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Ringo~Bingo 2008.07.28 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Inaudible-Whisper (Post 33348)
One of the first song I every wrote on guitar was called "Copyright My Face". Seriously!

:lol: well then if she goes for it then you can sue her!!!

Inaudible-Whisper 2008.07.28 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by ringobingo (Post 33349)
:lol: well then if she goes for it then you can sue her!!!

Haha, I will. It was about a man that wanted to be unique so he copyrighted his own face and claimed that anybody that looks like him must be executed. Eventually due to how far laws and the legal system can be stretched he starts making constant claims due to the fact that faces by the strictest of definitions are all pretty similar. Eventually he ends up executing everybody and is the last man on Earth, attaining his dream of being truly unique.

True story.

Ringo~Bingo 2008.07.28 01:01 PM

that sounds like quite an epic song:lol: it needs at least a 47 second guitar solo otherwise it'll be an injustice

Inaudible-Whisper 2008.07.28 01:13 PM

Unfortunately my guitar playing at the time was pretty awful. It still is :P

Ringo~Bingo 2008.07.28 01:15 PM

my guitar skills extend to Oasis's 'Pass Me Down The Wine' which i learned on tab rather than proper:(

Yahiko 2008.07.28 03:34 PM

the rules were there all the time and nothing happened until now...

now that it got translated everyone is scared..

thats kinda stupid

Ringo~Bingo 2008.07.28 03:35 PM

we were too stupid to read the Kanji:(
(Im not scared)

natsume 2008.07.28 03:48 PM

I kind of took the "If you take a picture of Hata on the street and post it, you are violating his portrait rights", as not exactly geared towards the majority of EMF members.

ShinjiPG 2008.07.28 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by natsume (Post 33360)
If you take a picture of Hata on the street and post it

Wouldn't that be the day :lol:

Anyway, I only mentioned how stupidly the Q/A is written. You think it's a serious matter and should be treated as such but then they go and write stuff like "Regardless of how cool it is" which make me laugh x)
It's clearly something geared toward the japanese fans, since copyright laws, in that country, are really serious business.

natsume 2008.07.28 06:11 PM

I thought a did see Hata a few months ago outside of a museum in Tokyo. Turned out to be some other hip young stylish guy (had the same hair cut/color as Hata in the Spa and Treatment interview sections) with a SUPER HOT girlfriend. Anyway, as usual I had my point and click in my front pocket, but it didn't occur to me to get it out.

But now that they have put the idea in my head....

(Portrait rights! Portrait rights! Must violate portrait rights! Muuuwahahaha....)

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