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Old 2010.02.15, 06:00 AM   #78
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Tsuki pleased at least somebody

Originally Posted by kuro_neko View Post
ooh macbeth? what makes you think that?
("Fair is foul and foul is fair / Hover through fog and filthy air" is one off the more prominent lines from the Weird Sisters in Macbeth. Macbeth himself says "So foul and fair a day I have not seen," which I think is one of his first few lines. One way to interpret the lines is that something that seems good might be bad, and something that might be bad might ultimately be trying to help. It'd be interesting to see a Ringo take on this lyrically, so I'll be eagerly waiting for translations.

As for the criticism about song composition, it must be recognized that the relationship between a solo artist and the higher-ups is different from a relationship with a band and those same higher-ups. Shiina isn't being marketed. Jihen is, so every contribution has to be heard for people to associate the music with the members. This is especially important when a band first starts. But I digress.

And Iiii'm pretty excited to hear the sooongs, man. And the MUSICA interview sounds pretty awesome. It's cool to get some insight on co-writing. Any news on what else was brought up in the interview?
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