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Old 2012.05.16, 04:52 PM   #129
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TurtleFu deserves a fucking medal

Originally Posted by deadgrandma View Post
What is offensive, is that someone could take that much offense from a show that is obviously not offensive. It's like you just HAD to find something to be offensive in it so you could complain.
Yeah... no
I admit I am more sensitive to many issues that most people are all too happy to ignore (namely, the rights of the disabled, women's rights, gay rights, etc.), but that hardly makes me some kind of vampire who subsists on outrage.
I'm perfectly capable of talking about things I like, as I am about things I dislike.

And I'm sure somewhere out there, there is a detective who is diagnosed with an ASD.
Okay, let me try to explain it this way. Are you familiar with the TV Show "Monk"? It's about a detective who has OCD, which is part of the reason who is so good at looking at fine details for clues. On the surface, this seems like something I would complain about, right?
But, in reality, the show went to lengths to establish that Monk was more than just OCD, he was an actual person. Sure, some of the jokes were at his expense, but many were at other peoples expense, reacting to his behavior. His character had nuance, and was not just a pairing of two traits ("OCD" and "Detective")

And what about the new Sherlock Holmes? Holmes in that series certainly has many traits in common with someone diagnosed with an ASD. But, again, Holmes has actual characterization aside from his "disorder".

Ataru, on the other hand, has no nuance when it comes to the autistic detective, and this is jarring when the other "normal" characters all have some more characterization than basic archetypes. Why is the autistic character treated with least amount of characterization, as if autistic people are non-complex and don't require nuance, as if they are aliens or outsiders? These are issues I have to deal with everyday, so don't treat me like some fanatic. I am not being unreasonable.
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