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deadgrandma 2014.06.01 08:01 PM

Shiina Ringo 2014 Arena Tour and other events thread
Creating this thread so that the Reimportation album/tour thread doesn't get too messy!

Here is Kronekodow's official announcement regarding 2014 arena tour:



12月 9日(火)・10日(水) 


★『逆輸入 ~港湾局~』購入者先行受付もあり!
ただいま発売中の椎名林檎のセルフカバー・アルバム『逆輸入 ~港湾局~』には、チラシが封入されていて、アリーナツアーの先行受付の案内が明記されております。『逆輸入 ~港湾局~』の購入者だけの特典を、どうぞご享受ください。
And here is their announcement regarding 2014 Kyoto Onpaku Festival


■京都音楽博覧会2014 IN 梅小路公園

場所:京都梅小路公園 芝生広場


TurtleFu 2014.06.01 09:27 PM

If you want to see Shiina Ringo and live outside Tokyo, Osaka/Kyoto, or Fukuoka, tough luck I guess.
I feel really bad for Hokkaido fans.

kalmia 2014.06.19 01:29 PM

I have a little question that doesn't pertain exclusively to the 2014 tour. I'm still a bit new to the fandom and know very little about how Ringo's tours gone in the past. I know of a couple of the bigger tours and what they were all about, but... I guess what I'm asking is: Has she been pretty consistent with her tours? Maybe one mostly every year? Around the same time of the year? I won't be able to go to the 2014 tour but there's a possibility that I could if she holds one around the same time next year.

Parsec 2014.06.20 08:26 AM

Hmmm, well last year Toutaikai was in November, and the Tokyo Jihen Discovery tour was in November/December 2011, but as far as I know there were no tours in November/December 2012 or 2010, it's pretty hard to predict..

I also have a question. Does anyone have experience of buying tickets for Japanese shows from overseas? I've heard it can be pretty difficult, if not impossible for some shows. I'm fortunate enough to be in Japan when this Kyoto festival is happening, and it seems like there are presale tickets being sold now through Lawson: http://l-tike.com/pc/d1/AA01G04F1.do...&srcID=AA02G08 not sure how the system works though. E-tickets? Can I pay with my non Japanese credit card?

deadgrandma 2014.07.08 05:19 PM

Are we just gonna be in limbo regarding Ringo until these events now?

At least it's been an easier year on the wallet in regards to releases I suppose...

mrnarse 2014.07.08 07:46 PM

I'm surprised that we haven't heard news about any kind of Jihen 10th anniversary releases. I've been holding off on buying their live DVDs and Blus in the hope that they'd release a big Blu-Ray boxed set of everything like they did last year with her solo lives. I'm sure most of you long time collectors probably wouldn't be as welcome to them re-releasing some of the same stuff all over again, though.

I believe the pre-registation period for the upcoming lives just opened up yesterday for Ringohan members.

For those who bought Re-Importation and/or NIPPON, there's an insert in both of them with a serial number to register early for tickets too, but the registation period for that hasn't opened yet.

ShadyNook 2014.07.11 11:48 PM

I'll patiently wait for the concert bruray and look forward to a new original track or two with her industrial death metal band.

TurtleFu 2014.07.12 01:04 AM

I got that insert, I'm not going to use it. If I can find it I'll give it to someone who is going to be in Japan during the concerts.

deadgrandma 2014.07.16 07:08 AM

I guess this is "other event" related, but on Kronekodow:



Anyone know what this is all about? I'm too lazy/about to go to sleep right now...

mrnarse 2014.07.16 10:59 AM

It's a rebroadcast of a 2005 performance by Mukai Shutoku of Zazen Boys and Shiina Ringo from the program "Our Music". The show seems to be celebrating it's best performances over the last 10 years.

I'm guessing it's this:

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