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deadgrandma 2022.10.27 06:11 PM

Ringo commited a war crime/her remix album
Cause it wasn't covered here from what I can tell

Shiina Ringo was meant to have a remix album released on November 30, entitled "Hyakuya no Cho"

The Universal special edition was meant to come with a choice of merch, including one that represented the Japanese help mark. In short, Japanese people went OFF, outlining that it is illegal to reproduce it, technically a war crime, and the Tokyo Government stepped in.

Now, the merch is being changed and the album has been delayed to a date of "to be confirmed" with no further updates.

The remix album itself is sorta interesting because of it's participant list:

"Participating artists from Japan are Ajino Namerou, Ishino Takkyu, KID FRESINO, Okamura Yasuyuki, Ovall, Osawa Shinichi, STUTS, and Sunahara Yoshinori. Additional artists include Gilles Peterson and object blue from England, Miso from South Korea, and Telefon Tel Aviv from the United States. The remix of "Ishiki ~Consciously~" by Osawa will feature Daoko as well."

For now, the release sits in limbo and I am guessing it won't see light of day until 2023.

thespidereggs 2022.11.08 04:53 PM

Coming from the States it's pretty incredible what passes as controversial in Asian countries. For the coverage this scandal seems to be attracting you'd think Ringo committed a school shooting (again, from the States lol...). I guess this was insensitive and probably could have been avoided with better branding guidelines or whatever, but it's a victimless act and the goods were shelved. It's not like Ringo designs her own graphics. Slow news month?

Oh well, if TJ could weather the Hata scandal when Ringo will be fine I'm sure. This makes me wonder how much the general public is outraged vs news outlets though.

On another note, it's interesting to see Ringo incorporate some Korean into her recent lyrics (in Ongaku's Gingamin) and now invite a Korean artist to remix her song. I look forward to listening to this one whenever it's out, although I hope it's a precursor to something greater - her 25th anniversary is around the corner.

kanzaki 2022.11.30 10:32 PM

In my headcanon Ringo was NOT involved in the production of this remix album at all.

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