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frecklegirl 2009.12.22 08:03 AM

The TV Thread
Let's talk about what TV shows we're watching!

For the 2009-2010 season, I am currently watching Ugly Betty, Castle, and The Office. Recently dropped Dollhouse (second season was starting out lame and it got canceled anyway so whatever) and wanting to start FlashForward but haven't yet. Occasionally some Big Bang Theory, but I still need to start over from the beginning. Will watch LOST when it starts in 2010.

For not-currently-airing television, I am watching Star Trek, the original series. A little over halfway through season 2.

Inaudible-Whisper 2009.12.22 08:28 AM

In the middle of the new seasons of Fringe, Glee, Dollhouse (not great, but it's about to finish so I'm not going to stop 3 episodes from the end), Glee, Community, House, Stargate Universe, V and Flash Forward. Just finished Californication, The Thick of It and Dexter. Will be starting 24 and Lost in January.

Aside from what is airing I need to finish off The Sopranos and I just started watching Mad Men.

fluffiethesock 2009.12.22 09:06 AM

Have any watchers of The Office been annoyed by Dwight's character recently? The writers really seem to be putting him way over the top far too often. He's been doing things that aren't in his character and that don't fit with the (original) style of the show. I cringe half the time he's on the screen. And they've sort of been doing the same thing with Pam since she decided to be more honest with everyone. It's just gotten a lot worse this season. She basically went from the sweet, quiet, subtly humorous character to a serious female Dwight. Other than those two, I think everyone's been pretty good this season.

Scribble R 2010.01.01 08:59 AM

The Twilight Zone. Watching eps here and there. The scenarios are unique and creative, but believable due to the whole 'exploring human nature' angle.

frecklegirl 2010.01.03 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by fluffiethesock (Post 65898)
Have any watchers of The Office been annoyed by Dwight's character recently? The writers really seem to be putting him way over the top far too often. He's been doing things that aren't in his character and that don't fit with the (original) style of the show. I cringe half the time he's on the screen. And they've sort of been doing the same thing with Pam since she decided to be more honest with everyone. It's just gotten a lot worse this season. She basically went from the sweet, quiet, subtly humorous character to a serious female Dwight. Other than those two, I think everyone's been pretty good this season.

Hmm... I actually kinda feel like Dwight is going back to basics here, and it's not out of character at all. And I love the new Pam, even if I'm one of the only ones. Yeah, her character changed--that's on purpose. It's a good change and I like it.

But I do think the season is headed downhill fast. I hope this is the last season because they're really running out of steam here.

I recently (finally) watched the first two FlashForward episodes. They were okay, but nothing special really. Does anyone here watch that and if so what do you think of it?

Glathannus 2010.01.03 06:41 PM

I've been following Flash Forward from the beginning, all the way up until the latest pre-hiatus episode. The show gets more intriguing later on, but it still hardly stacks up to LOST.

The active (or soon-to-be-active) shows I'm committed to watch, are Flash Foward, House, Lie To Me, LOST, Medium, Metalocalypse, Numb3rs, and V.
Currently I'm catching up on the episodes of LOST I missed when my satellite provider had a licensing disagreement with ABC (almost all of season 5 - which I now have on Blu-Ray). I'm also finally watching the adult-oriented Spawn TV series from the 1990s for the first time. They couldn't have picked a better voice actor than Keith David.

fluffiethesock 2010.01.04 03:03 AM

I think they could go on for a bit longer with the Office. It feels like Jim is slowly becoming Michael and Andy/Erin are slowly becoming Jim/Pam. And with the company being bought out, they could introduce people at corporate who don't like Michael and they could make Jim the boss/Michael a salesman or something. But yeah, it does feel like it's getting a bit dated at times.

bromithia 2010.01.04 08:34 AM

I'm watching Real World! I love the show- I don't care what anybody says, it's extremely entertaining.

mizer_unmei 2010.01.11 03:22 AM

Of currently airing shows I mostly stick to Mad Men and Gossip Girl. Neither of which have that cohesive of a plot and it's mostly out of habit/they look pretty that I watch them.
Just recently though I got into Brothers and Sisters. I'm only catching up on the 1st season now, but I got stuck on it because it's made by Ken Olin! Who's the second mastermind behind Alias. So it's a more dramatic less action, less-JJ Abrams-y version of Alias. But still with the fantastic scripts it had. (the first 2 seasons at least) Plus it's got Ron Rifkin, whom I <3.

Inaudible-Whisper 2010.01.11 05:19 PM

Wow, that last episode of Dollhouse was INSANE. By far the best of the series, and one of the best hours of television I've seen all year. For a show which can be so underwhelmingly average, Joss is making sure it goes out with a bang. The last bunch of episodes have been very solid. It's worth finishing the run Freckles, only 2 more episodes to go.

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