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Tokyo Jihad 2018.04.19 04:00 PM

welcome back everybody
I wondered what that plug was for...

deadgrandma 2018.04.19 04:53 PM

Fingers crossed this isn't just some weird anomaly.

zeroryouko 2018.04.19 05:26 PM

The vBulletin copyright notice says 2018 - so it's new software. I think this is for real...

Glathannus 2018.04.20 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by deadgrandma (Post 98242)
Fingers crossed this isn't just some weird anomaly.

Could be. This isn't my doing...


Originally Posted by zeroryouko (Post 98243)
The vBulletin copyright notice says 2018 - so it's new software. I think this is for real...

Copyright notices on websites often say the current year, even if the software version is ancient.

I don't just want to cross my fingers. I'm trying to unravel why this site is working now when it wasn't before, and I'm dumbfounded.


EMF broke when we got moved against our will to a new server with a different OS, and support for old versions of PHP (required by this old version of vBulletin) was dropped by the webhost at that same time. For security reasons I won't say what PHP we're currently running, except that according to all popular wisdom, this shouldn't be working. :blink:

This is the same old vBulletin version running on the same webhost we had before (just look at the Calendar which doesn't go past 2010), and they didn't send me any recent notices about un-breaking this site, or about anything else unusual/changing.

I will raise a huge stink with the webhost if they break this again, though.

a_grumble_cake 2018.04.20 01:05 PM

Thanks for all your effort, Glath. I never doubted you would bring the forums back.

Ringo~Bingo (ver. 2) 2018.04.21 07:44 AM

I wonder how many of the user base are still about?

Lena-chan 2018.05.03 02:25 PM

I can't believe the forums are back ;o;
I was so sad when I came back here and it wasn't working!
I thought I had lost you guys forever T_____T
I love you so much!!!!

Orenji 2018.05.03 06:16 PM

Oh, hi!

zeroryouko 2018.05.03 06:19 PM

It's awesome that so many of the old guard are coming back!

Osiris12345 2018.05.06 01:11 PM


Is this the real life? :blink:

EMF is back (even if according to Glath it defies all logic to be so)!!! I missed you guys! :lol:

I was going to say that we're like bumblebees defying the laws of physics across the interwebs but then I remembered that it's a misnomer that bumblebees do that. Damn it. We need another common thing people quote that is but shouldn't be.

In the meantime, good to be back!

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