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DrIdiot 2010.07.01 09:10 PM

Good Chinese Music?
I've always been of the opinion that Chinese popular music was... well, sort of bland. But recently, I found a mainland electronica band, 卡奇社, that's actually pretty good. They're pretty good at blending genres and a few of their songs actually have a very Chinese quality to them.

A few others I've found that were also pretty good are 曹芳, from the mainland, and 陳綺真, from Taiwan.

Anyone have any other recommendations?

mizer_unmei 2010.07.01 11:17 PM

Faye Wong is my favorite Chinese artist everrr.


She literally makes the Chinese language sound like the most beautiful thing on earth.

lazer85 2010.08.12 07:24 PM

my chinese is not 0 but it's close, could you romanize these please. And would be happy to learn more

D.K.Liu 2010.08.12 11:22 PM

What exactly would you like to be romanized?
王菲-扫兴(掃興) sao.xing which can be translated as killjoy

I don't listen to a lot of Chinese popular music, but I'd recommend a look at an album called Ping-heng (平衡/balance) by Aadia (阿弟仔). It's the most interesting fusion traditional Chinese and metal/rock that I have encountered.

TeslaGuy 2010.08.14 03:41 PM

Oops, posted in the wrong thread...
Since I can't delete this, I spent a little time finding something interesting, electronic and Chinese. A bit odd, perhaps, but I am completely unfamiliar with Chinese contemporary music. I actually like an occasional arty thing.

林桂如 Kueiju Lin、Chris Cobilis - 大風吹 displaced (part 1)

the fox 2010.08.14 07:49 PM

DrIdiot, perhaps you would like 這位太太 (Mrs. This). Their style changes a bit from song to song so I'd check out a few different ones to get an idea, but on occasion they and 卡奇社 are not too dissimilar.
這位太太 - 情歌 MV

Or maybe 魏如萱 (Wei Ru Xuan)

But seriously, Faye Wong cannot be stressed enough. She's released an absurd amount of material, ranging from enjoyable to orgasmic. No one really quite compares. <3
王菲 - 假期
王菲 - 將愛

bebio 2010.08.15 12:05 PM

Cold Fairyland

Solemn, Silent Circle

Dead Children In The Newspapers

Live 2

Live 3

TeslaGuy 2010.08.15 02:16 PM

That was some really cool music! I am intrugued...

lazer85 2010.08.16 06:32 AM

Damn the fox, you are on a roll! That's the first time in months that I found a list of musicians I didn't know that all sound like I could get into

lazer85 2010.08.16 06:33 AM

Bebio that stuff is not so bad either.

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