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Old 2007.08.01, 08:12 PM   #5
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1. Service- It's nice to have an inside view of them being themselves, rather then showing face and performing a certain way. It makes you know they are just perfect cyborgs. And that they're all too cute. I love it.
2. Kenka Joto- I dont know why, but I really love this pv. it's just weird and entertaining. it's really the song. the song grabs me up.
3. Osca- It's fun to watch and any girl that has a flask is hot. i got a mini one for my keychain after I saw this.
4. Sounan- I love this video because of it's simplicity and it is absolutely prettiful. It also started my love for fascinators.....
5. Himitsu- I really like this video. It's clean and sophisticated. I like the image. A lot!
6. Shuraba- This video kind of disturbs me. I like a lot of things but at the same time, I don't like some pieces. It still has a high rating on my list.
7. Lady is a Tramp- They rocked it!! I like the vid more that g.b. cause the come together a lot more. I like how the camera cuts behind them and you can see everything....
8. Gunjyou Biyori- I like this video, but I don't think it was appropriate for the first pv released by a new band. I know it showcased them really well, made their faces known...but if you didnt know who they were, you probably didnt care. they are all known in their own way and they music is great, but no one is going to stupid mid-channel surfing to watch that. I do love the song a lot.
9. Killer Tune- The name leads you astray. To listen to the song, it sounds very very passionate. The video is too clean for the song, I feel like she should have kicked someone's dog or smacked some hoe in the face when she was getting down. It didnt really fit her voice.
10. Dynamite- T&A. and fireworks.
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