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Scribble R 2012.04.06 04:20 PM

"Jiyuu e Michidzure" theme song to "Ataru" drama



Allegedly it's an up-tempo rock number. http://www.sponichi.co.jp/entertainm...002992250.html

It's on Kronekodow with a statement by SR. http://www.kronekodow.com/gaiko/120407ataru.html

Guitar: Hiroyuki Hayashi from POLYSICS
Bass: Ishihara Satoshi Going Underground
Drums: Sakurai Makoto from Dragon Ash

deadgrandma 2012.04.06 04:38 PM

Very interesting. I've only heard polysics out of them other guys and I remember the guitar work was not too shabby....

No keys either... interesting, most interesting.

Tokyo Jihad 2012.04.06 05:19 PM

drums, guitar, bass not by kameda,no keyboards.


Glathannus 2012.04.06 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Scribble R (Post 82747)
Guitar: Hiroyuki Hayashi from POLYSICS
Bass: Ishihara Satoshi Going Underground

They must've crossed paths with Ringo during the production of this.

deadgrandma 2012.04.07 12:11 AM

I noticed that it isn't a 7 character song name, another indicator that this is her truly moving past the final stage with TJ...

At least I'm hoping. Even if this new song isn't her best, I'm hoping/guessing that it will at least sound like a fresh start. I don't think people should be expecting Shouso Strip, but it's been a long time since Ringo did a solo rock song (well, perhaps Yokyou or Ariamaru Tomi count, but this has been described as "up-tempo")... and with just a basic, standard rock band structure, it's hard not to start building images/expectations in your head. Perhaps it will sound along the lines of some of those Chiaki songs like Cold Finger Girl- which I think would be great coming from Ringo.

I'm sure I'm gonna like it- I'm pretty damn easy going with whatever Ringo does (a Ringo stan if you will), but it will be nice to see a song that everyone likes for a change. But that's probably just wishful thinking. But if worse comes to worst- at least it's new stuff- hopefully leading to more new stuff :-p

Kingyohime 2012.04.07 05:12 AM

Ohhhh yeah, good news! Not like ANY news wouldn't be good news to me; I never thought for a moment that this would be the last we've heard of Ringo, but it's nice to be reassured so soon.


Originally Posted by Glathannus (Post 82753)
They must've crossed paths with Ringo during the production of this.

Quite possibly. She refers to them as "old friends of the same age" in her comment, which makes sense given the song title (Jiyuu e Michizure would be something like "fellow travelers on the path to freedom").

Scribble R 2012.04.08 12:43 AM

Preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jILMnEQt61k

It sounds a bit Jiheny from the clip. Atarashii Bunmei Kaika... =|

deadgrandma 2012.04.08 01:19 AM

This isn't surprising really, Tokyo Jihen only just ended/it's a TV theme. But yeah, I want her to drop that sound as much as anyone in the future. If I had to choose I'd prefer more SG/Carnation single than more TJ anyday of the week.

But yeah, only a sample, though, I don't think it's gonna win any new hearts/rekindle old flames.

a_grumble_cake 2012.04.08 02:24 AM

I think she would need a musical reboot (pregnancy?) to really get rid of that sound. She did it once in the past so it's not impossible. For her straight up broadway stuff I always figured she's listening to a lot of similar stuff at home and that is why she's producing songs that are basically imitations of that sound. Maybe that's what is happening with this sound as well.

waxringo 2012.04.09 05:50 AM

They removed the clip and now I wanna punch kittens.

I guess I will have to wait the 6 days until the drama is aired.

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