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ShinjiPG 2009.04.27 04:47 AM

Link to a specific Post in a Thread Page
I wonder if there's anyway to link to a thread page and specify a post on that page in the URL.

For example, the URL for a thread page looks like this:
t is for topic number and page is for page number. I tried adding "&post=Z" but it doesn't work. What's the correct way of doing it (if there is one)?

justriiingo 2009.04.27 08:25 AM

you mean like this?

you can get the link by clicking the post # at the top right corner of the post.

ShinjiPG 2009.04.27 08:42 AM

Well, you kinda helped xD
Because in that link, it's possible to get what I want, but I never noticed before lol. In the upper-right corner, click in the thread title link. You will end up here:
Which is what I wanted: to show the page where the post is, but to scroll down to the post. Pretty much like this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interne...rum_structure).
So it seems what I need to specify in the URL is the number of the post in overall terms, and not just the number of the post in the thread.

Well, this is getting confusing to explain, but nevermind! Thanks a lot JR :)

justriiingo 2009.04.27 08:53 AM

Oh okay I get what you're trying to link.
Good that you found out.

you're most welcome :)

Glathannus 2009.04.27 02:05 PM

Trying to link to a "page" number isn't a great idea. You have to understand that not everyone sees the same quantity of posts per page. I personally see 50 posts per page, so "Page 4" in a massive thread means something very different to me than it does to you on the default setting.

You might want to try the post tags. No matter how many posts-per-page someone is set to view, it will jump them to the appropriate page from their own settings standpoint, and let them see what else is on that page. I use post/thread tags a LOT. I don't recommend full URLs because they'll stop working if we ever have to change domain names. [post] tags don't care what domain name our community is operating under. We could be operating under multiple/simultaneous/mirrored domains and a post tag will still take somebody to the appropriate spot within the standpoint of the domain name they were already visiting.

Go to FAQ > Reading and Posting Messages > Are there any special codes/tags I can use to markup my posts? > For more information about vB code, click here.

(the reason I don't link straight to it is because I'm mindful about the possibility that such a link may not necessarily work in 5-10 years).

ShinjiPG 2009.04.27 02:42 PM

It seems I've been doing it wrong all along!
That's even simpler than I thought, thanks a lot for the explanation. And I might as well test it.

EDIT: Yep, works.

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