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Old 2012.05.22, 07:54 PM   #1641
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Originally Posted by TurtleFu View Post
So, I just bought myself a PS2!
I've NEVER owned a Sony console before, and I'm really excited.
I also got a PSP for free! (1st Gen)

I was going to buy a PS3 (1st Gen) that could play PS2 games, but I decided I didn't want to play twice the money when all I really want to do is play PS2 games.

Hey! I waited ~10 years to get a PS2, I can wait a couple more for a PS3

Any Recommendations? PS2 and PSP
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 1 + 2 <---Favorite Atlus title
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 +4
Zone of The Enders 1 + 2
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence(it's the extra cut version)
Ico <---Love the fuck out of this game.
Shadow of the Colossus
Resident Evi: Dead Aim (hopefully you can get a Guncon2 controller- this is secretly one of the best games of the series)
Capcom vs SNK 2
Vampire/Darkstalkers Collection
Ys (any one you can get)
Chaos Legion (capcom shouldn't have let this IP go so easily, lots of good ideas)
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core
Ultimate Spiderman (no joke. It was amazing.)
Kingdom Hearts 1 + 2
Silent Hill 2+3 (4 is ok too)
Odin Sphere
Star Ocean 3: til the end of time
Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams (another franchise capcom let die.)

Final Fantasy X (X has the better story but the battle system of X-2 makes the game very addicting) and XII (You will hate it, stop playing it for 4 months, pick it up again, and love it. I think you should cheat to just get rid of the license system issue, it was a really bad idea that even bad it's way into the later Ivalice Alliance games.)

Last edited by LoBFCanti : 2012.05.22 at 08:06 PM.
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