Thread: Mid Year Review
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Old 2012.07.15, 08:07 AM   #2
Superficial Fan
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I'd definitely be interested in checking out the Sa DingDing album.

No, my list is going to be a very short list. So far these are my only favorites of the year. Maybe I need to try harder:

Matthew Shipp - Elastic Aspects - This reminds me a bit of Equilibrium (2003), my favorite Shipp album so far. Like that one, this has a clear overall structure, so it has a bit of a suite-like feel (broadly speaking). Brooding postmodern chamber jazz. Sorry, but I'm in a hurry and that's the best I can do. (On Spotify.)

Elio Villafranca/Arturo Stable - Dos Y Mas - Honestly, I need to listen to this one more before truly making up my mind. I'm not into Latin jazz much at all, but I think I tend to prefer it when it's stripped down like this. I hear some pretty adventurous things going on hear rhythmically, at times, but it's hard to put them into words. Villafranca is a great young piano virtuoso from Cuba, and a charismatic performer live. Stable is a similarly talented percussionist. (On Spotify.)

Zaki Ibrahim - Every Opposite. This one too I need to give some more time, but it's impressed me enough I'm willing to go with it. Ibrahim is a Canadian singer with South African roots. I've already posted a great dance remix video for one of her songs that nobody responded to, so I may be alone here in caring about this. Incredible voice over R&B/dance/pop/dance-pop, etc. Feels very independent to me. The full album is streamable here:

Looking forward to the new Janelle Monae, I guess. Also will check out the archival collection DJ Q is putting out, since he played a big role on my favorite album from last year. Probably a bunch of other stuff I'm looking forward to but have forgotten.

Last edited by Superficial Fan : 2012.07.15 at 09:49 AM.
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