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-   -   How many Heisei Fuuzoku releases do you own? (or plan to own) (https://forums.electricmole.net/showthread.php?t=264)

Glathannus 2007.06.04 08:26 PM

How many Heisei Fuuzoku releases do you own? (or plan to own)
This isn't an "I'm better than YOU are" thread, but rather, it's to gauge the success of the album's unprecendented marketting, and possibly spark discussion on if they've gone too far with this album, or not far enough with some of the other albums.

For those of you who haven't been keeping track, there's the...

CD [Retail Packaging]
The bare minimum in packaging, content, and cost, for the late fan, or the casual fan. Unprecedented sound quality in a Ringo/Jihen release, that satisfies most audiophiles without even being a deluxe format.

CD [Limited Packaging]
Deluxe packaging, same content, and one of those "might as well" slightly increased costs that fans are often willing to pay while the album is still in stock, but only the most serious of late fans would pursue after it's already been sold out. Same great sound quality as the retail release.

DVD [Limited-Only]
Pre-Release Perspective:
This is for audiophiles first and foremost, but includes bells and whistles (motion graphics and bonus content and packaging) for other demographics, to ensure it gets sold out eventually. Anyone who already bought the CD, "wasted their money".

Post-Release Perspective:
This is primarily for the most serious Shiina Ringo fans who have to own every song and every PV. It's no replacement for the CD (which keeps the songs separated while the DVD crossfades them), but think of the DVD more as a big supplement. The packaging is quite deluxe, but (depending upon who you are) it too is no replacement for the limited CD. Secondary, this DVD is an almost-best-of-both-worlds of sound quality and ripping/nonproprietary-playback convenience, for folks who are waist-deep into audiophilism, but still have more equipment ahead of them to buy and a lot more to learn. Karisome Otome (DEATH JAZZ ver.) is included as a bonus [crossfaded just like the rest of the album], in a huge jump of quality and convertability compared to the iTunes release.

LP [Limited-Only]
For the serious fans who want the big packaging (although it doesn't include as many goodies as the DVD or the limited CD), or this is for an even slimmer minority of fans - the people who actually own turntables! A great companion for the DVD for people who can actually use this, and a possible replacement for the CD. Karisome Otome (DEATH JAZZ ver.) included here too.

e-Onkyo "HD Quality" Downloads [Original Versions]
This is audio only, and it's high quality, so it's aimed exclusively at audiophiles. As a Windows Media DRMed product, it shuts out a significant portion of the Shiina Ringo fanbase - who were already using Macs before she started advertising them. However, this delivers on one account where the DVD does not - each of the songs are completely separate, instead of crossfaded. And you don't have to go through the drama of waiting for a shipment. Karisome Otome (DEATH JAZZ ver.) included here too, and this time, without crossfading.

e-Onkyo "HD Quality" Downloads [Instrumental]
Same sort of deal as the afforementioned e-Onkyo downloads, but this is the only way to get the full versions of the instrumentals. The DVD credits feature condensed versions all mish-mashed together. This is equally for the serious collector or the serious audiophile, who are willing to try new (and increasingly complex) approaches of acquiring different content or better quality. This is eargasm for anyone who is both a serious fan and a serious audiophile. Karisome Otome (DEATH JAZZ ver.) included here too.

One thing to note about the DVD and the e-Onkyo downloads, is that they're all the same great audio quality, but on the otherhand, they pale in comparison to many of the classical recordings sold at e-Onkyo in the exact same technical specifications. Contentwise, of course we think Heisei Fuuzoku is ultimately more entertaining than any classical music out there, but the point I'm trying to emphasis - which many people might never discover on their own, is that great as these HF recordings are - they're not as great as they could've been. They're certainly better quality than any Ringo/Jihen recordings we've had before, but there's still some squandered potential.

Then there's two promo releases that I'm aware of, and possibly more.

Possible points to discuss are, is there anything (song or packaging) one release had, that should've been included with an earlier or later release?

Tokyo Jihad 2007.06.04 08:37 PM

I voted "none." I dont technically "own" any album of hers, and HF certainly wouldn't be the first I'd buy.

Now I dont fault anyone who buys it in some form. I certainly don't condone buying it more than once (unless the repeat is the LP, cuz I'm just a softy for records.) I'm of the "the DVD was a big trap for suckers" mindset.

/post 666. \m/rawk\m/ how fitting

justriiingo 2007.06.04 10:15 PM

I have the dvd. It's still sealed.

redstuff 2007.06.05 03:25 AM

I have the limited edition CD and that's all I care to own.

HEDOfloe 2007.06.05 06:40 AM

I have the retail packaging of the CD and the e-onkyo instrumentals. I wanted the limited edition and could have got it but I forgot that there was two versions when I pre-ordered it @_@ so I got stuck with the regular one. I wanted the DVD but I have alot of other things to buy now and it will probably be out of stock by the time I can buy it.

ps. E-onkyo still has not charged me, wtf?!

makenshiww 2007.06.05 07:33 AM

I have the dvd limited, and the cd limited, really thats all i need, but i really only needed the dvd limited right , since it comes with the album too?
or does it *checks*

Glathannus 2007.06.05 07:39 AM

Like I already said, the songs on the DVD are crossfaded, meaning you technically don't get the complete songs. If you were to rip the DVD and do some tweaks to get the songs onto a portable player, you'd still have that problem. The DVD is strictly a home-use-only sort of deal, while the CD is more general purpose.

The DVD and the limited CD each have some packaging goodies that the other doesn't have, too.

natsume 2007.06.05 03:23 PM

I can't help but think that this is a good example of marketing overload. It's almost absurd. I wonder if it was actually worth the effort, at least as far as recouping costs. I would much rather the energy had been put to some other use. A new comp of the CVs, the full footage of the Fuji Rock show, or whatever show that Ringo Onda thing is from. I'm still wishing Dai Ikkai had the full TJ performance.

But maybe it was an experiment, and maybe it had as much with the label as Shiina, as far as seeing how far they could push it.

I have the limited edition CD, so far unopenned. Might actually give it to a friend for her birthday.

Maou 2007.06.05 04:13 PM

I only own the limited version of the cd. I don't like it enough to double dip. I am glad I decided to double up on the Pirates movies though since the Blu-Ray version is simply stunning. I can see why some would want to upgrade if they liked the album.

golem09 2007.06.05 04:27 PM

hmmm... BluRay
Soon We'll have all her albums and singles on one Audio BluRay XD

I just have the limited and that's enough for me

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