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Jonny 2007.10.10 02:19 PM

The Grand Creep Thread
^*^*^*^*^* THE GRAND CREEP THREAD *^*^*^*^*^*

(I'm satisfied with my art)

Ok for some reason people like to cover this song and this song only!

I'm talking about Radiohead's creep
Radiohead - Creep

Of course you know

Ringo - Creep

Then there is one of my favourite takes

ACO - Creep

And also Jaurim's: http://shiinaringo.se/annat/Jaurim-Creep(live).mp3

U got any other ones?

Lena-chan 2007.10.10 03:10 PM

I think Jihad posted it before

Kermit - Creep

this is so good, I heard it even before heard SR version

Richard Cheese - Creep


Korn - Creep

o.o even a brazilian singer does creep cover

Pitty - Creep

golem09 2007.10.10 04:18 PM

When I first read the thread title, I thought "What the hell? The big crepe thread? Damn, I'm hungry"

Lena-chan 2007.10.11 09:46 AM

when I 1st read the title, and it was close to uzumaki thread, I thought "O.o horror manga thread??!!" and "GUROGUROGUROGUROGUROGURO"

Tokyo Jihad 2007.10.11 10:51 AM

I thought Mugg was making a thread about himself :shrug:::wub:

Lena-chan 2007.10.11 10:54 AM


badtzmaru 2007.10.12 07:21 PM

Thanks for Jaurim, Jonny! :D I liked ACO's version too, but she pronounced creep weird. o_o (I always mix her and UA up for some reason.)

This is a coincidence, I just watched a Japanese band covering this song, but I forgot who it was. I guess it does get covered a lot. @_@

On Firefox, does anyone know how to keep YouTube videos to keep playing even when they're not in your screen? The song always stops playing when I move to a different tab or scroll down the window. x_x

Jonny 2007.10.14 03:20 PM

The youtube thing only does that sometimes. Like, not all of the time. And I think it has more to do with Flash. Since if you browse another page showing some Flash banners or whatever Flash contents, if you had a thing playing in youtube it will continue...

badtzmaru 2007.10.14 08:05 PM

I noticed that, too!! @_@ (And it's working when I go to another tab now! =_=) Hmm, if you haven't figured out how to solve it yet, maybe there is no solution. o_o Oh well...

MBF 2007.11.18 11:05 AM

lol... moby... o.O


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