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Old 2008.07.20, 07:17 AM   #78
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 64
Nebularus is headed in the right direction

At a TJ concert in Osaka back in 2005 (I think?), I was dared to shout something in English to the band between songs (I was a bit drunk from pre-concert drinking and pumped from seeing TJ live again so I acquiesced). If you've been to or heard a live Japanese concert you'll know that people are always shouting things to the band like "Kawaii" or "Kakoii," etc. Anyway, I couldn't think of anything good to say (I was thinking "Apple!") so I shouted "I love your hair!" to Hirama. He actually responded "I love you too" (in English!) and then SR asked whether there was a foreigner in the crowd (in very polite Japanese). I shouted "Yes" and she said thank you. True story. So , I guess in a way, she knows (knew?) that I exist.
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