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Glathannus 2009.09.07 04:55 PM

Site Downtime
We're being DDoS'd.
It's not specifically against us, but it's against the webhosting company in general.
Unfortunately there's nothing that any of us can really do about it, except wait for the webhosting company to 'fix' it somehow. (I'm not sure how you fix a DDoS)

Until the DDoS is resolved, you might think this site is back, but that doesn't mean this site won't be gone again a minute after you got back in. I've been trying to get in every minute for the past hour, and it's been extremely erratic.

TeslaGuy 2009.12.07 12:35 PM

EM temporarily inaccessable today
1 Attachment(s)
Approximately 3:50-4:25 PM EST.

Glathannus 2009.12.07 12:54 PM

It wasn't just an EMF problem.
Whatever it was - it affected the entire webhost throughout that duration.
Absolutely everything in relation to the webhost, was down - including their own status page for reporting ongoing problems. I've never seen a complete webhost outage before.

Glathannus 2011.06.15 09:21 AM

For those of you who noticed that EMF was inaccessible for a couple of days...

EMF has been running on a web server for a couple of years, in which file corruption problems were detected earlier this month. To my knowledge, none of our files were corrupt, but our community wasn't the only website running on this server.

So EMF's files (along with the files of a hundred other websites) had to get moved to a new server. The process didn't involve each of these websites gradually coming back online. None of the hundred websites were online again, until all of them had been moved. There was somewhere around 1.4 TB of data to move (for all the websites combined), and it looks like the webhosting company used internet connection(s) rather than internal network connection(s), for moving the data from one server to another. I don't know about the rest of you, but it would take me 2 solid months for my residential DSL to download this much data, or almost a whole year to upload. So although 2 days seems like an eternity in internet time, it could've been a lot worse.

I'm going to set up an alternate server or two (at no additional cost), so that if something serious (lasting more than a few hours) happens with our main server again, "forums.electricmole.net" can point us toward one of the alternate servers while the main server is still down.

At 2+ days of downtime, some of you probably thought this community was gone for good. Not on my watch. If worst came to worst and our webhosting company were to get bombed or something, we could bring a database backup to another webhosting company, and pick up from where we left off.

Entryâ„–1 2011.06.15 04:06 PM

Thanks a lot for the update, Glath. If anything, it highlighted how centralized the English-speaking Ringo fan community is around EMF. It's a great resource, but I feel like it's high time more sites started opening up. I have one in the works myself, and will let you all know about it as soon as it is complete, or ready for input (it will be largely text-based and focus on articles/information contributed by other fans).

Glathannus 2011.06.20 02:51 PM

Alright, folks.

I know full well about these 504/Gateway errors, and I've been bitching to our webhost about it almost every day. Each time I've bitched, they've found something which conceivably could be the cause of the problem, and they 'fixed' it. Each day, the problem persists anyway.

This is a bigger mess than when we were involuntarily moved from an older Shared Hosting server to newer one. After the 2 solid days of downtime we had before all this sporadic downtime, I'm not going to put up with this for much longer. We've been paying for better service than that (via not-the-cheapest option), and we were getting exactly the service we deserved before this week.

I'm now exploring options for possibly moving EMF from Los Angeles to Europe, if our current hosting doesn't improve soon.

justriiingo 2011.06.20 05:51 PM

Thanks Glath!

Glathannus 2011.06.21 03:39 PM

I'm furious now, at our current webhost.
We just got an hour of downtime before I told the server to 'reboot', then it was another 15 minutes before we were back in business.

From now on, if happen to be around, and I find the site to be unresponsive for at least 5 minutes at a time, we're probably already into a rut which would last much longer if we gave it the chance, so I'm simply going to reboot - even if that reboot takes another 15 minutes. It's better to be down for 20 minutes instead of 60+.

Since reboots get logged (because they're a Big Fucking Deal in the webhosting business), it ought to speak louder than my words. I'm not rebooting just because I can. Until we get moved to a different server (or something), I'm trying to do whatever will result in the least amount of downtime, if we have to experience anymore of it at all.

justriiingo 2011.06.23 01:25 AM

more downtime again today it seems?

Glathannus 2011.06.23 01:40 AM

And I just rebooted for the 3rd time in the last 24 hours.

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