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Old 2011.11.15, 09:40 PM   #1536
True Final Boss
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Join Date: Feb 2006
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Glathannus knows what you did last summerGlathannus knows what you did last summerGlathannus knows what you did last summer

Everything you've just described, sounds about 99% consistent with my experiences in Demon's Souls (Dark Souls' PS3-only predecessor).

I didn't start to feel "in-control" (if there is such a state of being) until I could more-consistently parry/riposte - although that's a gamble I'm still much too chickenshit to attempt with really strong enemies (such as Red-Eyed Knights).

Bosses were actually among the least scary enemies, because they're more predictable, you're better-able to avoid line-of-sight (from some distance you can more-likely maintain), and one hit from them wouldn't quite kill you. As you well-know by now, there's plenty of other mofos who are much more dangerous.

Ditto about the surprise on the bridge, too.
You really don't know how un-revolutionary Dark Souls is, but it's good to hear you're able to derive satisfaction from it somehow.
I'm trying not to hold it against Dark Souls that it's more accessible and popular, but as someone who hasn't had enough time to beat Demon's Souls (and from seeing all-too-familiar testimony like yours), I seem to have no reason to jump on Dark Souls yet.
You know Tokyo Jihen is a supergroup, when you can't blame most of the members for wanting to pursue other projects.
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