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Tokyo Jihad 2008.03.31 04:12 PM

EMF: A history || 1 Year anniversary
A long, long time ago there was nothing (well, a shitty Yahoo group was all.) Two earthly spirits known as Loire and Sakura clasped together their hands, and then there was Ringo Jihen. Soon after the impetus, there came flocks of Mugg’s named Jonny, Freckled Girls, Jihads from Tokyo (though there was yet not such a snappy name), and…well I can’t think of anything clever for Maou, Migoto, Scherbert, or Cjhobbies but they were all there too. golems from the west, Lena’s from the south, Inaudible Whispers carried from the moors, and other Op2mystic little critters gathered. And there was…not a whole hell of a lot to talk about for a while. Through out our first Educational experience together, we were all a bit quiet, not until the electrical exit of Dynamite did the land truly spark to life.

When the citizenship surpassed their maturity, or Adulthood, factions began to form. The “haters” some were called. And everyone adopted a new favorite past-time, debates. And we took that shit seriously! We developed our own rules and regulations for the sport. But some did not enjoy or understand this new hobby. Several new characters immerged through the fog such as Fluffie socks, Kuro nekos, Evil boxes and our #1 head ninja, a combo of the Paris persuasion.

The forum’s new past time quickly became explosive with Heisei Fuuzoku, and a certain imbroglio that came along with it. Much like real deities, Loire and Sakura didn’t often make themselves visible to the community they birthed – in fact, also like real deities, it seemed like they ignored their creation all together! Everyone, how ever, paid their respects all the same. But in this absence, the land fell under a new regime. As usual under a new regime, at first all is well, but things quickly grow corrupt. Some were outraged. In this time of unrest came new radically polar faces like HEDOfloe and Justriiingo. Also new was Glathannus who at the time had not yet learned to make a post less than 300 words in length. He was quite knowledgeable, in fact so knowledgeable he was briefly imprisoned for it (apparently for knowing more than the administration.) For a year, a raging feud had dragged on. The Great “Hirama v. Uki” flame war, still continuing today, had consumed much of the land. So it was decided that fighting of this subject would be contained in a dedicated area. However, in spite of this on one fateful March afternoon (EST), renowned and vocal “hater,” Maou voiced his opinion in the “Hirama v. Uki” thread. Because our then leader did not agree with Maou’s unsurprising and well understood thought he was banished. Tokyo Jihad, age-old drinking buddy and chauffeur to Maou, saw the act occur and denounced the administration in protest, calling for blood. He too was banished. Also, Glathannus was kicked out again just for good measure despite he was not even near the crime scene. The administration tried to cover up the massacre, make it seem as though nothing had happened. Surprisingly, throwing out the three noisiest members wasn’t an easy thing to keep quiet. Many were outraged, some then new members didn’t mind at all (and I still know who you are, don’t think I don’t!) And that was the end of Ringo Jihen, it succumbed to its long hypothesized case of AIDS.


The Banned Three they were dubbed. Maou, Jihad, and Glath. (otherwise known as Chevy Chase, Steve Martin, and Martin Short – in that order.) With Jihad’s ability to keep typing about the same thing day after day, Glath’s ability to set up computer related doo-dads and bank roll something other than rare unopened cassette tapes, and Maou’s ability to go missing for weeks at a time, they led the exodus to the promised land – Electric Mole Forums. The new land was given its blessing by the creator, Loire and important veterans like Emil, and Mugg and Linnea of “.se”. In spite of the fact there was a second new forum created – with a much better name, Ringo Catalog—eventually all the users made the migration (except for Evil who took his sweet-ass time.) And there was much rejoicing.

And then Variety came out and it was back to normal, the debates raged harder than ever before. Much to everyone’s dismay. But that’s the land we love!


1 year later, EMF is starting to see its first true wave of “n00bs.” I for one think that’s pretty cool, even if they don’t quite yet understand “how we do things around here” yet. But stick around and see what sort of crazy conundrums we find ourselves in this season! Such as:

:: Chickshh’shs long lost twin!?
:: Someone is getting engaged?? It could happen!
:: A new neighbor arrives – uh oh! There goes the neighborhood!
:: Who shot Mr. Burns? Was it JR?
:: Cosmo interrupts Jihad and Lena’s wedding! What secret has he been hiding?
:: One of the new guys drops a bombshell on the forum! Is it Shinji? Or is it Kamikaze?
:: Heeee’s baaaaaacck!
:: Dr. Ross finally gets serious with Nurse Hatthaway
:: Migoto and Catch5 post!
:: Hedo travels to a foreign land, and you’ll never guess who he meets!
:: How do Fluffy and Whisper become radioactive, and what were they doing at that abandoned reactor core so late?

All this and more this year on EMF!
Yes, im a few days early. Sue me, bastards =p

HEDOfloe 2008.03.31 04:36 PM

I haven't read all of it yet since I'm supposed to be doing school work, but I'd just like to say that the polar faces of Hedo and JR actually used to get along pretty well on MSN for a while. I don't know what happened.

Maou 2008.03.31 04:48 PM

^ She was seduced by an evil Demon King.

HEDOfloe 2008.03.31 04:56 PM

^ I believe it :D

RollOverHobo 2008.03.31 05:03 PM

....I vaguely remember Ringo Jihen.....I was a new member right around the time that happened (and I immediately took off when I saw things sour) and luckily enough I returned later to see that everyone had moved on to a new forum.....I changed my name (I forgot what it had been)and here I seem to exist now:D...I liked the colors of the old forum....this is one is too....clinical....:D

frecklegirl 2008.03.31 05:08 PM

what?? let's not forget that I helped the "Banned Three" accomplish their goal by informing the rest of RJ about the bannings, and posting on the temp forums, and helping everyone move in here. It was not just you guys leading the revolution!

Tokyo Jihad 2008.03.31 05:13 PM

^ that.

I just didnt want to dwell on the Aids, I coulda gone on and on y'know.

Cosmo! 2008.03.31 05:41 PM

I remember Ringo Jihen. I posted (even) less there than I do here. I liked it! (So says the guy who doesn't have AIDS.)

I hate to break it to you like this, Ji, but Lena has no intention of marrying you. I seduced her with my natural sexy times a long time ago.

Glathannus 2008.03.31 05:43 PM

Does there need to be a gladiatorial fight to the death for Lena-chan's hand in marriage?

Inaudible-Whisper 2008.03.31 06:01 PM

That is the greatest thing I've ever read, and I've read the whole of Wikipedia*. Seriously though, that should be chapter one. Moar!

Me and Fluffie are about to set off in search of Badzt. First stop, a used reactor core.

*don't be silly, of course I haven't.


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