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Old 2009.12.31, 12:17 AM   #48
True Final Boss
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Glathannus knows what you did last summerGlathannus knows what you did last summerGlathannus knows what you did last summer

If it weren't for file-sharing, there would hardly be any international fans at all - aside from the people who have spent a significant amount of time in Japan. Since this is a forum for international fans, it's to be assumed that at least 95% of the members have downloaded at least some of the CD/DVD material they have played.

Part of the reason we have this community (as opposed to Ringo Jihen), is so that any possible 'side' of a debate can speak more freely. Tokyo Jihad has the right to be openly dissatisfied with any release he does or doesn't own. While you also have the right to call him out - attacking the guy himself is hardly what I would call a legitimate counterargument.

Saying that someone has to own a release before they can bitch about it, is a double standard if you're not also calling out the members who praise the releases they don't own.

I have more copies than even you might believe (a lot more than just two), of almost every release beyond Dynamite Out. I'll just say the extra copies are on extended "virtual loan" to any of the most reputable members (including Tokyo Jihad) who want to review those later releases without actually having physical possession of them. Would that satisfy your sales quota?

The only time I have a problem with leechers reviewing a release, is when they talk about it before the majority of people who actually paid for the material finally have access to it.
You know Tokyo Jihen is a supergroup, when you can't blame most of the members for wanting to pursue other projects.
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