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badtzmaru 2007.04.03 10:47 AM

Reputation System
I was wondering if someone could explain the reputation system to me. (I searched the FAQ, but couldn't find any articles on it.) I've been on a board that used a karma system, but other members couldn't add to them like on these forums. Actually, it was more like a warning system instead, so never mind. =_=;;

Anyway, what kind of posts should we 'approve' of? :confused: I already 'approved' one of Golem's posts, so I'm sorry if we weren't supposed to use it yet. >_<;;

Nimh 2007.04.03 06:18 PM

The rep system is like giving "props" to somebody's post.

Each time you say "I approve" of someone's post, it adds 1 to his/her reputation factor, and depending on how many you have, you are given a cute reputation "level." I won't give away what the levels are, or how many points you need to get to the next level.

If you say "I disapprove," of someone's post, that user's factor is subtracted by 1, and again, there are cute "levels" going the other way.

It's like World of Warcraft, only you're not wasting your life. :)

Huruhara 2007.04.03 06:28 PM

Oooh, the idea's nifty! I wonder, in what ways does it benefit the people with good rep? Access to rare files? And what happens if a person is not "cute" enough?

badtzmaru 2007.04.03 06:34 PM

Oh, so it's up to us to decide what kind of comments to we want to approve of. :D Thanks, HIMH NIMH Rat! :)

Oh yeah, I added a point to Golem's reputation level but it still says 0. :confused:

Migoto 2007.04.03 06:38 PM

Won't people just start approving everyones posts, and expect to be approved too?

Glathannus 2007.04.03 06:46 PM

Suggested DOs and DON'Ts for Reputation:

1.) Did you find a post to be amusing or insightful? If so, then yeah, absolutely, go ahead and approve it!

2.) Don't hit or boost someone just because you agree or disagree with what they're saying. If their post was controversial, was it also fair to other people? (note: someone doesn't have to be right in order to be fair with difference of opinion)

3.) You're judging the posts, not the person. It is perfectly okay to hit someone for one thing they said, and boost them for another. Don't go around Reputation-hitting someone's posts just because of who they come from.

4.) You're encouraged to use the system so long as you have reasons each time you do. Staff can see who boosted who and for 'what', and if people are just boosting all of each others' posts for no reason at all, a moderator may have to sit down and have a talk with you.

Nimh 2007.04.03 07:46 PM

I actually prefer it the way Glat describes. Better that the power level not be something easily attained, but something slowly built over time, so it's not a constant thing on users' minds and the place doesn't degenerate into a mutual approbation society, as Migoto describes.

EmilScherbe 2007.04.04 03:08 AM

I hava an experience of this system at other forum, and dislike it.
It's worked as barometer of how you are logrolling.

This kind of features represent what I worried about this new community is about.
Only vocal posters are importrant.
And most of them are Americans because of English language board.

frecklegirl 2007.04.04 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by EmilScherbe (Post 330)
This kind of features represent what I worried about this new community is about.
Only vocal posters are importrant.
And most of them are Americans because of English language board.

That's not true. You have nothing to worry about. I personally don't really plan to use the reputation system at all, at least until I get used to it, and I can't see anyone else here going crazy with it either.

And PLEASE stop saying things about there being so many Americans here. I've said this to you before, this is an INTERNATIONAL forum. We have people from Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Sweden, all over. We just post in English.

Tokyo Jihad 2007.04.04 11:51 AM

My reps should count more than others. Cuz Im freaky like dat =P

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