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frecklegirl 2007.04.04 02:19 PM

How to Donate
Due to growing demand, a donations link (for funding these boards) has been made available. The benefits (which are not meant to give you a big advantage over other members) are just our way of thanking you for your support, but if you donate at all, it should be because you care more about what you can do for the community, than what the community can do for you.

You might wonder why this community costs so much money, when most other communities are cheap (if not free).

The first reason is because we're not using one of the free messageboard systems. We're using vBulletin, which had improvements we thought were worth the cost. Thankfully there's no mandatory re-occurring costs for vBulletin itself because we have a lifetime license, but it's still a lot of money.

The second reason is for hosting. We could use free hosting, but it would either be not very fast, or not have very much space (all your attachments are really going to add up), or not be very accessible from behind-the-scenes when staff may want to make backups of the boards or do some major changes.

The third reason is because unlike the old community, we don't have advertisement banners on this site.

We will never hold this community hostage to donations. The vBulletin system and one year of hosting was paid for upfront without expecting anyone else to chip in. So donate if you're truly grateful for this community, because there is absolutely no pressure here. There is also no rush. You can take all the time you need to decide whether or not this community is worth donating to.

- The Electric Mole Staff -

After banning someone who donated then trolled very early, this community no longer accepts donations from members who aren't already fairly settled in and have a certain minimum of trust and respect to lose. We don't humanly decide who is or isn't eligible, because the system is automated. Donations will not earn you any slack, but you may get refunded at our discretion before we strip you of your Paid Member status. Being able to donate is a privilege, not a right. We won't just take money from anybody for any reason or no reason at all.

badtzmaru 2007.04.06 10:58 PM

Yay, thanks for setting this up! :) Since we're donating to help the community, the benefits don't seem necessary to me... But I'm not complaining (unless it costs more to have those features.)

Is there a way to donate just one time instead of purchasing a recurring subscription, though? I'd like to manually renew my subscription because I'm afraid I won't have any money in my debit card when my it automatically renews. >_<;;

Glathannus 2007.04.07 12:06 AM

You can go to your Paypal History and look at the Details of the "Subscription Creation". From there, either the Buyer OR the Seller can cancel. You still get the benefit of the most recent payment for however long it was supposed to last, not that you should care.

If you're afraid you'll forget about the subscription and not have enough money available when the time comes, then by all means, go ahead and cancel today. There is no drawback to doing so.

fluffiethesock 2007.06.24 11:44 PM

Is donating the same as becoming a paid member? And if I were to go down the latter route, would that money go to vBulletin, or would it actually end up with those who paid for this jammy?

Edit: never mind, I just had to follow the link. :p

But still, just to make sure, who receives the payment?

Inaudible-Whisper 2007.06.25 08:35 AM

I shall donate at some point. My moneys is low at the moment though :(

justriiingo 2007.06.25 08:42 AM

Glath does. After all he paid for the boards.

Ringo~Bingo 2008.07.05 06:31 AM

i would like to donate $22.00 but i do not have paypal! just Mastercard
*only 3% on purchases*:lol: are you able to accept/process a credit card payment ?

Glathannus 2008.07.05 08:04 AM

PayPal takes credit cards. They don't know or care how old you are, but you have to verify your card with them first. They'll do a couple of random tiny charges, then after you've checked your bank/credit statements and told PayPal the amounts, your card is verified.

PayPal will charge the recipient 3%, not you. MasterCard or Paypal may charge you for currency exchange, but that's only around 1%. This community doesn't directly accept credit cards, because that's a little too enterprising. You have to be some kind of a business to set that up, and similar to PayPal, the business has to pay small fees on each transaction anyway.

I suppose with the American dollar being so weak these days, now is a very good time for Europeans to donate. I expect it to rebound when we have a different President, not because much of the problem was Bush's fault or because the new President themselves would necessarily 'fix' anything, but mainly because world markets are so damn speculative like that.

Ringo~Bingo 2008.07.05 08:26 AM

Aww that's so annoying, I went to PayPal to set up but they would only take an account registered to a bricks & mortar bank! my prepaid MasterCard was not eligible which is garbage because it's not like I am some fraudster or whatever, I'm doomed to never reach the dizzy heights of a custom title & advanced search options. :hmph:

Retro Edit: I was able to sort out PayPal and donated \0/

Glathannus 2008.07.05 08:29 AM

Wow, I had no idea it was that difficult. Times have changed from when I was a kid snatching up Magic cards on eBay.

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