with the first episode continuing the story. I did skip most of the fillers and my glad I did it.

CatchFiveBats 2007.04.08 02:29 PM

I've never been much of an anime fan, but I've watched a few.

Gundam Wing
Excel Saga
Puni Puni Poemy
Evangelion (although I don't remember any of it because my friend made me watch it over the course of 2 days, most of which was at night when I was half-asleep)

My favorite is probably Excel Saga, but that's only because it's so ADD and I have a short attention span. In terms of overall quality, though, I'll have to say Gundam Wing.

justriiingo 2007.04.08 03:01 PM

and Ghost in the Shell.
and Doraemon, when I was 5.
Don't really watch any others.

ChickShhh 2007.04.08 07:32 PM

For Anime:

One Piece
Dragon Ball XD
Yuu-yuu Hakusho

For Manga:

Tenjho Tenge
Air Gear
Blue Dragon
Death Note
Kindaichi Case Files
Detective Conan

Loire 2007.04.09 06:40 AM

I'm not into mangas that much (and even less for anime), but I really enjoyed reading Berserk and X. And I just started reading Death Note, it looks promising

CatchFiveBats 2007.04.09 07:40 AM

Oh, I didn't think about manga...I'm much more into that than anime.

Darkside Blues
Densha Otoko (the CMX release by Hitori Nakano and Wataru Watanabe, not the VIZ Media release and DEFINITELY not the lame Shoujo one, either)
Blade of the Immortal
Midori Days
Welcome to the NHK
Short Cuts
Love Hina

And a few other random mangas that I've downloaded online (I would list those too, but they're on my external hard drive that's not connected to my laptop right now).

While we're at it, why not list the J-Dramas we like as well? I'll start.

Densha Otoko
Kimi wa Petto
Nobuta wo Produce
Waterboys (1 & 2)
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon
Haruka 17
Shimokita GLORY DAYS

justriiingo 2007.04.09 08:02 AM

Waterboys is J-drama? Really?
I loved the movie! It's a riot!

I'm still following NANA, have been reading it for 5 years now. Man, that's such a long time.

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