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Old 2007.05.19, 07:39 PM   #15
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Nimh deserves a fucking medal

Okay, so I finally saw "Linda Linda Linda" today (the original topic of this thread before my intrepid co-moderator tweaked it).

Loved the movie, until the end! All the way through I'm totally into it. No melodrama, no slick gimmicks, just a well-told story. I'm loving these characters, enjoying their quirks, and by the time they're rushing to get to the stage at the end, in the pouring rain that's drawing a huge crowd into the school auditorium, I'm ready for a dramatic explosion.

Then the fucking DVD glitches out!

I missed the last 7 minutes of the fucking movie! This whole thing is leading up to this one performance of this Blue Hearts song, and this all-girl amateur band I've gotten to know like my own sisters shows up late in rain-soaked clothes, and the suspense of whether or not they're going to pull off a performance, and how, is nearly killing me. Then just before they get ready to go onstage, the DVD dies.

Fucking Netflix!
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